

单词 迈锡尼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Achaean〕A Greek, especially of the Mycenaean era.希腊人:希腊人,尤指居住在迈锡尼时代的希腊人美国传统〔Achaean〕One of a Hellenic people believed to have inhabited the Peloponnesus and to have created the Mycenaean civilization.亚加亚人:据说是居住在伯罗奔尼撒半岛上的一希腊人种,创造了迈锡尼文明美国传统〔Atreus〕A king of Mycenae, brother of Thyestes and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus.阿特柔斯:迈锡尼之王,堤厄斯忒斯的兄弟,阿伽门农和墨涅拉俄斯的父亲美国传统〔Ionian〕One of a Hellenic people of Mycenaean origin that inhabited Attica, the Peloponnesus along the Saronic Gulf, Euboea, the Cyclades, and Ionia.爱奥尼亚人:源于迈锡尼的一支希腊人,曾在阿提卡,沿萨罗尼克湾的伯罗奔尼撒半岛,欧比亚,基克拉迪群岛和爱奥尼亚居住美国传统〔Mycenaean〕A native or inhabitant of Mycenae.迈锡尼当地人或者居民美国传统〔Mycenaean〕Mycenaean Greek.迈锡尼希腊语美国传统〔Mycenaean〕Of or relating to Mycenae or its inhabitants.迈锡尼(人)的:迈锡尼(人)的、有关迈锡尼(人)的美国传统〔Thyestes〕A king of Mycenae who unknowingly ate the flesh of his own sons, served to him by his brother Atreus, as revenge for seducing his wife and usurping the throne.泰伊斯特斯:迈锡尼的一个国王,他在不知真相的情况下吃了他兄弟阿特柔斯进贡给他的他儿子们的肉,这是阿特柔斯对他勾引其妻子并篡夺王位的报复美国传统〔crucial〕The city of Mycenae played a crucial role in the history of Greece.迈锡尼城在希腊历史上起过非常重要的作用。朗文当代




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