

单词 迅速的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕Electronic publishing is a rapidly expanding field. 电子出版业是一个增长迅速的领域。朗文写作活用〔BUSINESS〕E-commerce is still a small but fast-growing part of the U.S. economy. 电子商务仍是美国经济中规模较小但增长迅速的部分。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕No one doubts his ability to get work done quickly. 他办事迅速的能力无人怀疑。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Garbage collection is a growth industry, thanks to growing volumes of garbage -- up 2-3% a year. 垃圾收集是个发展迅速的行业,因为垃圾量在日益增加—一年增长2%到3%。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The Internet may be booming, but the list of failed dotcom companies is getting longer and longer. 互联网也许有很迅速的发展,但是倒闭的网络公司也越来越多了。朗文写作活用〔Pharaoh hound〕Any of a breed of sleek, swift-running hunting dog originating in Egypt and having a short, glossy, tan coat and large, pointed ears.法老狗:一种皮毛光滑、奔跑迅速的猎狗,原产于埃及,并有光滑的黄褐色短毛和尖尖的大耳朵美国传统〔accordingly〕The world is changing rapidly; our plans must change accordingly.世界正发生迅速的变化,我们的计划必须相应地改变。英汉大词典〔acquirer〕A business with so much growth is sure to generate interest among potential acquirers.发展如此迅速的企业必然会引起各收购公司的潜在兴趣。剑桥高阶〔act〕Acid actson this metal quickly.酸对这种金属的作用是迅速的。英汉大词典〔aquaculture〕Farming finfish, shellfish and aquatic plants, known collectively as aquaculture, is one of the world's fastest-growing food sectors.饲养有鳍鱼类、有壳水生动物以及种植水生植物统称水产养殖,是世界上目前发展最迅速的食品产业。剑桥高阶〔area〕The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。牛津高阶〔area〕The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.近年来发展迅速的是健身俱乐部。牛津搭配〔canvass〕He located some of the desired items after a quick canvass.经过一番迅速的查询,他探明了他所需要的一部分东西的存放地点。英汉大词典〔crossfire〕Rapid, heated discussion.唇枪舌剑,激烈交锋:迅速的、激烈的讨论美国传统〔decision〕He is very much a man of decision and action.他是一个遇事非常果断、行动极为迅速的人。柯林斯高阶〔dull〕Lacking responsiveness or alertness; insensitive.迟钝的:反应不迅速的;不敏感的美国传统〔fast〕Children's publishing is a fast-growing business.儿童出版是一个发展迅速的行业。剑桥高阶〔fast〕The government has promised a fast response to the crisis.政府已保证会对危机作出迅速的反应。麦克米伦高阶〔fire〕A rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.火:散发出光和热并伴有火焰的迅速的、持续的化学变化,尤指易燃物质放热的氧化作用美国传统〔first aid〕There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处理。柯林斯高阶〔flight〕A swift passage or movement.飞驰:迅速的经过或移动美国传统〔hurried〕Moving or acting rapidly.迅速的,快速的:快速移动或行动的美国传统〔order〕With no delay; quickly.快的:迅速的;不延搁的美国传统〔prompt〕You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions.你执行所有这些命令可真够迅速的。外研社新世纪〔prompt〕You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions.你执行所有这些命令可真够迅速的。柯林斯高阶〔pulsejet〕A jet engine in which air intake and combustion occur intermittently, producing rapid periodic bursts of thrusts.间歇喷气机:一种间歇性地进行气体吸入和燃烧并产生迅速的周期性猛推力的喷气式发动机美国传统〔quick-〕He was saved by quick-thinking neighbours.反应迅速的邻居们把他救了。柯林斯高阶〔quick〕Moving or functioning rapidly and energetically; speedy.快的、迅速的:快速且有力地移动或起作用的;迅速的美国传统〔rapid-fire〕The company made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 States.公司同25个州进行了一连串迅速的结算。柯林斯高阶〔rebound〕A quick recovery from or reaction to disappointment or depression.振作,反应:从失望或衰败中迅速的恢复或迅速作出的反应美国传统〔reflex〕It takes great skill, cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete.那需要运动员有高超的技巧、冷静的头脑和迅速的反应能力。柯林斯高阶〔responsiveness〕Such responsiveness to public pressure is extraordinary.面对公众压力作出如此迅速的反应非同寻常。柯林斯高阶〔shy〕A quick throw; a fling.迅速的一掷;扔美国传统〔shy〕To throw (something) with a swift motion; fling.掷:以迅速的动作扔(某物);投美国传统〔shy〕To throw something with a swift motion.投掷:以一种迅速的动作扔美国传统〔skittery〕Moving quickly, restlessly, or irregularly; skittish.迅速的,多变的:快速地、不停息地或不规则地移动的;易变的美国传统〔slap shot〕A fast-moving shot made in hockey with a full swinging stroke.击射:在曲棍球比赛中抡开球棍迅速的一记射门美国传统〔snappy〕Informal Smart or chic.【非正式用语】 敏捷的或迅速的美国传统〔speedy〕Characterized by rapid motion; swift.迅速的:以迅速的行动为特征的;敏捷的美国传统〔speedy〕This would be a very speedy trial.这将是一次十分迅速的审讯。柯林斯高阶〔stern〕He called the punishment 'stern, harsh and quick'.他称这次处罚是“严苛、严厉和迅速的”。外研社新世纪〔sting〕To cause or feel a sharp, smarting pain.刺痛:引起或感到尖锐迅速的疼痛美国传统〔sudden〕Characterized by rapidity; quick and swift.快的,迅速的:以行动快为特点的;迅速且飞快的美国传统〔timesaving〕Serving to save time through an efficient method or a shorter route; expeditious.可节省时间的:可通过一个有效的方式或一个更短的路径节省时间的;迅速的美国传统〔torpedo boat〕A small, fast, thinly plated warship equipped for firing torpedoes.鱼雷艇:一种装甲较轻,行动迅速的小型舰艇,配备鱼雷攻击美国传统〔vibration〕A rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.振动:在一个平衡位置附近一个粒子或弹性固体迅速的直线运动美国传统〔vibrato〕A tremulous or pulsating effect produced in an instrumental or vocal tone by barely perceptible minute and rapid variations in pitch.颤音:一种颤动或振动效果,由可察觉的微小迅速的音阶变化在声音或乐器的调子中产生的美国传统〔winged〕Swift; fleet.飞快的;迅速的美国传统〔yank〕A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord.一个反应迅速的查票员猛地拉下了紧急刹车索。柯林斯高阶Galloping inflation and massive unemployment were the two major economic problems at that time.迅速的通货膨胀和大量失业是那时的两大经济问题。剑桥国际The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.金融界对英镑下跌的消息作出了迅速的反应。剑桥国际They've written back already -- that was a very prompt reply.他们已经回信了----那是个相当迅速的答复。剑桥国际




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