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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Haggadah〕The book containing the story of the Exodus and the ritual of the Seder, read at the Passover Seder.载有故事《出埃及记》和逾越节家宴仪式的书,在逾越节家宴时诵读美国传统〔INFORMATION〕The guidebook has detailed information about the hotels in the area. 这本指南载有该地区旅馆的详细信息。朗文写作活用〔advertisement〕Today's paper carries (或 runs, has) an advertisement for a computer programmer.今天的报纸载有一则招聘程序设计员的广告。英汉大词典〔bear〕The papers bore reports of attacks on the town by guerrillas.报上载有游击队袭击该镇的报道。英汉大词典〔brig〕Nautical A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast.【航海】 双桅横帆船:有两根桅杆的帆船,每个桅杆上都有横帆,载有两个或更多的前帆和一个四边形的斜桁帆或在后桅的尾部装有后樯纵帆美国传统〔carry〕The ship was carrying drugs.这艘船上载有毒品。朗文当代〔charter〕Yesterday, a cargo ship chartered by the UN arrived in the capital carrying 1,550 tons of rice.昨天,一艘联合国租用的货船到达首都,船上载有1,550吨大米。柯林斯高阶〔chatter〕Enemy radio chatter indicated the plane was carrying weapons.敌方无线电台的颤振声表明该飞机载有武器。牛津搭配〔contain〕This book contains helpful information.这本书里载有有用的资料。牛津同义词〔contraband〕The ship was found not to be carrying any contraband.并未发现这艘船上载有任何违禁物品。柯林斯高阶〔convoy〕A convoy of trucks carrying military police was moving past the main gate.载有宪兵的卡车队正从大门驶过。外研社新世纪〔detail〕The diary contains intimate details of their life together.日记内记载有他们共同生活的私密细节。牛津搭配〔document〕A writing that contains information.载有信息的书面材料美国传统〔document〕A written or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information.公文,文件,文献:载有原始的、有关某事的官方或法律形式的书写或打印文本,用以提供决定性证据或信息美国传统〔fire ship〕A military vessel loaded with explosives and combustible material and set adrift among enemy ships or fortifications to destroy them.火攻船:一种载有炸药和易燃物质的军用船,放入敌船或防御工事中以摧毁之美国传统〔freight〕To load with goods to be transported.装货于:装载有待运的货物美国传统〔guidebook〕A handbook of directions and other information, especially for travelers or tourists.旅游指南,参考手册:载有说明或其他资料的手册,尤指为旅行者或观光者提供的美国传统〔magazine〕A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.杂志:一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊美国传统〔masthead〕The listing in a newspaper or periodical of information about its staff, operation, and circulation.刊头:载有编撰者姓名、制作情况和发行信息的报刊的刊头美国传统〔memorandum〕Law A short written statement outlining the terms of an agreement, a transaction, or a contract.【法律】 交易备忘录:一简要的书面申明,记载有一协议交易或合同的各项条件摘要美国传统〔plane〕The plane was carrying 350 people.飞机上载有 350 名乘客。牛津搭配〔pulp〕A publication, such as a magazine or book, containing lurid subject matter.低级杂志,恐怖书刊:载有耸人听闻事件的杂志或书等出版物美国传统〔rocket〕A “space truck” carrying two satellites rocketed flawlessly into orbit.一辆载有两颗人造卫星的“太空货车”准确无误地由火箭送入运行轨道。英汉大词典〔streak〕Microbiology A bacterial culture inoculated by drawing a bacteria-laden needle across the surface of a solid culture medium.【微生物学】 种菌划线:用载有细菌的针尖在培养基的硬表层划线以移入培养的细菌美国传统〔vessel〕The vessel carried a crew of 130.这艘船上载有 130 名船员。牛津搭配




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