

单词 连任
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abortive〕an abortive attempt to prevent the current President from taking office. 企图阻止现任总统连任的失败尝试柯林斯高阶〔bid〕a bid for power/reelection 争夺权力;争取连任韦氏高阶〔change horses in midstream〕a politician whose slogan for reelection is “Don't change horses in midstream” 将“请勿临阵换将”作为争取连任选举的口号的政治人物韦氏高阶〔determination〕the president's determination not to seek reelection 总统不再谋求连任的决定英汉大词典〔draft for〕to draft the president for a second term选举总统连任21世纪英汉〔extendable〕a single six-year term, extendable only for four years in cases of exceptional performance任期六年, 不可连任, 如表现出众只可延长四年外研社新世纪〔inauguration〕a ceremony to mark the inauguration of the president's third term in office 为庆祝总统第二次连任举行的庆典牛津搭配〔incumbent〕the campaign to re-elect the incumbent 争取现任官员连任的竞选活动麦克米伦高阶〔instrumental〕an instrumental figure in the governor's campaign for re-election 在州长连任的竞选运动中起重要作用的人物麦克米伦高阶〔mandate〕receive a renewed mandate 得以连任英汉大词典〔rig〕the blatantly rigged elections which allowed him to retain power有人公然操纵选举使他得以连任外研社新世纪〔setback〕a serious setback to his chances of re-election 他连任成功的一大阻碍牛津搭配〔term〕run for (win) a second term 竞选(获得)连任英汉大词典




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