

单词 起床
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔STAND〕to get up after being asleep 睡醒起床朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕to get out of bed 起床朗文写作活用〔bed〕to get into/out of bed 就寝;起床牛津高阶〔bell〕rise at the bell 铃响时起床英汉大词典〔bugle〕to bugle reveille吹起床号21世纪英汉〔hop〕hop out of bed 一跃起床英汉大词典〔hop〕to hop into/out of bed 一头钻进被窝;猛然起床牛津高阶〔late〕a train that arrived late; woke late and had to skip breakfast. 火车晚点;起床迟了,不得不不吃早点美国传统〔latish〕get up latish 起床稍晚英汉大词典〔outsleep〕to outsleep a rain睡到雨停了才起床21世纪英汉〔oversleep〕oversleep the usual hour of rising 睡过平时起床的时刻英汉大词典〔reveille〕the trumpet notes of reveille 起床号声英汉大词典〔rise〕rose at dawn. 天亮时就起床了美国传统〔rise〕to rise from bed.起床。牛津同义词〔six〕get up at six 6 点钟起床英汉大词典〔sound off〕to sound off of reveille吹响起床号21世纪英汉〔trumpet〕trumpet the reveille 用喇叭吹奏起床号英汉大词典〔tyranny〕the tyranny of the clock which makes us get up when we don't want to 在我们不想起床时硬叫我们起床的分秒不饶人的时钟英汉大词典〔wind〕to wind a rousing call吹起床号21世纪英汉〔wind〕wind a rousing call 吹起床号英汉大词典〔with〕gets up with the birds. 与鸟儿同时起床美国传统〔with〕rise with the sun 与日出同时起床,黎明即起文馨英汉




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