

单词 贵重
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLD〕This violin is very old and valuable and must be handled carefully. 这把小提琴很旧了,而且非常贵重,一定要小心轻放。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕Valuables should be kept in the hotel safe. 贵重物品应存放在旅馆保险箱内。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕The fire had destroyed most of the building, but we managed to salvage a few valuable items. 大楼的大部分都被火烧毁了,不过我们设法抢救出了一些贵重的东西。朗文写作活用〔THING〕He wanted to get her something special, something expensive. 他想给她买点什么特别的、贵重的东西。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕He has a few medals of great value. 他有几枚贵重的奖章。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕The burglars stole the television and video, but nothing of great value. 窃贼偷走了电视机和录像机,但没偷什么贵重东西。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕The hotel management advises guests to deposit their valuables in the hotel safe. 酒店管理人员建议客人把贵重物品存放在酒店保险箱内。朗文写作活用〔annexe〕Delicate and valuable books are kept in an air-conditioned annexe to the main library.贵重易损的图书存放在主图书馆的配楼里,那儿装有空调设施。剑桥高阶〔armored car〕A lightly armored truck used to transport cash and other valuables.运钞车:轻型装甲卡车,用于运送现钞和其它贵重物品美国传统〔article〕Guests are advised not to leave any articles of value in their hotel rooms.建议房客不要将任何贵重物品放在旅馆房间里。剑桥高阶〔assay〕To be shown by analysis to contain a certain proportion of usually precious metal.经分析含有:经检验证明含某种比率的通常较贵重金属美国传统〔bar〕A rectangular block of a precious metal.贵重金属的长方块美国传统〔blue chip〕An extremely valuable asset or property.贵重物品:很值钱的资产或财产美国传统〔breakable〕Put away any valuable or breakable objects.把所有贵重和易碎物品都收起来。外研社新世纪〔cache〕A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.密藏处:用于隐藏和保管贵重品的处所美国传统〔cache〕He cached his valuables under his bed.他把贵重物品藏在床下。英汉大词典〔cache〕The store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place.隐藏:将货物或贵重品隐藏在一隐蔽的处所美国传统〔casket〕A small case or chest, as for jewels and other valuables.珠宝箱:存放珠宝和其它贵重物品的小盒或箱美国传统〔chain〕Such a set of links, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office.项链:这样的一串连结物,经常由贵重金属做成带有垂饰,作为装饰物或职业标记戴用美国传统〔chain〕Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house.志愿者排成一条长龙,从着火的房子里手传手把贵重物品抢救出来。牛津高阶〔china〕The china cabinet was filled with expensive dishes.瓷器柜里满是贵重的器皿。牛津搭配〔conservator〕A person in charge of maintaining or restoring valuable items, as in a museum or library.保管者:负责保养或修复(博物馆或图书馆)贵重物品的人美国传统〔crown jewel〕A prized corporate asset, typically a very profitable part of a company sought by another party in a hostile takeover attempt.共有资产:一项贵重的共有财产,通常指另一派系在某次试图接收过程中寻求的某一公司的十分有利可图的部分美国传统〔custody〕If valuables are placed in the safe, the hotel is responsible for their safe custody.如果贵重物品放在保险柜里,旅馆就要对其安全保管负责。牛津搭配〔custody〕The bank provides safe custody for valuables.这家银行提供对贵重物品的安全保管服务。牛津高阶〔custody〕The bank provides safe custody for valuables.那家银行提供贵重物品安全保管服务。韦氏高阶〔depose〕She carelessly deposed costly trinkets on the table.她把贵重小首饰随手丢在桌上。英汉大词典〔deposit〕Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.旅客可将贵重物品寄存在旅馆的保险柜里。牛津高阶〔deposit〕You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.建议您把贵重物品存到旅馆的保险箱里。朗文当代〔deposit〕You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.你可以把贵重物品存放在宾馆的保险箱里。外研社新世纪〔embed〕Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box.厚厚的棉花填塞物紧紧围住装在盒子中的贵重花瓶。21世纪英汉〔encrust〕The gold crown was encrusted with precious gems.金制的王冠镶有许多贵重的宝石。21世纪英汉〔fill〕To cover the surface of (an inexpensive metal) with a layer of precious metal, such as gold.镀:用贵重金属层例如金等覆盖(非贵金属的)表面美国传统〔fly〕What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when Davis finds out what's happened to his precious cargo.我多么希望自己能够亲眼看到戴维斯发现他的贵重货物出事时的样子啊。外研社新世纪〔gold digger〕A woman who seeks money and expensive gifts from men.傍大款者,钓凯子者:想从男人那里得到金钱和贵重礼品的女人美国传统〔golden〕Of the greatest value or importance; precious.珍贵的,贵重的:含极大价值的或重要的;珍贵的美国传统〔illuminate〕To adorn (a page of a book, for example) with ornamental designs, miniatures, or lettering in brilliant colors or precious metals.装饰:用装饰性图案、模型、写成亮色或贵重金属质地的字母对(如书页)进行装饰美国传统〔item〕The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing.展览会上最贵重的展品是毕加索的一幅素描。柯林斯高阶〔knock off〕They knocked off a lot of valuable merchandise.他们盗窃了很多贵重商品。韦氏高阶〔lapin〕Rabbit fur, especially when dyed to imitate a more expensive fur.兔皮毛:兔皮毛,尤其是指当它被染色以模仿一种更贵重的毛皮时美国传统〔lavish〕He thought he would win her by lavishing her with expensive gifts.他以为送给她大量贵重的礼物便能赢得她的芳心。麦克米伦高阶〔lie〕Never leave cash or other valuables just lying around.一定不要把现金或其他贵重物品到处乱扔乱放。麦克米伦高阶〔lock ... in〕She locked all her valuables in a safe.她把所有贵重物品都锁在保险柜里。21世纪英汉〔lock up〕Lock up your valuables.把贵重物品锁好。外研社新世纪〔locker〕A small, usually metal compartment that can be locked, especially one at a gymnasium or public place for the safekeeping of clothing and valuables.小橱:尤指在体育馆和公共场合用于保存衣服或贵重物品的、可以锁起的、通常是金属的小柜美国传统〔make off〕Someone broke into the office and made off with some valuable equipment.有人破门闯入办公室,偷走了一些贵重的设备。韦氏高阶〔mean〕It wasn't a valuable picture but it meant a lot to me.这不是一幅很贵重的画,但对我却很重要。剑桥高阶〔metal〕Silver, gold, and platinum are precious metals.银、金和铂都是贵重金属。剑桥高阶〔never〕Never leave valuables in your car.千万不要把贵重物品留在车内。外研社新世纪〔never〕The golden rule is never to clean a valuable coin.重要的原则是决不清除贵重硬币上的污垢。柯林斯高阶〔pass sth off as sth〕The dealer was trying to pass off fakes as valuable antiques.那个商人试图用假货冒充贵重的古董。剑桥高阶〔place〕Keep your jewelry and other valuables in a safe place.把你的珠宝和其他贵重物品存放在一个安全的地方。韦氏高阶〔plain〕Don't leave your valuables in plain sight.不要把你的贵重物品放在显眼的地方。朗文当代〔post〕I never send anything valuable through the post.我从来不会把贵重的东西以邮递的方式寄送。麦克米伦高阶〔precious metal〕Any of several metals, including gold and platinum, that have high economic value.贵重金属:多种具有高经济价值的金属,包括黄金和白金美国传统〔priceless〕A priceless collection of vases was destroyed.一批贵重的花瓶被毁坏了。剑桥高阶〔rarity〕Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity.钻石贵重是因为它很稀有。剑桥高阶〔recommit〕The valuables were recommitted into her keeping.贵重物品重新委托给她保管。英汉大词典〔risk〕If you have an expensive rug, don't risk washing it yourself.如果你的地毯很贵重,不要冒险自己洗。英汉大词典〔rubdown〕The rubdowns usually lead to their precious belongings being removed.搜身的结果往往是他们的贵重物品被拿走。英汉大词典〔rush〕A familiar rush overtook him each time the store announced a half-price special on expensive stereo equipment.每当店里宣布对贵重的立体声装置实行半价特殊销售时,他总感到一种强烈的熟悉的狂喜感美国传统〔salt〕To give an appearance of value to by fraudulent means, especially to place valuable minerals in (a mine) for the purpose of deceiving.将良质矿石置于矿山:用欺骗的手法使…表面上看起来有价值,尤指为欺骗而(向矿藏中)放入贵重矿石美国传统〔secure〕A safe is provided to keep your valuables secure from potential thieves.有保险箱保护您的贵重物品,以防被盗。韦氏高阶〔secure〕You should store your valuables in a secure place.你应该把贵重物品存放在一个安全的地方。韦氏高阶〔sight〕Leave any valuables in your car out of sight.把贵重物品留在车里看不见的地方。牛津高阶〔signal〕A lock on the suitcase might signal that there's something of value inside.手提箱上的锁表明里面可能有贵重物品。韦氏高阶〔stash〕They had all their valuables stashed away in the loft.他们把贵重物品都藏在阁楼上。英汉大词典〔sugar daddy〕A wealthy, usually older man who gives expensive gifts to a young person in return for sexual favors or companionship.大款,阔佬,甜甜爹:向年轻人送贵重礼物以博取欢心或换取性陪伴的通常富有的老头美国传统〔supplement〕Safety deposit boxes are available at a supplement.有贵重物品保管箱可供使用,费用另计。牛津高阶〔take〕Did the burglars take anything valuable? 入室窃贼偷走了贵重的东西没有?牛津高阶〔take〕Don't take anything valuable with you.不要随身携带贵重物品。外研社新世纪〔temptation〕Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.锁好你的贵重物品,免得招贼。牛津搭配〔tempt〕Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.别把贵重物品放在显眼处招贼。牛津高阶〔tempt〕If you leave valuables in your car it will tempt thieves.如果你把贵重物品放在车上,会招来小偷的。朗文当代〔thief〕The thief stole a valuable painting from the museum.小偷从博物馆偷了一幅贵重的画。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕Never leave cash or other valuables lying around.现金或其他贵重物品请勿乱放。牛津高阶〔trove〕A collection of valuable items discovered or found; a treasure-trove.珍藏物,(贵重的)发现物:被发现或找到的一批有价值的东西;地财美国传统〔unrecognized〕There must be many valuable objects sitting unrecognised in people's homes.人们的家里一定有很多虽然贵重却不起眼的东西。外研社新世纪〔valuables〕Guests should leave their valuables in the hotel safe.客人应把贵重物品存放在酒店保险柜中。朗文当代〔valuables〕You should not leave your valuables lying in your car where they can be seen by thieves.你不该把贵重物品放在车里小偷能看见的地方。韦氏高阶〔valuable〕A personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value. Often used in the plural.贵重物品:私人财产,例如一件珍宝,具有相对地较高的货币价值,经常用复数美国传统〔value〕Thieves had taken a radio and a Walkman, but nothing of great value.值钱的;贵重的麦克米伦高阶A priceless collection of vases was destroyed.一批贵重的花瓶收藏品被毁坏了。剑桥国际Delicate and valuable books are kept in an air-conditioned annexe to the main library.易损而贵重的书籍被收藏在与图书馆主楼相连的一幢空调房内。剑桥国际Expensive watches are not very saleable items in a little shop like this.贵重的手表在这种小店里销得不好。剑桥国际Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe. 旅客可将贵重物品存放在旅馆的保险柜中。译典通He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present. 他给我买了一只贵重的钻戒作生日礼物。译典通Her jewellery is encrusted with semi-precious stones such as garnets and amethysts.她的首饰上镶嵌着石榴石和紫水晶之类不太贵重的宝石。剑桥国际Platinum and gold are precious metals.铂和黄金是贵重金属。剑桥国际Please leave valuable items in the hotel safe.请将贵重物品放在酒店保险柜里。牛津商务Silver, gold and platinum are precious metals.银、金和铂是贵重金属。剑桥国际The bag was full of precious objects of different kinds.这个包里装满了各种各样的贵重东西。剑桥国际The bank provides safe custody for valuables.这家银行对贵重物品提供安全保管服务。牛津商务The dealer was trying to pass off fakes as valuable antiques.这个商人试图用假货冒充贵重的古董。剑桥国际The museum's most valuable possessions (= those with great financial worth) are two series of pictures by William Hogarth, an 18th century painter.这博物馆最贵重的藏品是18世纪画家威廉·贺加斯画的两组画。剑桥国际The robbers jemmied open the window, grabbed some expensive watches and then made their getaway.强盗们撬开窗户,抢了一些贵重的手表,然后逃之夭夭。剑桥国际The singer was wearing a leather suit and heavy gold jewellery for the interview.那位歌手穿着皮套装,带着贵重的黄金首饰接受采访。剑桥国际The unusual watermark on this stamp makes it particularly valuable.这枚邮票上不同寻常的水印使它尤其贵重。剑桥国际This silver's very valuable--you should insure it.这银器非常贵重,你应该给它保险。剑桥国际We saw priceless paintings at the museum. 我们在博物馆看到贵重的名画。译典通




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