

单词 面对现实
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕Let's face it, the England team are not good enough to beat Holland. 面对现实吧,英格兰队是打不过荷兰队的。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Let's face it -- going from an academic life to the world of business is never an easy move. 让我们面对现实吧—从学校生活迈入商业世界从来就不是容易的一步。朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕Come on. Let's face it - nobody trusts the guy because he's at least one clown short of a circus. 好了,让我们面对现实吧——没人相信那个家伙,因为他多少有点疯癫。朗文写作活用〔backbone〕He doesn't have the backbone to face the truth.他没有面对现实的勇气。牛津高阶〔bury/have your head in the sand〕You've got to face facts here - you can't just bury your head in the sand.在这里你必须面对现实——你不能逃避。剑桥高阶〔face to face〕It would do you good to come face to face with reality for once.哪怕只有一次面对现实也对你有好处。麦克米伦高阶〔face up to〕We are ruined, and must face up to the fact.我们破产了,我们必须敢于面对现实。21世纪英汉〔face〕Face facts—she isn't coming back.面对现实吧,她不会回来了。牛津高阶〔face〕Face it , kid. You're never going to be a rock star.面对现实吧,孩子,你永远也成不了摇滚歌星的。朗文当代〔face〕He accused the Government of refusing to face facts about the economy.他指责政府不能在经济问题上面对现实。外研社新世纪〔face〕She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again.她必须敢于面对现实:她再也不能走路了。牛津高阶〔face〕We simply must face facts.我们必须面对现实。外研社新世纪〔face〕You've got to face facts , Rachel. You can't survive on a salary that low.你得面对现实,雷切尔,这么低的薪水是无法生活的。朗文当代〔fact〕I'm afraid you'll have to face facts. She'll never marry you.恐怕你不得不面对现实。她永远不会嫁给你。牛津搭配〔grip〕Are you starting to lose your grip on reality? 你已经无法面对现实了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔grip〕She needs to come to grips with reality.她需要认真面对现实。英汉大词典〔ostrich〕One who tries to avoid disagreeable situations by refusing to face them.鸵鸟般回避现实的人:企图靠拒绝面对现实来躲避不利情况的人美国传统〔realism〕Though a romantic at heart, she had a strong streak of realism.尽管她内心里是个浪漫的人,但她有面对现实的坚强个性。麦克米伦高阶〔realistic〕Our income has got smaller, so we must be realistic and give up our car.我们的收入减少了,因此我们必须面对现实,还是把车卖了的好。英汉大词典〔reality check〕It's time for a reality check. The Bears aren't as good a team as you think.该是面对现实的时候了,熊队不像你想象的那么棒。朗文当代〔reality check〕The recent failure of so many internet businesses has provided a reality check for those who predicted huge profits.最近很多网络公司的破产使很多预测可以赚得巨额利润的人不得不面对现实进行反思。剑桥高阶〔reality〕She had never seemed able to face reality.她似乎一向不愿面对现实。外研社新世纪〔reality〕She refuses to face reality.她不肯面对现实。牛津高阶〔reality〕She will have to face reality sooner or later.她迟早得面对现实。牛津搭配〔reality〕Stop day-dreaming and face reality.别再做白日梦了,要面对现实。牛津同义词〔reality〕What she had to do, finally, was face reality.她最终要做的就是面对现实。麦克米伦高阶〔shut〕She was shutting her eyes to reality, just as she had done after Matthew died.她拒绝面对现实, 和当年马修死后她的反应完全一样。外研社新世纪〔situation〕She was forced to confront the reality of the situation.她不得不面对现实。牛津搭配〔socially〕Let's face it – drinking is a socially acceptable habit.让我们面对现实吧——饮酒是一个为社会所接受的习惯。外研社新世纪〔socially〕Let's face it — drinking is a socially acceptable habit.我们面对现实吧——饮酒是一种为社会所接受的习俗。柯林斯高阶〔straw in the wind〕She described the theatre's closure as "a straw in the wind" as companies faced up to the realities of life after the lottery.她认为该剧院的关闭是一个信号,昭示着各家剧团终于放弃侥幸想法,开始面对现实了。剑桥高阶〔tough-minded〕Facing facts and difficulties with strength and determination; realistic and resolute.意志坚强的:以力量和决心面对现实和困难的;现实且坚定的美国传统〔unreality〕A lack of ability to deal with reality.不切实际:缺乏面对现实的能力美国传统〔wake up and smell the coffee〕These problems are not going to fix themselves. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee and elect someone who will get things done.这些问题不会自行解决。选民们需清醒面对现实,选出能干实事的人。韦氏高阶〔whether〕Let's face it - you're going to be late whether you go by bus or train.让我们面对现实吧——不论你是乘公共汽车还是火车,都要迟到的。剑桥高阶Face the reality. Stop being an ostrich. 面对现实吧。不要再做逃避现实的人。译典通Let's face it (= We should accept the truth), you're never going to be a great artist.让我们面对现实,你永远不可能成为伟大的艺术家。剑桥国际Let's face it, career women pose a real threat to men who see the better-paid, more powerful jobs as their birthright.让我们面对现实,职业妇女对那些把报酬高权力大的工作看作是自己与生俱来的特权的男人形成了真正的威胁。剑桥国际Let's face it--you're going to be late whether you go by bus or train.让我们面对现实----不管你乘公共汽车还是乘火车去,你总要迟到的。剑桥国际She's burying her head in the sand and ignoring the signs that she may have a serious illness.她不愿面对现实,忽视可能有重病的迹象。剑桥国际




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