

单词 语句
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Euclid〕Greek mathematician who applied the deductive principles of logic to geometry, thereby deriving statements from clearly defined axioms.欧几里德:古希腊数学家,他把逻辑学中的演绎原理应用到几何学中,籍以由定义明确的公理导出语句美国传统〔LONG〕I'm sick of reading badly-written and long-winded scripts by candidates who should know better. 应考者语句不通、啰啰唆唆的答卷我已经看厌了,他们应该知道这样是不行的。朗文写作活用〔aphorism〕A brief statement of a principle.箴言:蕴含一原理的简练语句美国传统〔artificiality〕Artificialities of speech should be avoided.虚假的语句应避免。文馨英汉〔emphasis〕Prominence given to a syllable, word, or words, as by raising the voice or printing in italic type.突出,重读:对于音节、单词或语句的突出,如通过提高音调或用斜体美国传统〔formula〕An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression.客套话:常用信条的陈述或信仰的自白;陈腐的语句美国传统〔garbled〕We could not understand him because of his garbled speech.由于他的演讲语句混乱,我们听不懂他在说些什么。韦氏高阶〔garble〕The gushing female voice was garbled, inarticulate.那滔滔不绝的女子说话声语句混乱,口齿不清。英汉大词典〔grammar〕The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.语法规则:隐含在一种语言中的规则体系,被看作在该语言中生成所有可能的语句的机制美国传统〔inclusion〕Computer Science A logical operation that assumes the second statement of a pair is true if the first one is true.【计算机科学】 包含:一种逻辑操作,假定一对语句中第一个语句正确,那么第二个语句也正确美国传统〔irony〕An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.反语句:以表面含义与实际含义含意相反为特征的表达或措词美国传统〔logion〕One of the sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels but supposed to have belonged to the source material from which they were compiled.耶稣语录:耶稣所说但并未记于福音书中的语句,据信载于编纂福音书的材料中美国传统〔loop〕To add or substitute (words) in a film by altering the sound track.换字幕:通过改变音轨在影片中加入或替换(语句)美国传统〔open sentence〕An expression that contains at least one unknown quantity and becomes true or false when a test value is substituted for the unknown.开语句:至少包含一个未知数并且在测验值被替换时出现对或错的数学方程式美国传统〔optative〕The optative mood.祈使语句美国传统〔paraphrase〕A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning.释义,意义:用其它形式或词语来重述一篇课文或文章的语句,通常用以阐释意义美国传统〔phrase〕A brief, apt, and cogent expression.简洁的语句,警句:简洁贴切且令人信服的表达美国传统〔quote〕She quotes extensively from the author's diaries.她大量引用作者日记中的语句。牛津搭配〔salt with〕She salted her speech with many religious references.她在演讲中多处引用了宗教语句。韦氏高阶〔spell〕A word or formula believed to have magic power.咒语:被认为是有魔力的单词或惯用语句美国传统〔statement〕Computer Science An elementary instruction in a source language.【计算机科学】 语句,陈述:源语言中的基本指令美国传统〔structured programming〕A method of designing and writing programs in which the statements are organized in a specific manner to minimalize error or misinterpretation.结构程序:设计和书写程序的一种方法,其中的语句用一种特定的方式条理化以把错误或误译降至最低美国传统〔threadbare〕The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image.这些语句已经被用烂,再也不能引起生动鲜明的想象了。英汉大词典〔vesperal〕A book containing the words and hymns to be used at vespers.晚祷书:晚祷时用的含有语句和赞美诗的书美国传统〔wordless〕The chant of the demonstrators was audible but at that distance still wordless.示威者们单调而有节奏的叫喊声可以听见,但距离那么远,语句仍听不清。英汉大词典Expressions that are difficult to understand are explained in the glosses at the bottom of the page.难理解的语句在页末都有解释。剑桥国际The minister quoted from the Bible. 牧师引用《圣经》的语句。译典通This is a quote from the Bible. 这是引自《圣经》的语句。译典通




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