

单词 走道
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aisle〕Coffee and tea are in the next aisle.下一个走道处有咖啡和茶。牛津高阶〔avenue〕Chiefly British The drive leading from the main road up to a country house.【多用于英国】 走道或车道:自宽阔大路向一乡间房舍的通路美国传统〔branch〕Other staircases branched off the long walkway.其他楼梯都从长长的走道上岔开。外研社新世纪〔catch〕A quick movement across the aisle caught his eye.有个人影在走道里一闪而过,引起了他的注意。柯林斯高阶〔catercorner(ed)〕A catercorner(ed) walk crosses the park.一条走道斜穿公园。英汉大词典〔cloister〕A covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of buildings that face a quadrangle.回廊,长廊:一侧有开敞柱廊的有顶的走道,沿着面对中庭的建筑物的围墙延伸美国传统〔hall church〕A church in which the side aisles are as high or almost as high as the nave and which consequently lacks a clerestory.会堂式教堂:侧边走道与教堂中殿同高或几乎同高的教堂,也因此缺少高窗美国传统〔hardscape〕The part of a building's grounds consisting of structures, such as patios, retaining walls, and walkways, made with hard materials.硬结构:建筑物建地上组成部分,包含例如露台、定位墙、走道等结构体,全以坚硬原料建造美国传统〔jammed〕We were jammed together, shoulder to shoulder, in the narrow corridor.我们在狭窄的走道里肩靠肩地紧挨在一起。朗文当代〔mineshaft〕A vertical, sloping passageway made in the earth for finding or mining ore and ventilating underground excavations.竖井:地面下一竖直、倾斜的走道,用于探矿或采矿及地下作业的通风美国传统〔piazza〕A roofed and arcaded passageway; a colonnade.步廊,连拱廊:有顶和拱廊的走道;柱廊美国传统〔portico〕A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.柱廊:有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处美国传统〔regularly〕He stood in the doorway, listening to her quiet, regular breathing.他站在走道里,听着她那沉静而规律的呼吸声。柯林斯高阶〔reign〕Silence reigns in the old library's dusty aisles.老图书馆布满灰尘的走道里一片寂静。韦氏高阶〔runway〕A narrow walkway extending from a stage into an auditorium.延伸台道:从舞台通向观众席中的窄的走道美国传统〔runway〕A path, channel, or track over which something runs.走道:某物能走过的道路、渠道或轨道美国传统〔sharply〕Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.9 号房间在走道尽头向右急转弯处。柯林斯高阶〔shedrow〕A row or double row of horse barns at a racetrack, having a separate stall for each horse and fronting a walkway.马棚:赛马路道旁边面对走道的一排或双排马棚,每匹马都有单独的马厩美国传统〔sidewalk〕A paved walkway along the side of a street.人行道:沿着街道侧边铺砌的走道美国传统〔skywalk〕An elevated, usually enclosed walkway between two buildings.人行天桥:两座建筑之间架高的,通常有遮蔽的走道美国传统〔stalk〕Fear stalks every dark stairwell and walkway.恐惧笼罩着每个黑暗的楼梯井和走道。朗文当代〔sun porch〕An enclosed porch designed as a sunroom.日光走道:围起的走道,设计成日光室美国传统〔thump〕Waiters went scurrying down the aisles, thumping down tureens of soup.服务员们匆匆忙忙穿过走道,把一盆盆汤重重地放在桌上。柯林斯高阶〔walk〕A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.走道:人可以在上面行走的地方,如人行道或散步场所美国传统〔wide-body〕A jet aircraft having a wide fuselage with passenger seats divided by two lengthwise aisles.广体客机:机身宽大的喷射飞机,其乘客座位间有两条纵长走道隔开美国传统Our seats are near the front on/to the left of the central aisle.我们的座位靠近前面在中间走道的左边。剑桥国际The two skyscrapers were connected by a vertiginous walkway.那两座摩天大楼用一条令人发晕的走道连接。剑桥国际We are going to pebble the walks in the park. 我们将用鹅卵石铺公园里的走道。译典通




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