

单词 费事
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EASY〕It's an easy journey - we just drive to the station, then take the direct train to Paris. 这趟旅程并不费事—我们只要开车到车站,然后乘火车直达巴黎。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕Laura was a bright kid and she could coast along at school without too much effort. 劳拉是个聪明的孩子,学习起来很轻松,不用太费事。朗文写作活用〔GET〕These kids have very little difficulty getting hold of illegal weapons. 这些孩子几乎不费事就能弄到非法武器。朗文写作活用〔bother about〕Don't bother about my lunch.不要为我的午饭费事。21世纪英汉〔bothered〕I just can't be bothered to look after the house.我就是不想费事照看这所房子。柯林斯高阶〔bother〕Don't go to the bother of tidying up on my account(= don't make the effort to do it).别为了我费事整理一番。牛津高阶〔bother〕Getting a taxi will save you the bother of picking me up from the station.我打个车,你就不用费事到车站接我了。牛津搭配〔bother〕It's very kind of you. Are you sure?–Oh, it's no bother.你太好了, 你确定要这么做吗?——哦, 不费事的。外研社新世纪〔bother〕Why bother to go abroad, when there are so many nice places here? 这里有这么多好地方,干吗还要费事去国外?朗文当代〔convenient〕The report can be conveniently divided into three main sections.这份报告不用费事就可划分为三个主要部份。牛津高阶〔cost〕Courtesy costs little and means much.礼貌不费事,意义却很大。21世纪英汉〔courtesy〕Everyone knows each other here, so we won't bother with the usual courtesies.在这里大家彼此都认识,我们就不用费事说客套话了。韦氏高阶〔crunch〕It is too much trouble to crunch a file unless you use it often.除非经常用这些文件,不然压缩时很费事。21世纪英汉〔effort〕It was too much effort. (或The effort was too great.) 这太费事了。英汉大词典〔exactly〕I wouldn't bother asking Dave – he's not exactly Einstein (=he is stupid) .我不想费事去问戴夫,他又不是什么爱因斯坦。朗文当代〔fiddly〕Fixing the TV was a fiddly job .修理这台电视机很费事。朗文当代〔fiddly〕It was a time-consuming and fiddly job.这个工作费时费事。外研社新世纪〔fiddly〕It was a time-consuming and fiddly job.这项工作耗时费事。柯林斯高阶〔four-oh-four〕Don't bother asking him. He's 404, man.别费事问他了,他是个电脑盲,老兄。剑桥高阶〔hang〕Hanging a door is quite a tricky job.装门是件很费事的活儿。朗文当代〔hassle〕I don't want the hassle of opening a new bank account.我不想费事新开一个账户。牛津搭配〔inverse〕There is often an inverse relationship between the power of the tool and how easy it is to use.工具的功能越强大,操作起来往往越费事。牛津高阶〔nothing〕If you've shied away from making pancakes in the past, don't be put off — there's really nothing in it! 如果你过去不敢做烤薄饼的话,现在别迟疑了,真是一点儿都不费事!柯林斯高阶〔palaver〕We don't want all that palaver, do we?我们不想那么费事, 不是吗?外研社新世纪〔problem〕We didn't have any problems getting here.我们来这儿毫不费事。韦氏高阶〔put〕Please don't put yourself out on my account.请别特意为我费事了。牛津高阶〔relieve〕Your coming relieved me of the bother of writing you a long letter.你来了就免得我费事给你写长信了。英汉大词典〔rigmarole〕I couldn't be bothered to go through the rigmarole of changing clothes.我不想再费事儿换衣服了。外研社新世纪〔rigmarole〕I couldn't be bothered to go through the rigmarole of changing clothes.我不想再费事儿换衣服了。柯林斯高阶〔save〕I'll get a taxi from the station to save you the trouble of coming to collect me.我会从火车站乘出租车,省得你费事来接我。朗文当代〔switch back〕They can work night shifts during the week and very easily switch back to a daytime schedule for the weekend.他们周中可以上夜班, 这样一来他们在周末就可以毫不费事地重新按白班的工作安排来走。外研社新世纪〔town〕Parking can be tricky in the town centre.在市镇中心停车可能会挺费事。柯林斯高阶〔tricky〕I can get you tickets for the show but it'll be tricky.我能给你弄到演出的票,但很费事。朗文当代〔tricky〕The equipment can be tricky to install.这设备安装起来可能很费事。牛津高阶〔trouble〕Growing your own vegetables is more trouble than it's worth.自己种蔬菜太费事,划不来。牛津搭配〔trouble〕I didn't bother to change all the sheets.我没有费事去把所有的床单都换掉。朗文当代〔trouble〕It's no trouble at all for me to get her phone number.我拿到她的电话号码一点儿都不费事。麦克米伦高阶〔trouble〕It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.根本不费事,恰恰相反,非常荣幸能帮到你。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕It's no trouble; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.根本不费事, 恰恰相反, 我很乐意帮助你。外研社新世纪〔trouble〕We had no trouble finding the address.我们毫不费事地找到了这个地址。朗文当代〔why〕Why bother to write? We'll see him tomorrow.还费事写信干什么?我们明天就见到他了。牛津高阶〔work〕It takes a lot of work to build a house.造房子很费事。英汉大词典I love real fires (=small controlled fires made from wood or coal that produce flames), but they create a lot more work than gas and electric fires.我喜欢真的火炉,但它们比煤气和电气费事。剑桥国际It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well. 挖一口深井很费事。译典通Looking after quadruplets must be very hard work.照顾四胞胎一定是件非常费事的工作。剑桥国际




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