

单词 这边
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HEAR〕Their voices carried across the lake to where we were sitting. 他们的声音传到了湖这边我们坐着的地方。朗文写作活用〔Madam〕Right this way, madam.女士,这边请美国传统〔Monsignor〕This way please, Monsignor.这边请,阁下。剑桥高阶〔NUMBER〕All the doors on this side of the street have odd numbers. 街这边的门牌号码都是奇数。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕OK, let's have all the girls on this side and all the boys on that side. 好了,女孩子都到这边来,男孩子都在那边。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕You stay on your side of the bed and I'll stay on mine. 你睡你的那边,我睡我的这边。朗文写作活用〔all〕Will all the girls please stand over here.女孩子都请站到这边来。朗文当代〔base〕There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall, right at its base.在墙的这边,沿着墙根有一条自行车道。柯林斯高阶〔blood〕There's Irish blood on his mother's side.他母亲这边有爱尔兰血统。朗文当代〔by〕He kept walking and passed by me on his side of the street.他一直在街对面走着,并与街这边的我交错而过。柯林斯高阶〔by〕James walked by without even looking in my direction.詹姆斯走了过去,甚至没有朝我这边看。朗文当代〔carve sb up〕Some idiot carved us up on the way over here - I don't know how he missed us! 有个白痴从路这边突然超我们的车——不知怎地居然没撞上我们!剑桥高阶〔come〕Come here [this way].到这里[往这边]。文馨英汉〔confidently〕She is confident that everybody is on her side.她确信所有人都站在她这边。柯林斯高阶〔depend on〕The Emperor will come round this way. You can depend on it!皇帝一定会从这边来, 你看着吧!外研社新世纪〔direction〕Marianne briefly inclined her head in my direction.玛丽安娜迅速地朝我这边点了点头。外研社新世纪〔drag〕She dragged one of the other tables over to ours.她把其他的桌子拖了一张到我们这边来。韦氏高阶〔dump over〕People come and dump wastes over our wall.常有人从墙外向我们这边倒垃圾。21世纪英汉〔eminence〕Will Your Eminence please step this way.阁下,请往这边走。韦氏高阶〔end〕I can't hear you very well—there is a lot of noise at this end.我听不清你说的话,我这边的电话噪声太大。韦氏高阶〔end〕I'll organise everything (at) my end.我会安排好我这边所有的事情。英汉大词典〔end〕I've kept my end of the bargain, but he hasn't kept his.我遵守了我这边作出的约定,但他却没有遵守他作出的。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕The exit is right this way. Just follow me.出口就在这边。跟我来。韦氏高阶〔gentleman〕This way, please, ladies and gentlemen.女士们,先生们,这边请。柯林斯高阶〔gent〕This way please, ladies and gents! 女士们,先生们,请这边走!牛津高阶〔glance〕He turned to glance in our direction.他转身向我们这边看了一眼。牛津搭配〔glower〕He glowered and glared, but she steadfastly refused to look his way.他怒目而视, 而她则坚决不向他这边看。外研社新世纪〔good〕Be so good as to step this way.请这边走。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕She grasped his hand and pulled him towards her.她抓住他的手拉向自己这边。麦克米伦高阶〔hello〕Hello! We're over here! 喂!我们在这边!麦克米伦高阶〔here〕My father was over here with the US army.这边麦克米伦高阶〔hither〕He lived on the hither side of the river.他住在河边的这边。文馨英汉〔interested〕I wasn't interested enough in the argument to take sides one way or the other.我对这场争论的兴趣不足以让我表态支持这边或者那边。牛津搭配〔just〕Would you just step this way, please, ladies and gentlemen.请走这边,女士们先生们。韦氏高阶〔lady〕Please step this way, ladies.请这边走,女士们。韦氏高阶〔level〕The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.地板是平的, 但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。外研社新世纪〔level〕The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.地板是平的,但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。柯林斯高阶〔like〕He started shouting at me and I'm like, "What's your problem? I'm on your side!" 他开始朝我大喊大叫起来,于是我就问他:“你怎么回事?我是站在你这边的!”剑桥高阶〔merry〕Neighbours approached their boundaries from opposite sides and made merry together.邻居们从对面来到他们这边, 一起尽情欢乐。外研社新世纪〔merry〕Neighbours approached their boundaries from opposite sides and made merry together.邻居们从对面来到他们这边,一起尽情欢乐。柯林斯高阶〔near〕I got into the near side of the bed.我从自己这边上了床。麦克米伦高阶〔number〕Houses on this side of the road have even numbers.马路这边的房子是偶数号。牛津搭配〔odd〕The houses on this side of the street all have odd numbers.街道这边的房子都是单号的。剑桥高阶〔over〕Come over to me.到我这边来。文馨英汉〔pace〕Here in Bermuda, the pace of life is very slow.在百慕大这边,生活节奏非常缓慢。朗文当代〔please〕Come this way, if you please.请这边走!麦克米伦高阶〔right〕Come right this way, please.请直接从这边过来。韦氏高阶〔roll〕A wave of cigarette smoke rolled towards me.有人在抽烟,一团烟雾向我这边飘来。剑桥高阶〔roll〕He rolled his chair closer to mine.他把椅子往我的座位这边滑了滑。外研社新世纪〔settle〕As far as we're concerned, the matter is settled.我们这边已经安排妥当了。柯林斯高阶〔shove over〕Shove it over to me.把它推到我这边来。外研社新世纪〔show sb out〕If you come this way, I'll show you out.请往这边走,我送您出去。剑桥高阶〔shrink〕He shrank back against the wall as he heard them approaching.听见他们朝这边来,他退到墙根。牛津高阶〔side〕Don't be angry with me - I'm on your side (= I want to help you).不要生我的气——我是站在你这边的。剑桥高阶〔side〕Get that employee on your side and then work together towards a solution.设法让那名雇员站到你这边,然后你们共同找出解决方法。柯林斯高阶〔side〕Groceries are cheaper on the American side so Canadians often shop there.美国这边的杂货更便宜,所以加拿大人常常去美国那边购物。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕He's on my side.他是站在我这边的。外研社新世纪〔side〕Move over. This is my side of the bed.躺过去点,床这边是我睡的。韦氏高阶〔side〕My father's side of the family are short, but my mother's side are tall.我父亲这边都是矮个子,但我母亲那边都是高个子。朗文当代〔side〕You have some dirt on the side of your face.你这边脸上有点灰。韦氏高阶〔significantly〕George paused, and glanced significantly in my direction.乔治停顿了一下,意味深长地向我这边看了一眼。朗文当代〔squash〕The others squashed up against Jo.其他的人都挤到乔这边来了。朗文当代〔step〕Mr. Ives? Please step this way (=walk in the direction I am showing you) .是艾夫斯先生吗?请这边走。朗文当代〔step〕Step this way please, sir.您这边请,先生。剑桥高阶〔step〕Step this way.这边走。 (或:请跟我来。)英汉大词典〔street〕She lives just up the street here.她就住在街这边。牛津搭配〔support〕He promised to support me at the meeting.他答应在会议上站在我这边。牛津搭配〔this〕Come this way please.请这边走。外研社新世纪〔this〕Step this way, ladies and gentlemen: the show is about to begin.请这边走,女士们、先生们:演出很快就要开始了。韦氏高阶〔this〕This way, sir.先生,请这边走。英汉大词典〔tilt〕The table has a definite tilt at this end.桌子这边确实有点歪。麦克米伦高阶〔tip〕He tipped his soup bowl towards himself.他没拿稳, 汤碗朝他自己这边洒了过来。外研社新世纪〔tip〕The balance of maritime superiority has tipped in favour of (against) us.海上优势已经转到(不在)我们这边了。英汉大词典〔to〕To call security, just press this button here.要叫保安的话,按这边这个按钮就行了。麦克米伦高阶〔transalpine〕Relating to, living on, or coming from the other side of the Alps, especially as viewed from Italy.阿尔卑斯山另一边的:有关、住在或来自阿尔卑斯山脉的另一边的,尤指从意大利这边看美国传统〔turn aside〕She turned her head aside to look in my direction.她转头朝我这边看。外研社新世纪〔turn〕Could you turn your chairs to face this way ? 你们把椅子转过来朝着这边好吗?朗文当代〔turn〕He waited for the woman to turn her face back to the road.他等待那个女人把脸转回路这边。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕Turn your eyes this way.冲这边看。21世纪英汉〔wave〕I was waving my hand like mad but he never once looked in my direction.我疯狂地挥手,可他连看也没朝我这边看一眼。剑桥高阶〔way〕He glanced my way.他朝我这边瞟了一眼美国传统〔way〕He looked my way, but didn't seem to recognize me.他朝我这边看,但好像没认出我来。牛津搭配〔way〕Look this way.往这边看。文馨英汉〔way〕The exit is this way, ladies and gentlemen.女士们,先生们,出口在这边。韦氏高阶〔way〕There's a huge storm heading this way.有一场强风暴正朝这边袭来。牛津搭配〔way〕This way please, ladies and gentlemen.女士们、先生们, 请这边走。外研社新世纪〔way〕Walk this way .这边走。朗文当代〔west〕If that way is east, then this way is west.如果那边是东,那么这边就是西。韦氏高阶〔what〕What if we moved the sofa over here? Would that look better? 要是我们把沙发挪到这边来会怎么样? 看上去会不会好一些?朗文当代〔wind〕Can I wind my window down? 我可以把我这边的窗户摇下来吗?牛津高阶He pushed off from the side of the pool and swam slowly to the other side.他从池子的这边出发,慢慢地游到另一边。剑桥国际He sided with his brother in the argument. 他在辩论中站在他兄弟这边。译典通He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看著婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。译典通I was waving my hand madly but he never once looked in my direction.我疯狂地挥动着手,但他根本没朝我这边看一眼。剑桥国际Some idiot carved us up on the way over here--I don't know how he missed us! 有个笨蛋曾在这边路上突然超我们的车,我不知道他怎么没有撞上我们!剑桥国际Such stinginess came from my side of the family. 这种吝啬是我这边的祖先遗传下来的。译典通The houses on this side of the street have all got odd numbers and on the other side they've got even numbers.街道这边的房子号码都是单数,另一边是双数。剑桥国际There's not much to do out here, except lie in the sun.在这边远的地方,除了躺在太阳底下没有什么事可做。剑桥国际This way please, monsignor.这边请,大人。剑桥国际We wanted to build an extra room onto the side of our house, but our neighbours spiked our guns (= stopped us doing what we wanted to do).我们想在我们屋子的这边再造一个房间,可我们的邻居不让我们这么做。剑桥国际




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