

单词 迫使
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕when a situation forces you to do something 某一情况迫使你去做某事朗文写作活用〔backwards〕the blaming that keeps us looking backward. 迫使我们时时后顾的责难柯林斯高阶〔back〕back sb. into a corner 迫使某人后退到角落 (或:逼得某人走投无路) 英汉大词典〔bank rate〕a sterling crisis that forced the bank rate up. 迫使银行贴现率上调的英镑危机柯林斯高阶〔bayonet〕to bayonet someone into surrender or submission用刺刀(或武力)迫使某人投降(或就范)21世纪英汉〔bludgeon〕bludgeon sb. into accepting responsibility 迫使某人承担责任英汉大词典〔bottom line〕to force chief executives to look beyond the next quarter's bottom line. 迫使主管们将目光不要仅局限于下一个季度的盈亏柯林斯高阶〔dragoon〕dragoon sb. into line 迫使某人规矩就范英汉大词典〔dragoon〕the history professor who had dragooned me into taking the exam. 迫使我参加考试的历史教授柯林斯高阶〔edge〕to edge oneself into the conversation渐渐迫使自己加入谈话21世纪英汉〔engine〕an engine failure that forced a jetliner to crash-land in a field. 迫使喷气式客机在田地里紧急降落的引擎故障柯林斯高阶〔extract from〕to extract information from someone迫使某人提供情报21世纪英汉〔extract〕extract a promise from the government 迫使政府作出许诺英汉大词典〔extract〕extract a promise. 迫使作出许诺美国传统〔face〕force sb. to face up to that problem 迫使某人正视那个问题 英汉大词典〔flog〕flog laziness out of sb. 迫使某人改掉懒散作风英汉大词典〔frown〕to frown a person into silence皱眉蹙额迫使某人沉默21世纪英汉〔government〕an effective campaigning group that eventually forced government action最终迫使政府采取行动的办事高效的活动集团外研社新世纪〔hale〕hale sb. into court 迫使某人去法庭 英汉大词典〔heel〕the policy of bringing dissidents to heel by economic sanctions用经济制裁来迫使持不同政见者就范的政策外研社新世纪〔make〕made him leave. 迫使他离开美国传统〔muscle〕muscle sb. out of office 迫使某人离职英汉大词典〔obsolescence〕products with built-in/planned obsolescence(= designed not to last long so that people will have to buy new ones) 内在╱计划陈旧产品(故意设计成不耐使用而迫使人购买新的产品)牛津高阶〔out〕secret efforts to force the President out of power 迫使总统下台的秘密企图麦克米伦高阶〔pin down〕their repeated efforts to pin him down on a number of topics. 他们迫使他对一系列问题明确表态的再三努力柯林斯高阶〔plebiscite〕force a country into a new plebiscite on an amended treaty 迫使一个国家重新进行有关修订条约的公民投票英汉大词典〔pressure〕inflationary pressures that may force interest rates to rise 可能会迫使利率上调的通货膨胀压力麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕to pressure someone into doing something迫使某人做某事21世纪英汉〔push〕athletes who push their bodies to the limit 迫使体能达到极限的运动员朗文当代〔ramrod〕a group that ramrodded the bill through Congress. 一个迫使国会通过议案的团体美国传统〔ram〕rammed the project through the city council despite local opposition. 不顾地方上的反对,迫使市议会通过了这个计划美国传统〔run〕have the enemy on the run 迫使敌人奔逃英汉大词典〔sock〕fog that socked in the airport. 迫使机场关闭的大雾美国传统〔starve into〕to starve the enemies in the cave into surrender以饥饿迫使山洞中的敌人投降21世纪英汉〔starve〕starve sb. into capitulation 以饥饿迫使某人投降英汉大词典〔starve〕starve sb. out by refusing to support him 拒绝赡养某人来迫使其就范英汉大词典〔starve〕to starve a besieged garrison into surrender以饥饿迫使被围守军投降21世纪英汉〔steamroller〕the Prime Minister's attempt to steamroller the general into a job he did not want. 首相试图迫使将军接受他不愿意接受的职位柯林斯高阶〔stick〕stick sb. with a big bill 迫使某人付一大笔账款英汉大词典products with built-in obsolescence (= designed not to last long so that people will have to buy new ones) 内置性报废产品(故意设计成不耐用而迫使人们购买新的产品)牛津商务




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