

单词 面呈
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anonymity〕Morning fog veiled the river in grey anonymity.晨雾笼罩,河面呈现出灰蒙蒙一片。英汉大词典〔armpit〕The hollow under the upper part of the arm at the shoulder.腋:上肢和肩膀连接处下面呈窝状的部位美国传统〔carbuncle〕A deep-red garnet, unfaceted and convex.红榴石:一种深红色的石榴石,无刻面呈凸圆状美国传统〔convex〕The outside of an eyeglass lens is convex.眼镜片的外边一面呈凸形。英汉大词典〔flocculus〕Astronomy Any of various cloudlike masses of gases appearing as bright or dark patches on the surface of the sun.【天文学】 谱斑:太阳表面呈现为亮色或暗色斑的各种云块状气态物中的任一种美国传统〔haunted〕Her face took on a haunted quality.她面呈烦恼神色。文馨英汉〔inclined plane〕A plane set at an angle to the horizontal, especially a simple machine used to raise or lower a load by rolling or sliding.斜面:与水平面呈一定角度的斜面,尤指用于装卸负重、滑卸重物的简单机械美国传统〔inside〕The inside of the box was blue.盒子的内面呈蓝色。牛津高阶〔latticed〕The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels.大脑表面呈红灰色, 上面的微细血管纵横交错, 呈网格状。外研社新世纪〔meniscus〕The curved upper surface of a nonturbulent liquid in a container that is concave if the liquid wets the container walls and convex if it does not.弯月面:容器中之静止液体的弯曲上表面,如果液体浸润了容器壁,那么弯曲面呈凹状;如果没有,就呈凸状美国传统〔mesa〕A broad, flat-topped elevation with one or more clifflike sides, common in the southwest United States.平顶山:一种宽阔的平顶高地,一面或多面呈绝壁状,多见于美国西南部美国传统〔return〕A part of a building set at an angle to the façade.建筑物的一部分:与建筑物正面呈一个角度的建筑部分美国传统〔rose〕A form of gem cut marked by a flat base and a faceted, hemispheric upper surface.玫瑰款:一种底部平展且上表面呈半球状的多面体宝石款式美国传统〔side〕Fry the chops until brown on both sides.将排骨煎至两面呈棕黄色。柯林斯高阶




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