

单词 过程中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ALWAYS〕during the whole of an event or period of time 在某一事件的整个过程中,或在整段时间中朗文写作活用〔absorption〕in the absorption of moisture from the air 在从空气吸收水分的过程中英汉大词典〔act〕in the very act of doing sth. 正做某事的过程中英汉大词典〔administration〕the role of the UN in the setting-up of an interim administration 联合国在临时政府建立过程中的作用牛津搭配〔alienate〕people from ethnic groups who have made their way out of the group, alienating themselves in the process那些设法脱离了所属族群并在这个过程中变得疏远的人外研社新世纪〔break-up〕the break-up of British Rail for privatisation. 在私有化过程中英国铁路公司的解体柯林斯高阶〔break-up〕the break-up of British Rail for privatization在私有化过程中英国铁路公司的解体外研社新世纪〔charged〕the highly charged atmosphere of the trial 审判过程中高度紧张的气氛麦克米伦高阶〔constraint〕ignored all moral constraints in his pursuit of success. 在他追求成功的过程中忽略了一切道德约束美国传统〔course〕facts discovered in the course of research 在研究过程中发现的事实韦氏高阶〔crush〕in his bid to crush the rebels. 在他镇压叛乱者的过程中柯林斯高阶〔efficiency〕attempts to achieve greater efficiency in the production process 在生产过程中达到较高效率的努力牛津搭配〔evolution〕a crucial period in the evolution of modern physics. 现代物理学演化过程中的重要时期柯林斯高阶〔grade〕all the grades in the scale of social progress社会发展过程中的所有阶段外研社新世纪〔halt〕an unforeseen halt in road construction 道路施工过程中没有提前预料到的停顿麦克米伦高阶〔horse-trading〕the anger and distaste many people feel at the political horse-trading involved in forming a government. 很多人对政府组阁过程中的政治交易所感到的气愤和反感柯林斯高阶〔horse-trading〕the anger and distaste many people feel at the political horse-trading involved in forming a government很多人对政府组阁过程中的政治交易所感到的气愤和反感外研社新世纪〔impasse〕reached an impasse in the negotiations. 谈判过程中陷入了僵局美国传统〔in-flight〕an in-flight meal/movie 飞行过程中提供的餐食/电影韦氏高阶〔indispensable〕an indispensable part of the process过程中必不可少的一部分外研社新世纪〔intraoperative〕intraoperative infarction 外科手术过程中发生的梗塞英汉大词典〔invigilate〕while invigilating an examination在监考过程中外研社新世纪〔lash〕lashed out at her critics during the interview. 在采访过程中对她的批评者们进行严厉攻击美国传统〔logically〕this is the logical result of a long evolution in which we moved from working by the sweat of our brow and by muscle to industrial work and finally to knowledge work. 这是长期进化的必然结果;在这一过程中,我们首先从事汗流浃背的体力劳动,然后是工业劳动,最后发展到脑力劳动。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕manipulate a joint; manipulate the position of a fetus during delivery. 推拿关节;在分娩过程中调整胎儿的位置美国传统〔monitoring〕remote monitoring of jet engines while the planes are in flight在飞机飞行过程中对喷气发动机的远程监控外研社新世纪〔oversight〕omitted due to an oversight in the compilation process因为编纂过程中的疏忽而被遗漏外研社新世纪〔over〕over a long period of years在许多年的一段长过程中21世纪英汉〔pending〕pending the discussions 在讨论过程中英汉大词典〔pre-existing〕people who have been infected in the course of their NHS treatment for a pre-existing illness. 因已患疾病接受国民健康保障治疗但在治疗过程中被感染的人柯林斯高阶〔procedure〕the use of animals in experimental procedures 实验过程中动物的使用牛津搭配〔process〕a manufacturing process; leather dyed during the tanning process. 生产过程;皮革在鞣皮过程中染色美国传统〔pursuit〕in hot pursuit of the enemy 穷追敌人过程中英汉大词典〔quest〕an important stage in their quest for truth 他们寻求真理过程中的一个重要阶段牛津搭配〔several〕the several steps in the process of making paper 造纸过程中的各个步骤英汉大词典〔simulation〕the basic steps in the simulation 模拟过程中的基本步骤牛津搭配〔step〕steps in your learning process 你学习过程中的一个阶段麦克米伦高阶〔transit〕baggage that is lost or damaged in transit (=while it is being moved) 在运输过程中丢失或损坏的行李朗文当代〔turn〕didn't turn a hair during the bank robbery. 在抢劫银行发生的过程中,没有露出丝毫慌张的神色美国传统〔waste〕heat wasted in the process 作业过程中未被充分利用的热量英汉大词典




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