

单词 进行投资
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTH〕An investment in my company would be to our mutual benefit. 对我的公司进行投资会对我们双方都有益。朗文写作活用〔attack〕The committee yesterday launched a scathing attack on British business for failing to invest.昨天,该委员会严厉指责了英国商界未进行投资。柯林斯高阶〔fabric〕We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.我们必须对医院建筑进行投资并开始重建工作。剑桥高阶〔investment〕This country needs investment in education.这个国家需要对教育进行投资。牛津高阶〔invest〕The industry has failed to invest in new product development.该行业没能为新产品的开发进行投资。牛津搭配〔invest〕You need to think about investing for your retirement.你需要考虑为了退休进行投资。牛津搭配〔precludable〕Their move does not preclude others from investing.他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。21世纪英汉〔pull ... in〕They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors.要吸引投资者进行投资,他们需要有高利率。21世纪英汉〔resource〕Lack of resources has prevented the company from investing in new technology.资金缺乏使公司未能对新技术进行投资。牛津搭配〔risk〕Farmers invest in irrigation to manage risk in drought years.农民们在灌溉上进行投资,以便能在旱灾之年应对风险。牛津搭配〔short-sighted〕It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.政府不在技术研究方面进行投资,实在是目光短浅。剑桥高阶〔surplus〕Surplus cash can be invested.多余的钱可以进行投资。朗文当代A company may need money for an investment or to on-lend to someone else.公司可能会需要钱进行投资或转贷给别人。牛津商务Investment in labour-saving technology became the key to economic growth.在节省劳动力技术方面进行投资已成为经济增长的关键。牛津商务It was shrewd of you to make that investment.你那次进行投资是明智的。剑桥国际It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.政府没有对技术研究进行投资实在是目光短浅。剑桥国际She decided to invest her inheritance.她决定将她继承来的遗产进行投资。牛津商务Under the terms of the trust deed, the trustees can decide how to invest any profit.根据信托契约,受托人可以决定如何将利润进行投资。牛津商务We identified five key areas for investment.我们确定了五个重点领域进行投资。牛津商务We need more investment in commuter lines to persuade people to leave their cars at home.我们需要更多地对交通线路进行投资以劝说人们把汽车留在家中。剑桥国际




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