

单词 迦勒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chaldean〕Of or relating to Chaldea or its people, language, or culture.迦勒底的:属于或关于迦勒底的或其人民、语言或文化的美国传统〔Ereshkigal〕The Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld.厄里什基迦勒:美索不达米亚掌管阴间的女神美国传统〔Michaelmas daisy〕Any of several North American species of asters that have leafy stems and flower in the fall.米迦勒节紫菀:紫菀属植物北美种的几种植物,茎上有叶,秋季开花美国传统〔Michaelmas〕A Christian feast observed in honor of the archangel Michael.米迦勒节:纪念天使长米迦勒的基督教节目美国传统〔Michael〕The guardian archangel of the Jews in the Old Testament.米迦勒:基督教《圣经·旧约》中犹太人的守护天使长美国传统〔Nergal〕The Mesopotamian god of war and plague, and the consort of Ereshkigal.尼尔加:美索不达米亚战争与瘟疫之神,厄里什基迦勒的配偶美国传统〔chapel〕The chapel is dedicated to St Michael.这个小教堂是纪念圣米迦勒的。牛津搭配〔construct〕St Michael's was an older building, almost entirely constructed of red brick.圣米迦勒教堂是更古老的建筑,几乎全部用红砖砌成。麦克米伦高阶




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