

单词 该地
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔antiquity〕the considerable antiquity of the rocks in this region 该地区岩石相当古老牛津搭配〔archaeological〕one of the region's most important archaeological sites. 该地区最重要的考古地点之一柯林斯高阶〔arms race〕a conference on ways to control the arms race in the region. 商讨如何控制该地区军备竞赛的会议柯林斯高阶〔attract〕low rents designed to attract new businesses to the area 旨在吸引新企业进入该地区的低租金朗文当代〔benefit〕the airport's economic benefit to the region 机场给该地区带来的经济效益朗文当代〔composition〕the ethnic composition of the region 该地区的民族构成牛津搭配〔conserve〕new laws to conserve wildlife in the area 保护该地区野生动物的新法令牛津高阶〔convulse〕ethnic killings that have convulsed the region in recent weeks 最近几周震惊该地区的种族屠杀麦克米伦高阶〔cutthroat〕a band of cutthroats terrorizing the area 使该地区的人胆战心惊的一伙无恶不作的歹徒英汉大词典〔decline〕an effort to halt the economic decline of the region 阻止该地区经济衰退的努力麦克米伦高阶〔employer〕one of the region's major employers 该地区的主要雇主之一牛津搭配〔formula〕a formula for the withdrawal of US forces from the area 美军从该地区撤军的方案朗文当代〔furious〕furious CIA activity in the region 中央情报局在该地区疯狂的活动英汉大词典〔gentrification〕the gentrification of the area. 该地区的贵族化柯林斯高阶〔grow〕the many small religious sects that grew up and flourished in the area 在该地区产生和兴盛起来的很多小教派麦克米伦高阶〔holistic〕a holistic approach to the region's development 该地区的全面发展计划麦克米伦高阶〔instability〕political instability in the region 该地区政治的不稳定朗文当代〔lone〕the area's lone hospital 该地区惟一的医院英汉大词典〔mart〕the largest furniture mart in the region 该地区最大的家具市场朗文当代〔meeting〕a meeting aimed at restoring peace in the region 旨在恢复该地区和平的会议牛津搭配〔mix〕the region's rich ethnic mix (=people of different races) 该地区大量的种族混合现象朗文当代〔modernization〕the modernization of the region. 该地区的现代化柯林斯高阶〔movement〕reports of troop movements in the area 该地区部队动向的报告朗文当代〔oligarchy〕a protest against imperialism and oligarchy in the region对该地区帝国主义和寡头政治的抗议外研社新世纪〔phase〕the phased withdrawal of troops from the area 从该地区分期逐步的撤军牛津高阶〔physical〕the physical characteristics of the terrain该地形的自然特征外研社新世纪〔producer〕the commercial pork producers in the region 该地区的商品猪肉生产商牛津搭配〔recce〕a quick recce of the area 对该地区进行的快速侦察朗文当代〔rescue〕a rescue package for the region's troubled economy 振兴该地区不景气的经济状况的一揽子方案麦克米伦高阶〔restoration〕request the restoration of water and electricity to the area 要求恢复对该地区供水供电 英汉大词典〔richly〕the richly flavoured, hearty foods of the region. 该地区风味浓郁、品种丰盛的食物柯林斯高阶〔sacred〕the sacredness of the site. 该地的神圣性柯林斯高阶〔savagely〕their conviction that the area was a frozen desert peopled with uncouth savages. 他们深信该地区曾是严寒的沙漠并居住着未开化的野人柯林斯高阶〔search〕a search of the area 对该地区的搜寻朗文当代〔sew〕sew up the district with a cordon 以警戒线封锁该地区英汉大词典〔trade〕the area's dependence on the tourist trade 该地区对旅游业的依赖牛津搭配〔unfamiliarity〕her unfamiliarity with the politics of the region. 她对该地区政治的不熟悉柯林斯高阶〔valley〕a high hill that dominates the mineral-rich valleys of this region 俯视该地区矿藏丰富的山谷的一座高山牛津搭配〔vegetative〕the area's vegetative cover 该地区的植被覆盖韦氏高阶〔walk〕one of the prettiest walks in the area. 该地区最宜人的步道之一美国传统




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