

单词 转世
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Grand Lama〕Either of two traditionally reincarnating high lamas of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama or the Panchen Lama.达赖喇嘛,班禅喇嘛:藏传佛教的两个世袭转世轮回的高等喇嘛中的任一个,达赖喇嘛或班禅喇嘛美国传统〔IMAGINE〕Sceptics will tell you that there is no such thing as reincarnation and that living a previous life is a figment of the subject's imagination. 怀疑论者会对你说没有转世轮回这种事,前世生活只不过是当事人的幻觉罢了。朗文写作活用〔assert〕He again affirmed his belief in the existence of an afterlife.他再次坚称他相信人死后会转世。韦氏高阶〔disagree〕The two men had disagreed about reincarnation.两人对于灵魂转世有不同的看法。柯林斯高阶〔fable〕Is reincarnation fact or fable?转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈?外研社新世纪〔inseparable〕The doctrine of karma is inseparably linked with reincarnation.业的教义与轮回转世说紧密相关。柯林斯高阶〔rebirth〕A second or new birth; reincarnation.轮回,再生:第二次的或新的出生;轮生转世美国传统〔reborn〕If you were reborn as an animal, which animal would you be? 如果你转世成为动物,你愿意做哪种动物?牛津高阶〔reincarnated〕They believe that the boy is their reincarnated leader.他们相信这个男童就是他们转世的领袖。韦氏高阶〔reincarnate〕He believed he might be reincarnated as a woman.他相信他死后可能转世变为妇人。21世纪英汉〔reincarnate〕Perhaps you will be reincarnated as a bull.说不定你将转世变为一条公牛。英汉大词典〔reincarnate〕To cause to be reborn in another body; incarnate again.使转世化身;使重新体现美国传统〔reincarnation〕Belief in this rebirth.转世说:对这种再生的信念美国传统〔reincarnation〕Do you believe in reincarnation? 你相信轮回转世说吗?英汉大词典〔reincarnation〕Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation.印度教徒和佛教徒相信轮回转世说。剑桥高阶〔reincarnation〕Many African tribes believe in reincarnation.许多非洲的部落都相信人会转世。柯林斯高阶〔reincarnation〕Many people believe in reincarnation.很多人相信转世轮回。韦氏高阶〔reincarnation〕Rebirth of the soul in another body.转世:灵魂在另一身体内的再生美国传统〔reincarnation〕She thinks she is a reincarnation of Cleopatra.她认为自己是克娄巴特拉转世。朗文当代〔reincarnation〕They believe that the boy is the reincarnation of their leader.他们相信这个男孩是他们领袖的转世化身。韦氏高阶〔spirit〕Some religions believe that the same spirit is reincarnated many times in different bodies.一些宗教认为同一个灵魂会多次转世到不同的肉身里。韦氏高阶Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation.印度教徒和佛教徒相信轮回转世。剑桥国际She believes in reincarnation and she says we must have met before in a previous life.她相信人会转世重生并说我们前世肯定见过面。剑桥国际She thinks that she's a reincarnation of Cleopatra.她认为她是克里奥芭特拉的转世。剑桥国际




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