

单词 诱人的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕The staff includes many top scientists who left attractive jobs elsewhere to join the hard-driving CEO. 员工中有许多是一流的科学家,他们辞去了别处条件诱人的工作,来追随这位干劲冲天的执行总裁。朗文写作活用〔DELICIOUS〕Contained in the pages of the book are tempting recipes from around the world. 这本书中收入了世界各地诱人的菜谱。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕Of course, it is tempting to criticize other countries and close your eyes to all the problems of your own society. 当然,批评其他国家而对自己国家的社会问题视若无睹,是很诱人的做法。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕The federal government is offering attractive tax breaks to corporations that relocate in areas of high unemployment. 联邦政府向搬迁到高失业率地区的公司提供诱人的减税优惠。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕From across the room, I noticed that Philip was giving me a seductive stare. 我从房间那头看到菲利普用诱人的眼光注视着我。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕She was encouraged to use her feminine charms, to be coy and alluring. 她更有信心地运用自己女性的魅力,显出娇媚诱人的姿态。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Many small investors are taking advantage of these attractive share offers to make a quick profit. 许多小投资者利用这些诱人的股票发行机会来赚快钱。朗文写作活用〔air〕A delicious smell filled the air.空气中弥漫着一股诱人的香味。韦氏高阶〔attractively〕Co-operation was more than just an attractive option, it was an obligation.合作不仅仅是诱人的选择,它也是一种责任。柯林斯高阶〔attractive〕The job of colonial administrator was an attractive prospect for young men who sought adventure.对于追求冒险的年轻男子来说, 从事殖民地行政官的工作有非常诱人的前景。外研社新世纪〔beauty part〕There's plenty of food, and the beauty part is that it's all free! 这儿有许多吃的,而且最诱人的是全都免费!韦氏高阶〔beckon〕To be inviting or enticing.吸引:吸引注意的或诱人的美国传统〔beguile〕He beguiled the audience with his smooth and seductive voice.观众为他那流畅而诱人的嗓音所倾倒。韦氏高阶〔can〕How can I possibly refuse such a charming invitation? 我怎么可能拒绝这么诱人的邀请呢?麦克米伦高阶〔chalice〕Some people even claimed that he appointed his political rival only in the belief that he was giving him a poisoned chalice and that he would not last more than a year.有人甚至说,他之所以任命自己的政治对手,是因为他知道所给的职位是杯诱人的毒酒,接受者肯定撑不过一年。柯林斯高阶〔coffee〕An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。牛津搭配〔delectable〕Delectable smells rose from the kitchen.厨房飘来诱人的香味。朗文当代〔delicious〕Delicious aromas were floating from the kitchen.厨房里飘出了阵阵诱人的香味。韦氏高阶〔dishy〕Good-looking; attractive.漂亮的;诱人的美国传统〔emanate〕Wonderful smells were emanating from the kitchen.从厨房传来诱人的香味。朗文当代〔enticing〕It was an enticing prospect for poor villagers.对贫穷的村民来说, 这是个诱人的前景。外研社新世纪〔enticing〕The kitchen was filled with the rich enticing smell of spices.厨房里充满了各种调料浓郁诱人的香味。麦克米伦高阶〔exude〕The roast Peking duck exuded a delicious aroma.北京烤鸭散发出一股诱人的香味。21世纪英汉〔fat〕Abounding in desirable elements.优厚的,诱人的:充满大量所希望的成分的美国传统〔free〕This attractive poster comes free with the magazine.这张诱人的海报是随杂志免费赠送的。牛津搭配〔gauntlet〕Luxury car firm Jaguar has thrown down the gauntlet to competitors by giving the best guarantee on the market.豪华轿车生产商捷豹公司推出了市场上最诱人的保修服务, 向竞争对手发出挑战。外研社新世纪〔gauntlet〕Luxury car firm Jaguar has thrown down the gauntlet to competitors by giving the best guarantee on the market.豪华轿车生产商捷豹公司推出了市场上最诱人的保修服务,向竞争对手发出了挑战。柯林斯高阶〔invitingly〕The soup steamed invitingly.汤发出诱人的热气。外研社新世纪〔invitingly〕There is an inviting restaurant with an outdoor terrace.有一家诱人的带露天阳台的饭馆。柯林斯高阶〔lure〕An attractive window display can help to lure shoppers into the store.诱人的橱窗陈列可以招引购物者走进商店。韦氏高阶〔luscious〕Having strong sensual or sexual appeal; seductive.肉感的或引起性欲的;诱人的美国传统〔mouthwatering〕Look at those mouthwatering desserts.看那些诱人的甜点。剑桥高阶〔proposition〕Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition.轻松赚钱总是件诱人的事。外研社新世纪〔proposition〕Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition.轻松赚钱总是件诱人的事。柯林斯高阶〔proposition〕The offer of two tickets for the price of one makes it a very attractive proposition .以一张票的价格买两张票是个很诱人的提议。朗文当代〔repackage〕To package again or anew, especially in a more attractive package.重新包装:再次或重新包装,尤指包在一个更精美诱人的包装物内美国传统〔siren song〕An enticing plea or appeal, especially one that is deceptively alluring.诱人的恳求:诱人的恳求或请求,尤指那些带有欺骗性的诱惑的恳求或请求美国传统〔sneaky〕There's always the temptation to take a sneaky peek at the presents under the Christmas tree.去悄悄地偷看一眼放在圣诞树下的礼物是件诱人的事。剑桥高阶〔spread〕The roast beef spread its delicious smell.烤牛肉散发出诱人的香味。21世纪英汉〔strength〕I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer.她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的工作机会, 我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。外研社新世纪〔strength〕I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer.她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的提议,我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。柯林斯高阶〔tantalize〕A tantalising aroma of roast beef fills the air.空气中充满诱人的烤牛肉香味。柯林斯高阶〔tantalize〕The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them.新鲜咖啡那诱人的香味向他们飘来。牛津高阶〔target〕The damaged ship presented a tempting target.这艘损坏的船成了一个诱人的目标。牛津搭配〔temptingly〕If you're slimming, resisting tempting goodies becomes a measure of your 'success' as a woman.你要是在减肥的话,能否抗拒诱人的美食就成为衡量你作为一个女人是否“成功”的标准。柯林斯高阶〔tempting〕It was a tempting offer.这是个诱人的提议。牛津高阶〔tempting〕There are still lots of tempting offers on nearly new cars.接近全新的汽车还有许多很诱人的优惠。麦克米伦高阶〔thought〕It's a very tempting thought.这是很诱人的想法。英汉大词典〔traveller〕Attractive discounts are available to frequent travellers.常旅客可以享受诱人的折扣。牛津搭配〔wile〕The music wiled him from his study.诱人的音乐使他无心学习下去。英汉大词典From the kitchen came the tantalizing smell of garlic.厨房里传出诱人的蒜香。剑桥国际Look at those mouth-watering cakes.看那些诱人的蛋糕。剑桥国际Naomi is an arresting-looking woman.纳奥米是个美貌诱人的女子。剑桥国际Pop videos offer a heady cocktail of sex, love, low morals and larger-than-life characters.通俗影碟会提供溶性、爱、低级趣味和夸张感的角色为一体的诱人的大杂烩。剑桥国际She luxuriated in the sensuous feel of the silk sheets.她尽情享受丝绸床单所带来的诱人的感觉。剑桥国际She's bought herself a slinky black dress for the party.她为参加聚会买了一件紧身诱人的黑色连衣裙。剑桥国际The enticing sound of laughter drew her into the next room.诱人的大笑声把她吸引至隔壁房间。剑桥国际The house was set in attractive countryside near Oxford.这幢房子坐落在牛津附近景色诱人的乡间。剑桥国际The music wiled him from his study. 诱人的音乐使他无心学习下去。译典通The smell of garlic drifted enticingly out from the kitchen.诱人的大蒜的香气从厨房中飘出。剑桥国际Two weeks in the Caribbean is a beguiling (= attractive) prospect.在加勒比海呆上两星期真是个诱人的期待。剑桥国际What a delectable-looking cheese-cake! 多么诱人的奶酪饼啊!剑桥国际




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