

单词 路平
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOODBYE〕Safe trip back guys and we'll see you soon. 祝你们回来时一路平安,我们马上再见。朗文写作活用〔bon voyage〕Bon voyage. Have a safe trip.旅途愉快,一路平安。韦氏高阶〔bon voyage〕Used to express farewell and good wishes to a departing traveler.一路平安:用来对出发旅游者表达告别和良好祝愿的词美国传统〔bum along〕We are bumming along the road nicely.我们正在沿公路平稳行驶。21世纪英汉〔conclude〕He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home.他讲话结束时祝愿大家回家一路平安。牛津高阶〔ditch〕The ditch ran parallel to the road.水沟与道路平行。牛津搭配〔flatbed〕A railroad flatcar.铁路平板车美国传统〔flatly〕The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead.公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。柯林斯高阶〔gently〕Green meadows sloped gently up from the road.碧绿的草地从公路平缓地向坡上延伸。外研社新世纪〔gently〕The path ran gently down to the sea.这条小路平缓地向大海延伸。牛津高阶〔journey〕Bye! Safe journey! 再见!一路平安!牛津搭配〔journey〕Bye!Safe journey!(= used when sb is beginning a journey) 再见!一路平安!牛津高阶〔journey〕Have a safe journey .一路平安。朗文当代〔journey〕Have a safe journey! 祝一路平安!剑桥高阶〔journey〕Our parents wished us a safe journey as we drove away.我们驱车而去的时候,父母祝我们一路平安。麦克米伦高阶〔parallel〕Hills Road is parallel to Mill Road.希尔斯路和米尔路平行。剑桥高阶〔parallel〕It's a quiet street running (= positioned) parallel to the main road.这是一条和大路平行的宁静小路。剑桥高阶〔parallel〕She was travelling parallel to her previous route.她现在的旅行线路和先前的线路平行。朗文当代〔parallel〕The row of trees is parallel with the road.这排树木与道路平行。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕The stream parallels the road for several miles.这条小河和公路平行数英里21世纪英汉〔safe〕Dad rang to wish me a safe journey.爸爸打电话来祝我一路平安。朗文当代〔safe〕She wished us a safe journey.她祝我们一路平安。剑桥高阶〔smooth〕The road ahead was flat and smooth.前面的路平坦光滑。剑桥高阶〔speed〕To wish Godspeed to.祝某人一路平安美国传统〔to〕The brook runs parallel to the road.小河与路平行而流美国传统〔ungated〕An ungated level crossing is dangerous.不设栅栏的公路与铁路平交道口是危险的。英汉大词典Have a safe journey! 一路平安!剑桥国际Hills Road is parallel to Mill Road.希尔斯路和米尔路平行。剑桥国际The street paralleled the railroad. 那条街与铁路平行。译典通




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