

单词 预言家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Elisha〕In the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor.以利沙:旧约全书中记载的一个希伯来预言家,被以利亚选为继承人美国传统〔Manes〕Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism. He professed that the world is a fusion of the equal but opposite forces of good and evil.摩尼:波斯预言家和摩尼教创始人。他宣称世界是由善和恶相等且相对的两种力量组成的混合体美国传统〔Merlin〕In Arthurian legend, a magician and prophet who served as counselor to King Arthur.梅林:亚瑟王传说中亚瑟王的顾问,是一个魔术师和预言家美国传统〔Nathan〕In the Old Testament, a prophet during the reigns of David and Solomon.内森:在旧约里大卫和所罗门统治时期的一位预言家美国传统〔Zoroaster〕Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism. Little is known about his life.琐罗亚斯德:波斯预言家,琐罗亚斯德教创始人,对于其身世人们知之甚少美国传统〔doom〕The prophets of doom who said television would kill off the book were wrong.认为电视会扼杀书籍的悲观预言家完全错了。牛津高阶〔druid〕A member of an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain who appear in Welsh and Irish legend as prophets and sorcerers.督伊德教的祭司:古代盖尔或不列颠人中一个牧师品级的成员,他们在威尔士及爱尔兰传说中是预言家和占卜家美国传统〔given〕My dear sir, I am not a prophet, nor am I given to inspired guesses.我亲爱的先生, 我不是预言家, 也不喜欢灵光一现的猜测。外研社新世纪〔prognostication〕Political prognosticators believe she will lose the election.政治预言家认为她将在这次选举中失利。韦氏高阶〔prophecy〕An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will.预言:预言家传授的话,被看成是神的意志的启示美国传统〔prophecy〕The vocation or condition of a prophet.预言能力:预言家的能力或状态美国传统〔prophesy〕To speak as a prophet.受神启示:象预言家那样说话美国传统〔prophetess〕A woman predictor; a woman soothsayer.女预言家;女断言家美国传统〔prophet〕I am not a prophet, nor am I given to inspired guesses.我不是预言家, 也不习惯凭神灵启示去猜想。外研社新世纪〔prophet〕Some believe that he was not a true prophet.有人认为他不是真正的预言家。牛津搭配〔seeress〕A woman who acts as a prophet or clairvoyant.女预言家,女水晶球占卜者:作为预言家或先知的妇女美国传统〔seer〕A prophet.预言家美国传统〔shot〕Nothing ever happens as Tom says it will. He is very poor at calling his shots.汤姆预言要发生的事从未发生。他是个很不堪的预言家。英汉大词典〔sibylline〕Coming from, characteristic of, or relating to a sibyl.女预言家的:来自女预言家的、具有其特征的或与之相关的美国传统〔sibyl〕A woman prophet.女预言家美国传统〔sibyl〕One of a number of women regarded as oracles or prophets by the ancient Greeks and Romans.女预言家:被古希腊人和罗马人认为是神使或预言家的一群女子中的一个美国传统〔vaticinate〕To be a prophet.做预言家美国传统〔visionary〕One who has visions; a seer.预言家;占卜者美国传统〔witch doctor〕A shamanistic healer, a sorcerer, or a prophet, especially among African peoples. Not in scientific use.巫医:尤指非洲人中的萨满教巫医、巫师或预言家。科学上不用此词美国传统At the beginning of the war the king asked the sibyl which side she thought would win.战争开始时,国王向女预言家询问哪一方将赢。剑桥国际Briseida, daughter of a seer who had foreseen the Trojan demise, was exiled from Troy into the Greek camp.勃里赛达是一位曾预言特洛伊城毁灭的预言家的女儿,她从特洛伊被放逐至希腊军营。剑桥国际He was a sixteenth-century prophet who foretold how the world would end. 他是个16世纪的预言家,预言了世界将如何终结。剑桥国际He was considered a seer and a prophet. 他被看成一个先知和预言家。译典通They listened to the words of the prophet. 他们听著这个预言家的话。译典通




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