

单词 诱使
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERSUADE〕As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire. 作为一种减少劳动力的方法,给工人们现金诱使他们退休。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕The ads entice young people to smoke. 这些广告诱使年轻人吸烟。朗文写作活用〔agent provocateur〕A person employed to associate with suspected individuals or groups with the purpose of inciting them to commit acts that will make them liable to punishment.内奸,坐探:受雇与嫌疑人或团体联系的人,诱使他们公然犯罪以使其受到惩罚美国传统〔bait〕Service stations use petrol as bait to lure motorists into the restaurants.服务站用汽油当诱饵, 诱使开车的人进餐馆。外研社新世纪〔bait〕They used fake signal lights to bait the enemy ships onto the rocks.他们用假信号灯诱使敌船触礁。21世纪英汉〔charm into〕His wife charmed him into buying her a fur coat.他的妻子诱使他给她买了一件皮大衣。21世纪英汉〔charm〕He charmed them into believing him.他诱使他们相信他的话。英汉大词典〔coax〕I coaxed the monkey into its cage.我耐心地诱使那只猴子入笼。文馨英汉〔corruption〕He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people.他断言电视中所宣扬的色情与暴力诱使青少年堕落。牛津高阶〔delude〕Her conceit deluded her into believing she was important.她的自负诱使她相信是自命不凡的。21世纪英汉〔draw〕The lure of city life has drawn away many of the town's young people.城市生活诱使许多年轻人离开了小镇。韦氏高阶〔draw〕They drew the poor child on with false promises.他们用虚假的诺言诱使那可怜的孩子说话。英汉大词典〔entice〕People are being enticed away from the profession by higher salaries elsewhere.别处更加丰厚的薪水诱使人们辞职另谋高就。剑桥高阶〔entice〕She resisted attempts to entice her into politics.有人试图诱使她从政, 她不肯。外研社新世纪〔entice〕The adverts entice the customer into buying things they don't really want.广告诱使顾客购买他们并不真正需要的东西。剑桥高阶〔entice〕They enticed him into joining the conspiracy.他们诱使他参与阴谋。英汉大词典〔entice〕Try and entice the child to eat by offering small portions of their favourite food.给少许孩子爱吃的食物,设法诱使他们吃饭。牛津高阶〔entrap〕He claimed the government had entrapped him into doing something that he would not have done otherwise.他声称政府诱使他做了他本不会做的事。外研社新世纪〔entrap〕He claimed the government had entrapped him into doing something that he would not have done otherwise.他声称政府诱使他做了他本不会做的事。柯林斯高阶〔entrap〕The questioner entrapped him into an admission of guilt.审讯者诱使他认罪。21世纪英汉〔feminine wiles〕She used her feminine wiles to entice him to give her the job.她使出女人的伎俩诱使他给了自己这份工作。韦氏高阶〔high〕Academics were being lured abroad, by promises of higher salaries and better facilities.提供高薪和先进设施的承诺诱使学者们前往海外。外研社新世纪〔inducement〕Businesses were offered inducements to move to the area.诱使人们把企业搬迁到该地区。朗文当代〔inducement〕They offered voters a massive inducement to oust the president by announcing that sanctions would be lifted if there was "democratic change".他们宣布如果该国进行“民主变革”,制裁就会取消,以此巨大诱惑诱使投票人罢免总统。剑桥高阶〔induce〕I can't think what induced her to marry him.我想不出是什么诱使她嫁给他的。麦克米伦高阶〔induce〕No one knows what induced him to leave.没人知道是什么诱使他离开。韦氏高阶〔induce〕Nothing could induce me (= I definitely cannot be persuaded) to climb a mountain/ride a bike.没有什么能诱使我去爬山/骑自行车的。剑桥高阶〔induce〕Nothing would induce me to take the job.没有什么能诱使我接受这份工作。牛津高阶〔induce〕Nothing would induce me to vote for him again.没有什么能诱使我再投他的票了。朗文当代〔inveigle〕She inveigles Paco into a plot to swindle Tania out of her savings.她诱使帕科加入到骗走塔妮娅积蓄的阴谋中。外研社新世纪〔invite〕To entice; tempt.怂恿;诱使美国传统〔lactogenic〕Inducing lactation.诱使乳汁分泌美国传统〔lead〕The brochure led me to believe that the price included home delivery.这本小册子诱使我相信价格中包含送货费。剑桥高阶〔lull〕The police lulled me into believing that they did not suspect us.警察诱使我以为他们没有怀疑我们。朗文当代〔lull〕Their reports lulled us into a false sense of security.他们的报道诱使我们产生一种虚假的安全感。麦克米伦高阶〔lure〕The hunter lured the fox into a trap.猎人诱使狐狸落入陷阱。英汉大词典〔lure〕The police lured him back to the scene of the crime.警察诱使他重返犯罪现场。韦氏高阶〔old-timer〕This has tempted some old-timers to sell out.这诱使一些老职工卖掉了股份。外研社新世纪〔overstretch〕Credit cards can tempt you to overstretch yourself(= spend more money than you can afford).信用卡能诱使你超额消费。牛津高阶〔persuade〕Using a bunch of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.动物园管理员用一串香蕉诱使猴子回到了笼子里。剑桥高阶〔play ... out〕When their initial lure had played out, the pioneers of the West found other attractions to induce them to stay on.这些西部拓荒者的最初的诱惑力逐渐消失之后,他们又转而寻找别的兴趣诱使他们继续留下。21世纪英汉〔seduce〕The promise of huge profits seduced him into parting with his money.高额利润的许诺诱使他把钱交了出来。牛津高阶〔sucker〕It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones.当局想诱使经营状况良好的银行接管小银行是越来越难了。外研社新世纪〔tempt〕His success tempted many others to try the same route.他的成功诱使很多人走和他一样的路。外研社新世纪〔tempt〕Nothing could tempt me to take such a step.什么也不能诱使我采取这样一个步骤。英汉大词典〔tempt〕She will be offering a package worth about 40 million dollars, to tempt the rebels into agreeing to disarm.她将开出价值4,000万美元的一揽子交易, 诱使叛军同意缴械投降。外研社新世纪〔tempt〕She will be offering a package worth about 40 million dollars, to tempt the rebels into agreeing to disarm.她将提出价值 4, 000 万美元的一揽子条件,以诱使反叛分子答应解除武装。柯林斯高阶〔tempt〕The Serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit.那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果。21世纪英汉〔tempt〕You try to tempt the defender into making a tackle.你想法诱使防守队员来阻截。麦克米伦高阶〔trap〕The lawyer tried to trap the witness into admitting that she had lied.律师试图诱使证人承认她撒了谎。韦氏高阶〔white slaver〕A procurer of or trafficker in white slaves.诱使妇女为娼者:迫使或贩卖妇女为娼者美国传统〔wile〕To influence or lead by means of wiles; entice.引诱,诱骗:通过使用诡计来影响或怂恿;诱使美国传统I hadn't intended going to the party, but she managed to entice me.我原本不打算参加晚会,但她想法子诱使我去。剑桥国际It's so easy to get credit--it's inviting people to get into debt.取得信贷这么容易,这是诱使人们借债。剑桥国际She was offered a large block of shares as an inducement to take the job.给她一大堆股票诱使她担任这份工作。牛津商务The gift was meant as an inducement to silence.这件礼物是为了诱使对方保持沉默。剑桥国际The offer of a free TV tempted her into buying the car.免费赠送的电视机诱使她买了那辆车。剑桥国际The warm weather seduced me away from my studies to go for a walk. 温暖的天气诱使我放下书本去散步。译典通They tempted him to join the company by offering him a large salary and a company car.他们答应给他优厚的薪水和一辆公司汽车,诱使他加入公司。剑桥国际




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