

单词 递减
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔degression〕A descent by stages or steps.递减,下降:一种逐级或逐步的递减,下降美国传统〔descend〕The results, ranked in descending order(= from the highest to the lowest)are as follows… 结果按递减顺序排列如下…牛津高阶〔diminishing returns〕A yield rate that after a certain point fails to increase proportionately to additional outlays of capital or investments of time and labor.报酬递减:在某一点上不能比例于追加的资本投资或时间和劳力投资继续提高的生产率美国传统〔regressive〕Decreasing proportionately as the amount taxed increases.递减的:随着收税的数量增加而成比例减少的:美国传统〔tolerance〕Tolerance to alcohol decreases with age.酒精耐受力随年龄递减。牛津搭配〔turbinate〕Zoology Spiral and decreasing sharply in diameter from base to apex. Used especially of shells.【动物学】 陀螺形的:螺旋形的螺纹从基部到顶端逐步递减的,尤其用于贝壳美国传统Our increased efforts were producing diminishing returns.我们付出更多的努力却带来递减的收益。牛津商务Tariffs are a regressive tax on smaller firms and the poor.关税对小企业和穷人是一种递减税。牛津商务The law of diminishing returns applies to physical products: at some point unit cost increases with volume.收益递减规律适用于有形产品:在某个时刻,单位成本随着产量的增加而增加。牛津商务This new system of taxation is regressive, hurting poor people more than rich.这种新税收体制实行递减制,对穷人的伤害甚于有钱人。剑桥国际




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