

单词 该镇
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔capture〕the capture of the town by the enemy 敌人对该镇的占领英汉大词典〔commemorate〕a parade to commemorate the town's bicentenary 庆祝该镇建镇 200 周年的游行朗文当代〔descent〕the descent on the town by a motorcycle gang 一伙骑摩托车的人突然来到该镇朗文当代〔dignitary〕all the dignitaries of the town该镇的所有达官贵人外研社新世纪〔feasibility〕a drilling project to assess the feasibility of bringing the water four miles into the town 评估将水从 4 英里外引入该镇的可行性的钻探工程牛津搭配〔feeling〕the town's strong feeling of history 该镇强烈的历史感朗文当代〔glean〕glean old letters for information on the founding of the town 为搜集有关该镇初建的资料而查看过去的信件英汉大词典〔narrowing〕through the town's narrow streets. 穿过该镇狭窄的街道柯林斯高阶〔of〕the population of this town. 该镇的人口柯林斯高阶〔one-way〕the town's one-way system 该镇的单向交通系统朗文当代〔preferment〕the preferment of gothic architecture as the town's official style优先选择哥特式建筑作为该镇建筑官方风格外研社新世纪〔street〕the town's main shopping street 该镇主要的商业街牛津搭配〔structure〕the social structure of the town 该镇的社会结构牛津搭配




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