

单词 谈判人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕German negotiators denied that economic circumstances had favored their companies and given them an export advantage. 德国的谈判人员否认经济形势对他们公司有利并为他们创造了出口优势。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Union negotiators criticized the employers for being too inflexible on the issues of pay and working conditions. 工会谈判人员指责资方在薪金和工作条件的问题上毫不让步。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Negotiators will meet again after the holidays and take up where they left off. 假期过后,谈判人员将再会晤,继续谈判。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Negotiators worked feverishly late into the night to hammer out an agreement. 谈判人员紧张地工作到深夜,以敲定协议。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Negotiators have made a breakthrough on the most difficult issue of employment security. 谈判人员在最难解决的职业保障问题上已有了突破。朗文写作活用〔bargainer〕A union bargainer said that those jobs have been saved.一位工会的谈判人员说那些工作岗位都已经保住了。柯林斯高阶〔collide〕The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field.看来,纽约谈判人员的目标可能会再次与战场上勇士们的目标发生冲突。柯林斯高阶〔finalize〕Negotiators from the three countries finalized the agreement in August.8 月里三国谈判人员最终敲定了协议。柯林斯高阶〔mediate〕Negotiators are trying to mediate a cease-fire.谈判人员正努力促成停火协议。韦氏高阶〔mediate〕Negotiators were called in to mediate between the two sides.请来了谈判人员为双方调解。剑桥高阶〔middle ground〕The negotiators could find no middle ground.谈判人员找不到双方都能接受的立场。朗文当代〔miracle〕As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides.作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。麦克米伦高阶〔polished〕He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.他文雅、迷人、能言善辩,是一名优秀的谈判人。柯林斯高阶〔reconciled〕Negotiators must now work out how to reconcile these demands with American demands for access.谈判人员现在必须想办法调和这些要求和美国人想要参与的要求。柯林斯高阶〔secure〕Negotiators are still working to secure the hostages'release.谈判人员仍在努力争取人质获释。朗文当代〔square away〕Negotiators have already squared away a lot of the agreements that will be signed at the Earth Summit.谈判人员已经把很多将在地球峰会上签署的协议准备妥当。柯林斯高阶〔square away〕Negotiators have already squared away a lot of the agreements that will be signed at the Earth Summit.谈判人员已经把要在地球峰会上签署的许多协定准备停当。外研社新世纪〔time〕Our negotiators must expect a rather tough time.我们的谈判人员必须预计到将会有激烈的讨价还价。英汉大词典〔transition〕The negotiators hoped to bring about a smooth transition to an interim administration.谈判人员希望促成向临时政府的平稳过渡。牛津搭配〔wired up〕The negotiators were wired up when they talked to the kidnappers.谈判人员在与绑匪交谈时,身上安装了窃听装置。剑桥高阶〔wire〕Negotiators again worked right down to the wire to reach an agreement.谈判人员又一次直到最后时刻才达成了协议。外研社新世纪〔wire〕Negotiators again worked right down to the wire to reach an agreement.谈判人员又是直到最后时刻才达成了协议。柯林斯高阶〔work out〕Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise.谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。柯林斯高阶〔work〕UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposals.联合国谈判人员制定出一套折中方案。朗文当代Europe's top trade negotiator 欧洲最优秀贸易谈判人员牛津商务Obviously the negotiator had done his homework. 显而易见,谈判人事前做了充分的准备工作。译典通She's just what we need for a negotiator--she doesn't mind mixing it with the worst of them.她就是我们所需要的谈判人,她不介意与他们中最棘手的人周旋。剑桥国际Some very skilful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.要解决这一分歧需要一些十分老练的谈判人。剑桥国际The negotiators have given up hope of signing a peace settlement before the onset of winter.谈判人员已放弃在冬天开始之前签署和平协议的希望。剑桥国际The war-torn country has vested (= placed) all its hopes in the peace negotiators.这个饱受战争创伤的国家把所有的希望都寄托在和平谈判人员身上。剑桥国际




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