

单词 赶紧
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕If you don't hurry up and make a decision, you could miss the chance of a lifetime. 要是不赶紧作决定的话,你就会失去这个千载难逢的机会。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Let's grab something to eat before we go out. 我们出去以前赶紧吃些东西吧。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Mike gobbled his lunch down then dashed off to meet his next client. 迈克三下两下吃完午餐,然后赶紧去见下一位客户。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Elizabeth disappeared into the crowd and Donald had to hurry after her. 伊丽莎白消失在人群中,唐纳德只得赶紧追上去。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Get cracking you people! I want the whole house cleaned by four o'clock. 你们这帮人赶紧动手干!4点前必须把整幢房子打扫干净!朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕I think we'd better get moving, it's only five minutes to boarding time. 我想我们得赶紧了,离登机时间只有五分钟了。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕When Alf arrives we'll get cracking moving the furniture. 阿尔夫到达以后,我们将赶紧动手搬家具。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Zack rushed to tell her what had happened. 扎克赶紧把所发生的事情告诉她。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕I'll have another coffee ,and then I must dash. 我再喝杯咖啡就得赶紧走了。朗文写作活用〔PDQ〕The phone bill's overdue - we need to pay it PDQ.电话费已经在拖欠了——我们得赶紧缴费。剑桥高阶〔TIME〕If you hurry there should be time for a little shopping. 如果你赶紧的话,应该还有时间买点东西。朗文写作活用〔about〕Quick! Let's go while there's no-one about.快点儿! 趁没有人在我们赶紧走。朗文当代〔add〕I was refused accommodation – not, I hasten to add , on account of my appearance (=used to explain more about what you have just said) .我被拒绝提供住宿 — 我要赶紧说明一下,不是因为我的长相。朗文当代〔beat a hasty retreat〕A group of teenagers was causing trouble, but they beat a hasty retreat when the cops arrived.那群小青年正在惹事,但警察一来他们便赶紧跑掉了。韦氏高阶〔beat〕He beat a hasty retreat when he spotted me.他一看到我就赶紧溜走了。朗文当代〔blow〕Let's blow this joint.我们赶紧离开这个地方吧。麦克米伦高阶〔call down〕Call her down hastily, it's time for supper.该吃晚饭了,赶紧叫她下楼来。21世纪英汉〔change〕You'll have to get changed in a hurry, we're due out again in ten minutes.你得赶紧换衣服, 我们10分钟后又该出场了。外研社新世纪〔clap〕He clapped his hand over his mouth when he realized what he had said.当他意识到自己说了什么时,赶紧用手捂住了嘴。韦氏高阶〔condition〕She was rushed to the hospital in (a) serious condition.她病情严重,被赶紧送进医院。英汉大词典〔cover〕Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover.查尔斯点燃了导火索,他们便赶紧四处躲避。柯林斯高阶〔crack〕I need to crack on with my project work this weekend.这个周末我得赶紧把专题研究作业完成。朗文当代〔cut〕They quickly cut away to the announcer when he appeared on stage.当主持人出现在舞台上时,他们赶紧把镜头切换到他身上。韦氏高阶〔dash away〕Sorry I must dash away now, I'm already late for the meeting.对不起,我得赶紧走了,开会已经迟到了。21世纪英汉〔dash〕I must dash! or I have to dash!我得赶紧走了!外研社新世纪〔dash〕It's pouring with rain – we'll have to make a dash for it .下大雨了 — 我们得赶紧跑。朗文当代〔dive〕They dived for cover when they heard the shooting start.他们一听到枪声就赶紧找地方躲起来。剑桥高阶〔double-park〕I'll have to rush—I'm double-parked.我得赶紧点,我这是并排停车。牛津高阶〔do〕Do shut up, Georgia, and get on with your homework.赶快闭嘴吧,乔治娅,赶紧写作业吧。剑桥高阶〔draw〕She drew away from him when he tried to kiss her.他想吻她时,她赶紧躲闪。英汉大词典〔drop〕I dropped my knife and fork and hurried to answer the telephone.我放下刀叉赶紧去接电话。英汉大词典〔duck〕She ducked into a store when it started to rain.雨一开始下,她赶紧跑进一家商店。韦氏高阶〔duck〕You can duck into a coffee shop until the feeling passes.你可以赶紧躲进一家咖啡店, 直到这种感觉过去。外研社新世纪〔fast〕You need to act fast to take advantage of this offer.你得赶紧出手,利用这一优惠。韦氏高阶〔finger〕Isn't it about time that you pulled your finger out?你是不是该赶紧工作了?外研社新世纪〔fly〕I'll have to fly.我得赶紧走了。柯林斯高阶〔fly〕You'll have to make decisions on the fly.你必须赶紧做决定。韦氏高阶〔goof off〕The teacher told them to stop goofing off and get back to work.老师让他们不要偷懒了,赶紧开始学习。剑桥高阶〔grab〕Hang on while I grab a cup of coffee.你等一等,我赶紧喝杯咖啡。朗文当代〔grab〕I'll grab a sandwich back at the hotel.我要回旅店赶紧吃个三明治。麦克米伦高阶〔gulp〕Every fighter was either fighting or gulping fuel for another go.战斗机不是在作战就是在赶紧加油准备再战。英汉大词典〔hasten to add/say/explain (etc.)〕Let me hasten to point out that these changes will not affect our existing clients.请允许我赶紧说明一下,这些改变不会影响我们现有的客户。韦氏高阶〔hightail〕I hightailed out of there.我赶紧离开那里。英汉大词典〔hurry〕Liz took Anna's arm and hurried her away.利兹拉住安娜的胳膊,催她赶紧离开。麦克米伦高阶〔hurry〕Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday.哈迪夫人赶紧问客人假期过得怎么样, 以弥补自己的冒失。外研社新世纪〔hurry〕Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday.哈迪夫人赶紧问客人假期过得怎么样,替自己的言不得体打圆场。柯林斯高阶〔hurry〕She had to hurry home and look after her son.她得赶紧回家照顾儿子。外研社新世纪〔hurry〕The telephone suddenly rang and she hurried to answer it.电话铃突然响起来,于是她赶紧去接。麦克米伦高阶〔injured〕The injured were rushed to the hospital.受伤者被赶紧送到医院。文馨英汉〔interpose〕The Speaker did not interpose, and the Chancellor hurried on to another point of his argument.议长没有插话, 财政大臣便赶紧转到他要说的另一个论点上了。外研社新世纪〔leap〕I leapt at the chance of studying abroad.我赶紧抓住了出国留学的机会。朗文当代〔leap〕I leapt to my feet(= stood up quickly).我赶紧站了起来。牛津高阶〔make tracks〕Here comes your mom—I'd better make tracks.你妈妈来了——我最好赶紧离开。韦氏高阶〔man〕Don't just stand there, man—get a doctor! 你这家伙,别净站着,赶紧去找医生呀!牛津高阶〔mode〕Investors are in panic mode. No one wants to be left holding stock.投资者感到惊恐不安, 都想赶紧把股票脱手。外研社新世纪〔move back〕When they saw the roof was falling, they moved back quickly.看到屋顶塌下来,他们赶紧往后退。21世纪英汉〔nip into〕I had to stop when another car nipped into the moving lines.突然一辆车插进了我们行驶的车流中,害得我赶紧停下了车。21世纪英汉〔nip out〕Should I nip out and get some groceries?我是不是应该赶紧跑出去买一些食品杂货?外研社新世纪〔nip up〕Right I'll just nip up to the loo.现在我要赶紧去趟厕所。外研社新世纪〔point〕Let me hasten to point out that this is not a marketing book.我要赶紧指出,这不是一本市场营销的书。牛津搭配〔pop into〕I need to pop into the supermarket for some milk.我得赶紧去趟超市买些牛奶。外研社新世纪〔posthaste〕With great speed; rapidly.急速地;赶紧地美国传统〔pounce on〕When John suggested taking a holiday, Anna pounced on the idea.当约翰建议度假时, 安娜赶紧表示赞同。外研社新世纪〔pull/get your finger out〕She's really going to have to pull her finger out if she wants to finish before Friday.她要是想在星期五之前完成,就必须赶紧加把劲。剑桥高阶〔quick〕If you want to come with me you'll have to be quick – I'm leaving in ten minutes.如果你想和我一块去,你就得赶紧点 — 我十分钟后就走。朗文当代〔ran〕We ran to help him.我们赶紧去帮助他。21世纪英汉〔reach after〕He reached after his hat at once,but it was blown away by the strong wind.他赶紧伸手去抓他的帽子,但已被大风吹走。21世纪英汉〔recoil〕She recoiled hastily at seeing a snake in the path.她见到小路上有一条蛇就赶紧往后退。21世纪英汉〔roof〕Put that back before Dad sees you and hits the roof! 赶紧放回去,免得爸爸看见了大发雷霆!朗文当代〔rumpled〕I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean, if rumpled, clothes.我赶紧跑到帐篷里,抓起了几件虽然有些皱,但是很干净的衣服。柯林斯高阶〔run for it〕The roof started to fall down and they started to run for it.屋顶眼看要塌下来,他们赶紧逃命。21世纪英汉〔rush into〕He saw no great need to rush headlong into parenthood.他觉得没必要赶紧要孩子。外研社新世纪〔rush〕He rushed to help his comrade.他赶紧去帮他的同事。朗文当代〔rush〕They rushed the victim to (the) hospital.他们赶紧把受害人送到医院。文馨英汉〔rush〕We have got to rush to the hospital.我们必须赶紧去医院。21世纪英汉〔rush〕We rushed the children off to school.我们赶紧把孩子从家中送到了学校。麦克米伦高阶〔rustle〕I'll rustle up a couple of steaks on the barbecue.我会在烤架上赶紧烤几块牛排。朗文当代〔same〕He just wanted the war to end, the same as Fred did.他就希望这场战争赶紧结束, 和弗雷德想的一样。外研社新世纪〔scuttle〕A crab scuttled away under a rock as we passed.我们走过时,一只螃蟹赶紧钻进岩石下面。剑桥高阶〔scuttle〕Sh e scuttled off when she heard the sound of his voice.听到他的说话声,她赶紧跑开了。牛津高阶〔shake〕Come on – shake a leg!快——赶紧!外研社新世纪〔sheepish〕The couple leapt apart when she walked in on them and later came downstairs looking sheepish.她走进屋时撞见这对情侣,搞得两人赶紧分开,后来又面带窘色地走下楼来。柯林斯高阶〔slip along〕Slip along to Mary's and ask her if she wants anything.赶紧去趟玛丽家, 问她要不要什么东西。外研社新世纪〔snack〕I grabbed a quick snack.我赶紧吃了点零食。朗文当代〔snatch away〕She snatched her hand away.她赶紧把手缩了回来。外研社新世纪〔strafe〕It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town, so we dived for cover.飞机看起来好像要俯冲下来轰炸小镇,所以我们赶紧蹲下躲避。柯林斯高阶〔throw sth together〕I had to throw dinner together at the last minute.我只好在最后一分钟赶紧做了一顿饭。剑桥高阶〔trip〕I need to make a quick trip to the store for milk and eggs.我得赶紧去趟商店,买牛奶和鸡蛋。韦氏高阶Halfway through the party my wife became ill and we had to leave in short order. 聚会进行到一半,我太太发病了,我们只好赶紧离开。译典通He hastened to apologize. 他赶紧道歉。译典通He hied himself to the post office. 他赶紧去邮局。译典通He hurried forward to meet her. 他赶紧走上前去迎接她。译典通I'm afraid I must dash (off)--I'm seeing my doctor in half an hour.恐怕我得赶紧走了----半小时后还得去看医生。剑桥国际Just before the visitors arrived I rushed around madly tidying up.我在客人到达之前赶紧清扫了一番。剑桥国际She looked at the advertisement with distaste before walking quickly on.她厌恶地看了看广告,又赶紧接着走。剑桥国际Take this broom and get busy, I want the whole shop swept out.拿着扫帚赶紧干活,我要整个店铺都被打扫干净。剑桥国际The president hastened to reassure his people that he was in perfect health.总统赶紧向人们保证,他的身体状况非常好。剑桥国际They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up. 他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上。译典通We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air (= had completely disappeared).我们赶紧跑出商店,拼命追赶,但那小偷已经无影无踪了。剑桥国际When they saw the teacher coming, they beat a hasty retreat. 他们看到老师来了,就赶紧躲开。译典通




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