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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MPEG〕downloaded an MPEG of the new video from the Internet. 从网络上下载这部新电影的动态影像压缩标准文件美国传统〔acerbic〕the film's most acerbic critics 对这部影片批评最为尖刻的评论家韦氏高阶〔being〕the complex process by which the novel is brought into being. 这部小说复杂的写作过程柯林斯高阶〔chronicle〕this vast chronicle of Napoleonic times这部大部头的拿破仑时期大事记外研社新世纪〔cloy〕the film's cloying sentimentality 这部电影令人作呕的多愁善感麦克米伦高阶〔colourful〕one of the book's most colourful characters 这部书中最有趣的人物之一牛津高阶〔comedy〕this dark comedy drama about midlife crises这部关于中年危机的黑色喜剧外研社新世纪〔droll〕this engagingly droll comedy这部引人入胜、古怪有趣的喜剧外研社新世纪〔expansion〕a book that is an expansion of the author's Ph.D. thesis. 这部书是作者哲学博士论文主题的延伸美国传统〔explicitness〕the sexual explicitness of the film这部电影中直白的性爱外研社新世纪〔extended〕an extended analysis of the film 对这部电影的详尽分析朗文当代〔extramusical〕the extramusical importance of this opera, which led to a revolution. 这部歌剧的与音乐无关的重要性在于它导致了一场革命美国传统〔film〕the film version of the best-selling novel 这部畅销小说的电影版牛津搭配〔final〕the final episode of this exciting drama series 这部激动人心的连续剧的最后一集麦克米伦高阶〔fluid〕the sculpture's fluid lines 这部雕塑作品流畅的线条韦氏高阶〔friend〕a friend of the opera这部歌剧的赞助者外研社新世纪〔gag〕the movie's best gags 这部电影中最有趣的笑话牛津搭配〔growing〕the growing popularity of this film 这部电影越来越高的受欢迎度韦氏高阶〔hallucinatory〕the hallucinatory style of the film 这部电影的迷幻风格麦克米伦高阶〔intrigue〕the plots and intrigues in the novel这部小说的情节和吸引力外研社新世纪〔latter〕the latter part of the book. 这部书的结尾部分美国传统〔lucid〕his lucid explanation of the work他对这部著作清晰明了的阐释外研社新世纪〔melancholy〕the play's melancholy这部戏剧的悲伤情调外研社新世纪〔miscalculate〕to miscalculate the time of the film错误估计这部电影的时间21世纪英汉〔miss〕completely missed the point of the film. 完全没有理解这部电影的含义所在美国传统〔moral〕the movie's moral 这部电影的教益韦氏高阶〔movie〕the movie version of the well-known novel 这部著名小说的电影版牛津搭配〔night〕the last night of the play's run 这部戏演出的最后一夜牛津搭配〔opening〕the opening of a play. 这部戏剧的第一场演出美国传统〔opening〕the opening scene of the play这部戏的开场外研社新世纪〔pan〕gave the film a pan. 猛烈地批评这部电影美国传统〔plodding〕the movie's plodding pace 这部电影的慢节奏韦氏高阶〔premiere〕the movie's premiere party 这部电影的首映式聚会牛津搭配〔produce〕this handsomely produced reference work 这部制作精美的参考作品牛津搭配〔read〕read the novel as a parable 把这部长篇小说阐释为寓言 英汉大词典〔routine〕this routine thriller about a CIA man and a KGB operative这部关于中情局特工和克格勃特工的老套惊悚片外研社新世纪〔transpose〕a story originally set in London that has been transposed to Paris for this film 一个原本设定发生在伦敦、在这部影片中改为发生在巴黎的故事韦氏高阶〔triumvirate〕the triumvirate of women who worked together on the TV dramatization of the novel合作把这部小说改编成电视剧的三位女士外研社新世纪〔uncut〕the uncut version of the film 这部电影的未剪辑版本韦氏高阶〔vote〕voted the play a success. 公认这部戏是成功的美国传统




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