

单词 该部
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔document〕a consultative document issued by the Department 该部发布的咨询文件牛津搭配〔hive〕hived off the department into another division. 从该部门分离出来进入另一分支美国传统〔inquest〕an inquest into the department's poor performance 对该部门业绩不佳的调查剑桥高阶〔monument〕monuments of the army's past campaigns 纪念该部队过去所参加战役的纪念碑牛津搭配〔operation〕the smooth day-to-day operation of the department 该部门平稳的日常运转牛津搭配〔overseer〕the department's dual role as overseer of oil production and safety. 该部门作为监管石油生产与安全的机构的双重身份柯林斯高阶〔overseer〕the department's dual role as overseer of oil production and safety该部门作为石油生产与安全监管机构的双重身份外研社新世纪〔public〕the ministry's first detailed public statement on the subject该部委针对这一问题发表的第一份详尽的公开声明外研社新世纪〔shape〕whip the department into shape 整顿该部门 英汉大词典




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