

单词 起源
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COME FROM〕a book that tries to explain the origin of words and phrases 一本旨在解释词汇与短语起源的书朗文写作活用〔Devanagari〕nāgarī [feminine of] nāgara- [of a town] from nagaram [town] [probably of Dravidian origin] nāgarī nāgara-的阴性词 [城镇的] 源自 nagaram [城镇] [可能起源于达罗毗荼语] 美国传统〔Freemasonry〕learning about the origins of Freemasonry 研究共济会纲领的起源韦氏高阶〔beginning〕a custom that traces its beginnings to the 15th century 起源可追溯到 15 世纪的一种风俗牛津搭配〔beginning〕the nascence of classical sculpture; 古典雕塑的起源;美国传统〔belief〕beliefs about the origin of the universe 对宇宙起源的看法牛津搭配〔birth〕the birth of the earth 地球的起源英汉大词典〔birth〕the birth of the solar system 太阳系的起源韦氏高阶〔blouse〕possibly alteration influenced by blousse [wool scraps] [of Germanic origin] 可能为 受 blousse的影响 [羊毛碎片] [起源于日耳曼语的] 美国传统〔born〕the country where the sport of cricket was born 板球运动起源的国家朗文当代〔build〕scientists building theories about how the universe began 创建宇宙起源理论的科学家们韦氏高阶〔dawn〕the dawn of history.See Synonyms at beginning 历史的起源 参见 beginning美国传统〔derive〕to derive a word from a Latin root将一个词的起源追溯到拉丁词根21世纪英汉〔descend〕the cultural traditions that descend from the Bible 起源于《圣经》的文化传统麦克米伦高阶〔desman〕desman [musk] from Middle Low German desem from Medieval Latin bisamum [of Semitic origin] ; akin to Hebrew beśem [odor] desman [麝香] 源自 中古低地德语 desem 源自 中世纪拉丁语 bisamum [起源于塞米提克] ;类似于 希伯来语 beśem [臭味] 美国传统〔dramatic〕dramatic new evidence about human origins 关于人类起源的惊人新发现英汉大词典〔enquiry〕enquiry into the origins of the universe 对宇宙起源的探索牛津搭配〔everyday〕the origin of these everyday expressions这些日常表达的起源外研社新世纪〔explain〕scientific findings that help explain the origins of the universe 有助于解释宇宙起源的科学发现牛津高阶〔fundamental〕a discovery fundamental to scientific progress 作为科学发展起源的发现英汉大词典〔genesis〕a book about the genesis of the civil rights movement 一本有关民权运动起源的书韦氏高阶〔genesis〕the genesis of civilization 文明的起源英汉大词典〔germ〕the germ of a new idea.新观念的起源。牛津同义词〔germ〕the germ of an idea 一种想法的起源英汉大词典〔knackwurst〕knacken [to crack] from Middle High German [of imitative origin] knacken [裂开] 源自 中古高地德语 [起源于拟声词] 美国传统〔language〕the origin of language 语言的起源韦氏高阶〔language〕the origins of language 语言的起源朗文当代〔language〕theories about the origins of language 有关语言起源的理论牛津高阶〔national〕their national origin. 他们的民族起源美国传统〔origin〕a new theory to explain the origins of the universe 解释宇宙起源的一种新理论朗文当代〔origin〕old folk tales of unknown origin 起源不明的古老民间传说朗文当代〔origin〕the origin of life on earth.地球上生命的起源。牛津同义词〔past〕a tradition rooted in times long past 起源于很久以前的传统朗文当代〔prebiotic〕in prebiotic times 在生命起源以前英汉大词典〔primal〕the primal mysteries of the earth. 地球起源的奥秘柯林斯高阶〔reductive〕reductive explanations of the origin of life 对生物起源的简化表述剑桥高阶〔rooted〕powerful songs rooted in traditional African music. 起源于传统非洲音乐的打动人心的歌曲柯林斯高阶〔slime〕the primeval slime from which all life developed 生命起源的原生浆液牛津搭配〔springhead〕a society that was the springhead of Western legal thought. 作为西方法律思想起源的一个学派美国传统〔spring〕the spring of Chinese civilization 中国文明的起源文馨英汉




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