

单词 走进教室
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENTER〕The bell rang, and the students trickled into the class. 上课铃响了,学生们陆陆续续地走进教室。朗文写作活用〔have sb eating out of your hand〕Within two minutes of walking into the classroom, she had the kids eating out of her hand.她走进教室不到两分钟,就把这帮孩子治得服服帖帖的。剑桥高阶〔jump〕She jumped to her feet as the teacher walked into the room.老师走进教室的时候,她蓦地站了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔lapse into〕The pupils lapsed into silence when the schoolteacher came into the classroom.当老师走进教室时,学生们安静下来。21世纪英汉〔lure〕The teacher opened the door and, showing the tot the toys on the shelves, tried to entice him into the classroom.老师打开门,让小孩看着架子上那些玩具,试图吸引他走进教室。美国传统〔put on straight faces〕The students quickly put on straight faces as the teacher walked into the room.老师一走进教室,学生们迅速装出一本正经的样子。韦氏高阶〔scowl〕The teacher gave me a scowl when I walked in late.我迟到走进教室时,老师瞪了我一眼。韦氏高阶〔single file〕Now, line up in single file and walk to your classrooms.现在大家排成一路纵队走进教室。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom.老师走进教室时大家都会起立。牛津高阶〔turn〕He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom.他旋动门把手,走进教室。21世纪英汉All the pupils stood up courteously when I went into the classroom.我走进教室时学生都礼貌地站了起来。剑桥国际The class sobered down as the teacher came into the room. 老师走进教室后,学生们安静下来了。译典通The pupils hushed when the teacher came into the classroom. 老师走进教室时学生静了下来。译典通The students are coming into the classroom by twos and threes. 学生们正三三两两地走进教室。译典通The teacher walked in and the children's voices fell to a whisper (= they became very quiet).老师一走进教室,孩子们的说话声就降低成轻轻的耳语。剑桥国际Within two minutes of walking into the classroom, she had the kids eating out of her hand.她走进教室才2分钟,孩子们就都顺从她了。剑桥国际




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