

单词 调查的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acquaintance〕a writer who becomes involved in a real murder mystery through his acquaintance with a police officer. 因为认识一位警官而参与到一件真实谋杀悬案调查的作家柯林斯高阶〔avenue〕potential avenues of investigation进行调查的可能途径外研社新世纪〔blind〕blind taste tests used in marketing studies. 用于市场调查的事先毫不知情的口味测试美国传统〔burke〕burked the investigation by failing to reappoint the commission. 再次提出组成调查团的失败压制了调查的进行美国传统〔canon〕the accepted canons of sociological inquiry社会学调查的公认规范外研社新世纪〔charge〕the officer in charge of the investigation 负责调查的官员朗文当代〔conduct〕information booklets on how to conduct market research关于如何进行市场调查的资料小册子外研社新世纪〔conversion〕the conversion from communism to capitalism 我们认为委员会正在调查的这个问题对于我国至关重要。麦克米伦高阶〔customer〕the results of a customer survey一项客户调查的结果外研社新世纪〔finding〕one of the main findings of the survey调查的主要发现之一外研社新世纪〔hold〕the demand for a no-holds-barred investigation 进行无任何限制的调查的要求麦克米伦高阶〔immediately〕those officers who had been immediately involved in the investigation 那些直接参与调查的官员麦克米伦高阶〔incompetence〕his incompetence in failing to conduct full inquiries他未进行全面调查的失职外研社新世纪〔incompetence〕the sheer incompetence of the police enquiry 警方调查的极度不力麦克米伦高阶〔investigative〕an investigative reporter 从事调查的记者,调查记者文馨英汉〔lawman〕the 61-year-old lawman who headed the enquiry. 那位主持调查的61岁的执法官柯林斯高阶〔lawman〕the 61-year-old lawman who headed the enquiry主持此次调查的61岁执法官外研社新世纪〔outline〕a detailed outline for further investigation 进一步调查的详细提纲英汉大词典〔poll〕the results generated by the poll question 由民意调查的问题得出的结论牛津搭配〔progress〕the slow progress of the investigation 调查的缓慢进展朗文当代〔push poll〕allegations of push polling 关于导向性民意调查的指控牛津高阶〔request〕the Opposition's request for an inquiry反对派对于展开调查的请求外研社新世纪〔undercover〕undercover FBI agents. 从事秘密调查的联邦调查局密探美国传统〔unpolled〕unpolled constituents. 未接受民意调查的选区美国传统




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