

单词 连串
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MISTAKE〕a series of management blunders 一连串重大的管理失误朗文写作活用〔asininity〕a sickening list of asininities 一连串令人作呕的蠢事英汉大词典〔barrage〕a barrage of questions 一连串的问题牛津搭配〔blunder〕a series of political blunders 一连串政治失误牛津高阶〔boardwalk〕a charming nature trail with a boardwalk around a series of ponds一条自然景观迷人的小径, 木板人行道环绕着一连串池塘外研社新世纪〔chain〕the bizarre chain of events that led to his departure in January 1938导致他在1938年1月离开的那一连串怪异事件外研社新世纪〔climax〕a series of special events climaxing with a spectacular fireworks show 以精彩的烟火表演为高潮的一连串特别活动朗文当代〔coincidence〕a string of amazing coincidences. 一连串惊人的巧合柯林斯高阶〔concatenation〕a strange concatenation of events 一连串奇怪的事牛津高阶〔concatenation〕a strange concatenation of events 一连串怪事朗文当代〔covey〕a covey of queries 一连串问题英汉大词典〔cut〕cut loose with a string of curses. 一连串地放纵地骂人美国传统〔evasive〕a series of evasive replies 一连串含糊其词的答复麦克米伦高阶〔fusillade〕a fusillade of obscenities 一连串的污言秽语韦氏高阶〔imprecation〕a series of unprintable Gallic imprecations一连串极其粗鲁的高卢人的咒骂外研社新世纪〔intemperance〕a long series of intemperances 一连串的放纵行为英汉大词典〔interconnect〕a series of interconnected lakes 一连串相互连接的湖泊朗文当代〔invective〕a barrage/stream of racist invective 接二连三/一连串的带有种族歧视性的恶言谩骂韦氏高阶〔merry-go-round〕a merry-go-round of parties 一连串的派对韦氏高阶〔mischance〕a series of mischances 一连串的倒霉事韦氏高阶〔mishap〕a series of mishaps 一连串的倒霉事朗文当代〔mishap〕a series of mishaps 一连串的倒霉事牛津高阶〔monumentally〕a series of monumental disappointments. 一连串的巨大失望柯林斯高阶〔of〕a succession of temporary jobs 一连串的临时性工作麦克米伦高阶〔profuse〕profuse apologies 一连串的道歉麦克米伦高阶〔punishing〕a series of punishing defeats 一连串惨败朗文当代〔rash〕a rash of burglaries. 一连串的打家劫舍案美国传统〔rash〕a rash of forest fires 一连串的森林火灾 英汉大词典〔run〕a run of good/bad luck 一连串好运/厄运韦氏高阶〔series〕a series of explosions. 一连串的爆炸事件柯林斯高阶〔series〕a series of facts. Asuccession is a series whose elements follow each other, generally in order of time and without interruption: 一连串的事。 Succession 是其元素互相跟随的系列, 一般按照时间次序而且没有中断: 美国传统〔series〕a string of questions. 一连串问题 美国传统〔spitefully〕a stream of spiteful telephone calls. 一连串恶意电话柯林斯高阶〔stream〕a stream of abuse 一连串的辱骂朗文当代〔theft〕a spate of thefts over the Christmas period 圣诞节期间发生的一连串盗窃案牛津搭配〔thieving〕a string of convictions from a thieving career. 以偷盗为生背上的一连串罪名柯林斯高阶〔torrent〕a torrent of insults; torrents of mail. 一连串侮辱;接连的来信美国传统〔twist〕the latest twist in the saga of high-level corruption 一连串高层腐败事件的最新发展牛津搭配〔unwise〕a series of unwise investments in plastics and shipping在塑料和货运方面一连串不明智的投资外研社新世纪a chain of events that led to the collapse of the company 导致公司倒闭的一连串事件牛津商务




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