

单词 轻蔑的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Canuck〕Used as a disparaging term for a Canadian, especially a French Canadian.加拿大人,法裔加拿大人:对加拿大人轻蔑的称呼,尤其是对法裔加拿大人美国传统〔Paddy〕Used as a disparaging term for an Irishman.白鬼子:爱尔兰人用的一种表示轻蔑的词语美国传统〔beggarly〕So mean, petty, or paltry as to deserve contempt.卑鄙的:下贱的、微不足道的或没有价值以至应该轻蔑的美国传统〔cock a snook at sb/sth〕He could seldom resist an opportunity to cock a snook at traditional English life.他从来不放过对传统的英国式生活表示轻蔑的机会。剑桥高阶〔contemptuous〕Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.鄙视的:表示轻蔑的或感觉不屑的;鄙视的美国传统〔deprecating〕Her deprecating smile clearly showed that she thought I'd said something stupid.她轻蔑的微笑明显是认为我说了些蠢话。剑桥高阶〔derision〕Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule.嘲笑:轻蔑的,嘲弄的笑容;嘲弄美国传统〔despite〕Contemptuous defiance or disregard.轻蔑的拒绝或不承认美国传统〔dismissive〕Cath spread both hands in a dismissive gesture.凯思摊开双手做了个轻蔑的手势。朗文当代〔get〕Slang To act or speak with effrontery. Used in the imperative to express contempt or disdainful disbelief.【俚语】 厚颜无耻的言行:厚颜无耻地做或说。用在祈使语气以表达鄙视或轻蔑的不信美国传统〔growl〕He gave an angry growl of contempt.他发出了轻蔑的怒吼声。外研社新世纪〔hoot〕A cry of scorn or derision.嘲讽或轻蔑的叫声美国传统〔howl away〕He was howled away when stepping into the room.他刚一走进屋就被轻蔑的吼叫声轰了出来。21世纪英汉〔indignity〕A source of offense, as to a person's pride or sense of dignity; an affront.有辱尊严之举:冒犯人的举动,如冒犯一个人的荣誉或尊严的举动;轻蔑的举动美国传统〔interpret〕He interpreted the silence as contempt.他把这沉默看做轻蔑的表示。21世纪英汉〔laugh down〕They laughed the speaker down.他们用轻蔑的笑声打断发言者。外研社新世纪〔lip〕He curled his lip at most of what went on around him.他对自己周围发生的事情大多抱着轻蔑的态度。英汉大词典〔out-group〕A group of people excluded from or not belonging to one's own group, especially when viewed as subordinate or contemptibly different.外团体:被排除在外的、不属于本身应属团体的一群人,尤指被看作次要的或以轻蔑的眼光视为异样的一群人美国传统〔pejorative〕A disparaging or belittling word or expression.贬损:贬义或轻蔑的词或表达美国传统〔pose〕He struck a pose, affecting disdain.他装出一副轻蔑的样子。外研社新世纪〔prideful〕Arrogant; disdainful.傲慢的;轻蔑的,目中无人的美国传统〔proud-hearted〕Arrogant; disdainful.自大的;轻蔑的美国传统〔pussy〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a woman.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 女郎:用于妇女的带有轻蔑的称呼美国传统〔raspberry〕Slang A derisive or contemptuous sound made by vibrating the extended tongue and the lips while exhaling.【俚语】 呸声;呵斥:震动突出的舌头和嘴唇,同时呵气发出表示责怪或轻蔑的声音美国传统〔sardonically〕She smiled sardonically when she heard what had happened.当她知道发生了什么事时,露出了轻蔑的笑容。韦氏高阶〔scornful〕They spoke of the old traditions of their ancestors in a scornful voice.他们以轻蔑的口吻谈论祖先的老传统。英汉大词典〔shine〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 黑鬼:对黑人的轻蔑的称呼美国传统〔sirrah〕Mister; fellow. Used as a contemptuous form of address.小子;老兄。表示轻蔑的称谓美国传统〔snap〕His eyes snapped with scorn.他两眼露出轻蔑的光。英汉大词典〔sneer〕Canete's mouth twisted in a contemptuous sneer.凯尼特的嘴唇扭曲起来, 露出一副轻蔑的表情。外研社新世纪〔sneer〕He gave an arrogant sneer.他露出傲慢轻蔑的笑容。牛津搭配〔sneer〕Her lips twisted into a sneer.她一撇嘴,露出轻蔑的笑容。牛津搭配〔snook〕A gesture of derision or defiance.轻蔑的动作:表示轻蔑或讨厌的动作美国传统〔threw〕She threw a look of contempt at him.她对他投以轻蔑的目光。21世纪英汉〔throw〕She threw a contemptuous look at me.她向我投以轻蔑的眼色。文馨英汉〔unscrupulous〕Devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable.毫无顾忌的:全无顾忌的;忘了何为正确或光荣的或对正确的或光荣的事物轻蔑的美国传统〔wither〕She withered me with a scornful look [glance].她用轻蔑的眼光看我,使我畏缩。文馨英汉Any backwardness in her family towards him was due to his cold and contemptuous behavior. 她家里人对他的迟疑归咎于他冷淡轻蔑的行为。译典通He could seldom resist an opportunity to cock a snook at traditional English life.他从来不放过对传统的英国式生活表示轻蔑的机会。剑桥国际His victory was announced to a chorus of raspberries. 当宣布他获得胜利的时候,人们一齐发出轻蔑的呸声。译典通I couldn't bear his shafts of scorn.我不能忍受他轻蔑的挖苦话。剑桥国际She made several rather disparaging remarks about the director whom she evidently dislikes.她谈到主管时,说了几句相当轻蔑的话,显然是讨厌这人。剑桥国际She withered him with a scornful look. 她轻蔑的一瞥使他无地自容。译典通




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