

单词 贵妇人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔La Vallière〕French noblewoman. The lover of Louis XIV, she had four children with him.拉瓦利埃:法国贵妇人。她是路易十四的情妇,为他生了四个孩子美国传统〔accost〕The beggar accosted the lady for money.那乞丐上前向贵妇人讨钱。21世纪英汉〔archduchess〕Used as a title for such a noblewoman.女大公:用作这样一个贵妇人的头衔美国传统〔behave as〕She behaves as a lady.她举止像位贵妇人。21世纪英汉〔cross-dressing〕There's a lot of cross-dressing in British pantomimes, where men dress up as Dames and a woman plays the part of the young hero.英国哑剧中经常有女扮男装和男扮女装的情况,如男子装扮成贵妇人,女子扮作年轻的男主角。剑桥高阶〔deck up〕The young lady decked herself up with fine jewels.这年轻贵妇人戴着精美的珠宝。21世纪英汉〔disdainful〕The lady dismissed her maid with a disdainful nod.贵妇人轻蔑地点一点头,将女仆打发走了。英汉大词典〔dowager〕An elderly woman of high social station.老年贵妇人美国传统〔duchess〕Used as the title for such a noblewoman.用作这些贵妇人的称号美国传统〔grande dame〕A highly respected elderly or middle-aged woman.贵妇,贵妇人:极受人尊敬的老年或中年妇女美国传统〔intermarry〕A peeress by marriage afterwards intermarried with a commoner.一个嫁给贵族而成为贵妇人的女子后来又和一个平民结了婚。英汉大词典〔knight〕The devoted champion of a lady.贵妇人忠心的护卫者美国传统〔ladylike〕Characteristic of a lady; well-bred.贵妇人似的;有教养的美国传统〔marchesa〕Used as the title for such a noblewoman.用于称呼这种贵妇人的封号美国传统〔milady〕An English noblewoman or gentlewoman.夫人,太太:英国的女贵族或贵妇人美国传统〔nothing〕There was nothing of the lady in her behaviour.她的举止根本不像贵妇人。英汉大词典〔play〕She likes to play the great lady.她喜欢装成贵妇人的样子。英汉大词典〔princess〕A noblewoman of varying status or rank.贵妇人:位于各种位置或地位的贵族妇女美国传统〔sue〕He sued a lady of means.他向一个有钱的贵妇人求爱了。外研社新世纪The camera panned slowly across to the lady sitting in the corner. 镜头慢慢转向坐在角落里的那位贵妇人。译典通There's a lot of cross-dressing in British pantomimes, where men dress up as Dames and a woman plays the part of the young hero.英国哑剧中有许多女扮男装、男扮女装的现象,如男子装扮成贵妇人的模样,而女子则扮演年轻英雄的角色。剑桥国际




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