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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-icity〕if someone disputes the authenticity of the document. 若有人怀疑这份文件的真实性柯林斯高阶〔back〕issues of the magazine back of 1980 这份杂志1980年以前出版的各期英汉大词典〔cold〕took the exam cold and passed; walked in cold and got the new job. 贸然参加考试并且通过了;贸然走进并获得了这份新工作美国传统〔confer〕a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility onto the administration's actions. 这份措辞谨慎的声明确立这些行政措施的可信度美国传统〔determined〕determined attempts to find the document为找到这份文件而进行的坚定不移的尝试外研社新世纪〔elate〕her feelings of elation at being chosen for the job 得知被挑选做这份工作时她兴高采烈的心情韦氏高阶〔elevated〕the magazine's elevated British tone这份杂志高贵的英伦情调外研社新世纪〔eleventh hour〕turned in the report at the eleventh hour. 在最后时刻交上了这份报告美国传统〔equip〕training that will equip you for the job 使你能够胜任这份工作的培训朗文当代〔full〕the enormous detail in this very full document. 在这份内容十分全面的文件里包含的海量细节柯林斯高阶〔full〕the enormous detail in this very full document这份十分完整的文件中的大量细节信息外研社新世纪〔gestation〕in gestation The report was a very long time in gestation. 这份报告酝酿了很长一段时间。朗文当代〔hard copy〕print a hard copy of the report 打印一份这份报告韦氏高阶〔intent〕this strong statement of intent on arms control这份有力的裁军意向书外研社新世纪〔intimidate〕couldn't be bulldozed into hiring a less than acceptable candidate for the job. 不可能因为威胁而雇用一个不太合意的候选人做这份工作。美国传统〔perusal〕a casual perusal of this list. 随意翻看这份清单柯林斯高阶〔plus〕plus Some knowledge of Spanish is a definite plus in this job. 做这份工作懂一些西班牙语绝对占优势。朗文当代〔put〕put sb/sth first/second etc The job's important to him, but he puts his family first. 这份工作对他很重要,不过他还是把家庭放在首位。朗文当代〔reader〕regular readers of the newspaper 这份报纸的长期读者韦氏高阶〔reading〕an unusual reading of the old manuscript. 这份陈旧手稿的非同寻常的样式美国传统〔rival〕his chief rival for the job 和他竞争这份工作的主要对手朗文当代〔salient〕the salient points of the report 这份报告的要点朗文当代〔sift〕sifted through back issues of the magazine. 仔细审查这份杂志的过期期刊美国传统〔singularity〕a former sales executive singularly unsuited for the job. 特别不适合这份工作的前任销售经理柯林斯高阶〔strong〕a strong candidate for the job 有望获得这份工作的人选牛津高阶〔thematic〕assembling this material into thematic groups把这份材料按主题归整分类外研社新世纪〔undisputed〕in spite of the undisputed challenges of the job. 尽管这份工作确实具有挑战性柯林斯高阶〔undisputed〕in spite of the undisputed challenges of the job尽管这份工作无疑具有挑战性外研社新世纪〔unsurpassed〕the Hamburg weekly, surely unsurpassed in the world for its intellectual range and quality. 在汉堡出版的这份周刊视野广博,见解深刻,无疑卓绝于世柯林斯高阶〔verisimilitude〕questions about the verisimilitude of the document 关于这份文件真实性的问题朗文当代the compilers of the report 这份报告的编撰者牛津商务




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