

单词 这是我的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕It's my house and I can do whatever I want here. 这是我的家,我在这里想做什么就能做什么。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕Dad, this is my friend Steve. 爸爸,这是我的朋友史蒂夫。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Here's my game plan, Roger. I want to make the magazine a monthly, and cut it down to sixty or seventy pages. 罗杰,这是我的详细方案。我想把这份杂志定为月刊,并把篇幅删至60或70页。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕I don't give out parking tickets because I like to - it's my duty. 我可不是为自己高兴就开出停车罚款单的—这是我的职责。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕Here are my calculations. They're a little rough and ready as yet, but you'll get a general idea. 这是我的计算结果,虽然目前还有点粗略,但你可以大概了解一下。朗文写作活用〔after〕It was my idea, after all.毕竟, 这是我的想法。外研社新世纪〔although〕No, this is my responsibility, although I appreciate your offer.不用了,这是我的责任,不过谢谢你的好意。朗文当代〔any〕That's my opinion, at any rate.不管别人怎么看, 至少这是我的看法。外研社新世纪〔aunt〕This is my Aunt Mary.这是我的玛丽姨妈。韦氏高阶〔awful〕The awful thing is, it was my fault.糟糕的是,这是我的过失。牛津高阶〔big〕This is my big brother, Jake.这是我的哥哥杰克。麦克米伦高阶〔card〕Here's my card if you need to contact me again.如果你需要再和我联系,这是我的名片。牛津高阶〔card〕Here's my card. You may need me.这是我的名片,你也许会用得到我。柯林斯高阶〔card〕My name's Adam Carver. Here's my card.我叫亚当‧卡弗,这是我的名片。朗文当代〔cubby-hole〕This is my office, my little cubbyhole.这是我的办公室, 我的小小藏身之处。外研社新世纪〔cubby-hole〕This is my office, my little cubbyhole.这是我的办公室,我的幽闭之地。柯林斯高阶〔do〕Clarissa, this is my colleague, John Harris.—How do you do, John? —How do you do?克拉丽莎, 这是我的同事, 约翰•哈里斯。——您好, 约翰!——您好!外研社新世纪〔edit〕This is the edited version of my speech(= some parts have been taken out).这是我的演讲稿选编本。牛津高阶〔fault〕It's my fault.这是我的过错。外研社新世纪〔favourite〕How clever of you to buy chocolate chip cookies - they're my favourites.你真聪明,买了带巧克力颗粒的饼干——这是我的最爱。剑桥高阶〔final〕This is my final offer.这是我的最终报价。外研社新世纪〔final〕This is my final offer.这是我的最终报价。韦氏高阶〔friend〕Jerry, this is my friend Sue.杰里,这是我的朋友休。朗文当代〔friend〕This is my friend Tom.这是我的朋友汤姆。牛津高阶〔grab〕This was my big chance and I grabbed it with both hands.这是我的大好机会,我紧紧抓住。牛津高阶〔hand〕I'll hold my hand up to the mistake.我会承认这是我的过错。外研社新世纪〔hard〕Work hard and play hard, that's my motto.努力工作痛快玩,这是我的座右铭。剑桥高阶〔hell〕Peter can go to hell. It's my money and I'll leave it to who I want.彼得见鬼去吧。这是我的钱, 我会留给我想给的人。外研社新世纪〔hell〕Peter can go to hell. It's my money and I'll leave it to who I want.让彼得见鬼去吧。这是我的钱,我想留给谁就留给谁。柯林斯高阶〔here〕Here's my card. You know where to find me.这是我的名片。你知道哪里能找到我。柯林斯高阶〔here〕Here's my card. You know where to find me.这是我的名片。你知道能在哪儿找到我。外研社新世纪〔here〕Here's my phone number.这是我的电话号码。韦氏高阶〔hers〕These are my gloves. Hers are in the drawer.这是我的手套,她的在抽屉里。朗文当代〔keep〕Keep your hands off, it's mine.把你的手拿开,这是我的。麦克米伦高阶〔main〕This is my main nigger.这是我的黑鬼心上人。英汉大词典〔make it a rule〕I make it a rule not to eat fatty foods.我不吃油腻的食物,这是我的习惯。剑桥高阶〔middle〕This is my class photo - I'm the one in the middle.这是我的全班合影——中间的那个是我。剑桥高阶〔mine〕That's mine.这是我的。牛津高阶〔mistake〕It was a big mistake on my part to have trusted her.我相信了她,这是我的一大错误。牛津高阶〔moment〕This is the proudest moment of my career.这是我的职业生涯中最自豪的时刻。麦克米伦高阶〔my〕This is my book.这是我的书。文馨英汉〔new〕This is my new stepsister.这是我的新继妹。韦氏高阶〔next〕This is my next oldest son.这是我的次子。文馨英汉〔old〕This is one of my old sweaters.这是我的旧套头毛衣中的一件。韦氏高阶〔part〕It was a mistake on my part.这是我的错。外研社新世纪〔philosophy〕Live now, pay later - that's my philosophy of life! 现在享受,以后还钱——这是我的人生哲学。剑桥高阶〔portion〕I have to work very hard, which I take as my portion.我只好卖力地干活儿,我认定这是我的命运。麦克米伦高阶〔prerogative〕I'll do things when I decide the time is right—that's my prerogative, and not anyone else's.我会在判定时机合适的时候做事——这是我的权利, 而不是别人的。外研社新世纪〔secretly〕I didn't want anyone to know about it, it was my secret.我不想任何人知道这件事,这是我的秘密。柯林斯高阶〔secret〕I didn't want anyone to know about it, it was my secret.我不想让任何人知道这件事, 这是我的秘密。外研社新世纪〔seem〕You seem to think it's my fault.你好像觉得这是我的错。朗文当代〔should〕In case you should need any help, here's my number.万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。牛津高阶〔speak〕Strictly speaking, it's my money, not yours. I earned it.严格说来,这是我的钱,不是你的。 是我挣来的。朗文当代〔stay〕Stay out of this; it's my problem, not yours.别介入这件事;这是我的事,与你不相干。英汉大词典〔strength〕That's too much for my strength.这是我的力量所办不到的。英汉大词典〔sugar〕Is this my tea? Did you sugar it?这是我的茶吗?你往里面加糖了吗?外研社新世纪〔take〕Here's my report. I'll take you through it if you like.这是我的报告。如果你想听的话,我会详细向你解释。麦克米伦高阶〔that〕This is my hat and that is yours.这是我的帽子,那是你的。韦氏高阶〔think〕That's my opinion, but you might think otherwise.这是我的看法,但你也许跟我想的不一样。牛津搭配〔this〕Sam, this is my sister, Liz.萨姆,这是我的妹妹莉兹。朗文当代〔this〕This is my cat. These are my tools.这是我的猫。这些是我的工具美国传统〔this〕This is my jacket and that's yours.这是我的夹克,那件是你的。韦氏高阶〔this〕This is my towel and that's yours.这是我的毛巾,那条是你的。麦克米伦高阶〔vice〕I love drinking coffee; it's one of my vices.我爱喝咖啡;这是我的坏习惯之一。英汉大词典〔vodka〕This is my third vodka (= glass of vodka).这是我的第三杯伏特加了。剑桥高阶〔wanted〕This is my territory. I want you out of here.这是我的地盘。我要你离开。柯林斯高阶〔worth〕Here's my advice, for what it's worth.这是我的建议,尽管可能用处不大,你姑且听听美国传统I just want to talk to him. Here is my card. 我只是想跟他谈谈。这是我的名片。译典通It was my decision. The buck stops here (= nobody else can be blamed).这是我的决定。不要责怪别人。牛津商务It's my view that the price is much too high.价格实在太高,这是我的看法。剑桥国际Live now, pay later -- that's my philosophy of/(Br also) on life! 现在享受,以后还钱,这是我的人生哲学。剑桥国际She kept serving to my backhand, which she knew was my weaker stroke.她一直逼我反手接球,因为她知道这是我的弱项。剑桥国际This is an important point in my argument, and I shall (= intend to) come back to it.这是我的论据中重要的一点,我待会儿还要加以论述。剑桥国际This is my bedroom-cum-study.这是我的卧室兼书房。剑桥国际This is my class photo --I'm the one in the middle.这是我的班级照片,我是中间那个。剑桥国际This is my permanent address. 这是我的固定地址。译典通Two thousand—and that's my bottom line! 两千块 ── 这是我的底价!牛津商务




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