

单词 贷款
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕Cox specialized in assisting borrowers who didn't qualify for bank loans. 考克斯公司专门帮助那些不合资格申请银行贷款的人。朗文写作活用〔BORROW〕I can't afford to buy a new sofa until I pay off this loan. 我在还清这笔贷款之前买不起新沙发。朗文写作活用〔Freddie Mac〕A security issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and secured by a pool of conventional home mortgages.美国联邦住房贷款有限公司:联邦企业以各家抵押品为基金架构安全系统,由传统的家庭抵押品而成立的共同基金为支出美国传统〔INCREASE〕Borrowers have been warned to expect another leap in bank interest rates. 贷款者被警告说银行利率会再次大幅度上升。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕If you have a decent salary and a steady job, you can usually get a loan. 如果你有不错的薪水和稳定的工作,通常都能申请到贷款。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕The bank offered him a loan of £15,000 to set up a business. 银行向他贷款15,000英镑用作创业。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕The bank wouldn't give me a loan because they said I had a bad credit rating. 银行不愿意贷款给我,因为他们说我信用等级差。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕We had to complete a mountain of paperwork to get the loan. 为了取得贷款,我们做了大量的文书工作。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕Loans are often refused to poorer borrowers because the risk of default is greater. 人们通常不愿给穷人贷款,因为拖欠债款的风险较大。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The amount outstanding on your house mortgage and any other loans will be counted as liabilities. 房子未还清的抵押贷款以及其他任何方式的贷款都算作债务。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The loan has to be repaid within two years. 贷款必须在两年内偿还。朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕A financial favor, such as a loan.贷款:经济帮助,如一项贷款美国传统〔amen〕Double-digit gains in home prices draw happy amens from a chorus of home builders and mortgage brokers.房价的两位数增长引得房屋建筑商和抵押贷款经纪人高兴地齐声叫好。外研社新世纪〔amount〕A principal plus its interest, as in a loan.本利之和:贷款的本金加利息美国传统〔application〕Our loan application has been approved/denied.我们的贷款申请已被批准/拒绝。韦氏高阶〔around〕The company is expected to get around this problem by borrowing from the banks.该公司估计会从银行贷款解决这个问题。朗文当代〔bonus〕A sum of money that is paid by a corporation in excess of interest or royalties charged for the granting of a privilege or a loan to that corporation.红包:由公司付给因授予特权或贷款给本公司的利息或版税以外的一笔钱美国传统〔borrower〕High interest rates are bad news for borrowers.高利率对于贷款者来说是坏消息。麦克米伦高阶〔bridge loan〕A short-term loan intended to provide or extend financing until a more permanent arrangement is made.过渡性贷款:打算在做好更长远的安排前提供或延长资助的短期贷款美国传统〔core〕The core of the government's plan is to provide loans for small businesses.这项政府计划的核心是为小企业提供贷款。韦氏高阶〔creditworthy〕The bank refused to give him a loan, saying that he wasn't creditworthy.银行拒绝贷款给他,说他信誉度不够。剑桥高阶〔default〕Defaults on loan repayments have reached 52,000 a month.拖欠贷款的现象每月已达52000宗。剑桥高阶〔demand〕Low interest rates are fuelling / fueling demand for credit.低利率刺激着贷款需求。牛津搭配〔dissolve〕Their partnership dissolved in 1975 after a disagreement over a bank loan.由于在银行贷款问题上产生分歧, 他们的合伙关系于1975年结束。外研社新世纪〔downhold〕Syria could not get U.S. military credit because of President Carter's downhold on arms sales.由于卡特总统对于武器销售的抑制,叙利亚得不到美国的运事信用贷款。文馨英汉〔enable〕The loan enabled Jan to buy the house.贷款使简有能力买下这房子。朗文当代〔erode〕Mortgage payments have been eroded(= decreased in value)by inflation.偿还的按揭贷款因通货膨胀而降值。牛津高阶〔exemption〕You qualify for a tax exemption on the loan.你有资格获得贷款免税。朗文当代〔fillip〕A cut in lending rates would give a fillip to the housing market.贷款利率下调将会刺激房产市场。朗文当代〔finance〕To furnish credit to.贷款,提供贷款美国传统〔formally〕The IMF formally approved an $18 billion loan to Brazil.国际货币基金组织正式批准了向巴西提供180亿美元的贷款。外研社新世纪〔free and clear〕They paid off the mortgage and own their house free and clear.他们还清了住房贷款,完全拥有自己的居屋。剑桥高阶〔grace period〕The terms of the loan allow for a ten-day grace period.这项贷款的协议条款允许有十天的宽限期。韦氏高阶〔guarantor〕His father is a guarantor on the loan.他父亲是贷款的担保人。剑桥高阶〔imprudent〕The report criticizes the banks for being imprudent in their lending.该报告批评银行在贷款方面不谨慎。剑桥高阶〔industry〕The banks lend money to commerce and industry.银行贷款给工商业。牛津搭配〔joy〕I went to the bank for a loan, but got no joy.我去银行贷款, 结果一无所获。外研社新世纪〔lending rate〕Banks have raised their lending rates by two percent.银行将贷款利率提高了2%。剑桥高阶〔lend〕Many banks won't lend to people with bad credit.许多银行不会贷款给信用差的人。韦氏高阶〔lift〕The bank lifted its basic home loans rate to 10.99% from 10.75%.银行将基本房屋贷款利率从10.75%提高到10.99%。柯林斯高阶〔loansharking〕The practice of lending money at usurious, often illegal interest rates.放高利贷:以较高并经常是违法的利率贷款的行为美国传统〔loan〕A sum of money lent at interest.贷款:附利息借出的一笔钱美国传统〔miss〕They missed a payment on their car loan.他们的汽车贷款有一次分期付款没有支付。韦氏高阶〔need〕We have loans to meet your every need .我们有可以满足您各种需要的贷款方式。朗文当代〔on〕Loans were extended to help pay the interest on the old ones.这些贷款延期偿还以支付旧账利息。柯林斯高阶〔overextend〕I think our credit has been overextended to diversify.我认为我们的贷款到目前为止太分散了。21世纪英汉〔overpay〕If you budget to overpay your mortgage on a regular basis, you can save a lot of money.如果你能做好预算经常性的超额偿付按揭贷款,你能省下很多钱。剑桥高阶〔payment〕It took me five years to pay off the car, but I never missed a payment.我用了五年时间才还清这辆车的贷款,但我一笔款项都没有欠过。韦氏高阶〔preapprove〕The bank has preapproved our loan. = The bank has preapproved us for a loan. = We've been/gotten preapproved for a loan.银行已经提前审批了我们的贷款。韦氏高阶〔punctilious〕Joe was always punctilious about repaying loans.乔总是一丝不苟地还贷款。朗文当代〔rate〕Mortgage rates jumped to 15%.抵押贷款利率飙升至 15%。牛津搭配〔refinance〕He got the money to buy more property by refinancing his original house.他通过改变原来住房的抵押贷款条款获得资金购买更多房产。剑桥高阶〔refuse〕The bank refused him the loan.银行拒绝向他贷款。英汉大词典〔repayable〕The loan is repayable in ten years.这笔贷款应在10年内还清。英汉大词典〔risk〕The company is quite a good risk (= safe to lend money to).贷款给这家公司风险很小。剑桥高阶〔secure〕The loan is secured by a mortgage on our house.这笔贷款是以我们的房子作抵押担保的。麦克米伦高阶〔shape〕The government provides money in the shape of(= consisting of)grants and student loans.政府以助学金和学生贷款的形式提供资助。牛津高阶〔student〕She had to take out a student loan to help her through college.她得领取学生贷款来完成大学学业。牛津搭配〔top-up〕Student grants will be frozen at existing levels and top-up loans made available.学生助学金将冻结在现有水平,但可以申请补足贷款。柯林斯高阶〔work off〕She worked off her loan.她靠工作还清了贷款。韦氏高阶〔worm〕You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants.我认为你在此引发了一个极为棘手的全新问题,我们可能会就学生贷款和助学金展开一次大辩论。柯林斯高阶A group of 10 banks will provide the new loan.由 10 家银行组成银团将提供新贷款。牛津商务At a bank you can deposit money or take out a loan.你可在银行存钱或获取贷款。牛津商务Banks have been advised to pay more attention to personal circumstances when evaluating loans to private customers.向银行提供意见,在向私人用户决定贷款数时,要多注意个人境况。剑桥国际Before offering you a loan, a lender will check your credit score.向你提供贷款前,放款人会检查你的信用评分。牛津商务Creditworthy clients can demand low interest rates and borrow heavily.信用可靠的客户可申请低利率的巨额贷款。剑桥国际He had to sell his car to repay the loan from the bank.他不得不卖掉他的汽车来偿还银行的贷款。剑桥国际I have short-term loans with several banks.我从好几家银行借了短期贷款。牛津商务Internet banks offered cheap personal loans to attract new customers.网上银行提供低息个人贷款以吸引新客户。牛津商务Lending by banks and building societies rose to €4.9 billion last year.去年由银行和房屋互助协会发放的贷款上升到 49 亿欧元。牛津商务Lending decisions are made on a points system.贷款决策实行点数制。牛津商务Overnight loans are repayable within 24 hours.隔夜贷款须在 24 小时之内偿还。牛津商务Some banks have stopped lending to small businesses.有些银行已经停止给小企业贷款。牛津商务Taking out a mortgage is a big financial commitment.举借抵押贷款是一项重大的财务事件。牛津商务The amount required to redeem the mortgage, including the arrears, was $358 587.要偿还抵押贷款包括滞纳金的数额是358587元。剑桥国际The bank finally granted the company a loan.银行终于同意给这家公司贷款。牛津商务The bank has provided the company with a three-year loan.银行向这家公司提供了一笔三年期的贷款。牛津商务The bank incurred heavy losses as a result of its credit exposure to the failing company.银行由于贷款给破产公司而蒙受了重大损失。牛津商务The bank will accommodate him with a loan. 银行将向他提供一笔贷款。译典通The bank wouldn't lend any more money, which was tantamount to making the business close down.这家银行不愿再对外贷款,那样的话,等于关门停业。剑桥国际The company defaulted on a $5 million loan repayment.这家公司拖欠 500 万元的贷款。牛津商务The company will be finished if the bank refuses to roll over the loan for a second time.如果银行拒绝贷款再次延期,这家公司就要倒闭了。牛津商务The conditions of the loan included the prerequisite that costs were cut.贷款的条件包括削减花费这个前提。剑桥国际The delinquency rate on personal loans rose to 2.3 per cent in March.三月份的个人贷款拖欠率增加到 2.3 %。牛津商务The design award we won leveraged large loans from several sources.我们赢得的设计奖项吸引了来自几个方面的巨额贷款。牛津商务The lenders agreed to an improved amortization schedule.贷款人同意经过改进的摊销进度安排。牛津商务The loan must be repaid within a specified period/by a specified date.这笔贷款必须在具体时间内/具体日期前偿还。剑桥国际The loan will help the company remain in business.这笔贷款将有助公司继续经营。牛津商务The new lending company will offer unsecured loans to small companies at an interest rate of 8–20%.这家新的信贷公司将以 8-20% 的利率向小公司提供无抵押贷款。牛津商务The open-ended loan allows us to borrow money when we need it. 无限额贷款使我们需要钱时都能贷到。牛津商务The report criticises the banks for being imprudent in their lending.这报告批评银行在贷款时很不谨慎。剑桥国际The £10 000 loan from the bank helped her (to) start her own business. [T + obj + to infinitive] 10000 英镑的银行贷款帮助她开起了自己的商店。剑桥国际Their business was so successful that they managed to pay back the bank loan before the year was out.他们的生意做得很成功,所以他们年终之前就还清了银行贷款。剑桥国际There is an infinite variety/number (=a large range) of bank accounts and loan packages available.有无数种银行帐户及贷款组合可供选择。剑桥国际They can draw down on the loan at any time.他们可以随时提取贷款。牛津商务Use the loan calculator to find out what your monthly repayments will be.使用贷款计算软件可计算出每月的还款额。牛津商务We became completely lost in the fog of conditions surrounding our application for a loan.我们申请贷款一事条件多得令人困惑,我们都不知何去何从了。剑桥国际We use an expert system to decide whether to lend money to a client.我们采用专家系统来决定是否向客户发放贷款。牛津商务You can receive a home loan of up to 95% of the official valuation of the property.你可以得到一笔房屋贷款,总额达该房产官方估价的95%。剑桥国际Your bank may add extra payments on the back end of a loan.在贷款后期,你的银行可以增加额外的还款额。牛津商务




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