

单词 这些数据
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The measurements are sufficiently accurate for our purposes. 这些数据对于我们的目的来说已够精确的了。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕We double checked the figures to ensure their accuracy. 我们把这些数据复查了一下,以确保其准确性。朗文写作活用〔GUESS〕These are the figures, but they're only a rough estimate. 就是这些数据,不过只是个粗略的估计。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕In fact, the situation is far worse than these figures suggest. 事实上,情况远比这些数据所反映的要来得严重。朗文写作活用〔accuracy〕We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these figures.我们不能保证这些数据的准确性。柯林斯高阶〔agreement〕Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.许多其他调查已经得出了与这些数据基本一致的结果。柯林斯高阶〔analysis〕Further analysis of the data is needed.需要进一步分析这些数据。朗文当代〔anywhere〕I don't think these figures are anywhere near accurate.我觉得这些数据根本不准确。朗文当代〔archive〕The data is now held in the company archives.这些数据现时保存在公司的档案里。牛津搭配〔bode〕These figures do not bode well for the company's future.这些数据对于公司的前景不是个好兆头。牛津高阶〔break down〕The data is broken down into manageable units.这些数据被分成可处理的细目。外研社新世纪〔breakdown〕We'll need to see a breakdown of these figures before we sign the contract.我们必须看一下这些数据的分析才能签合同。麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕The statistics are collected purely for administrative purposes.这些数据纯粹是为行政用途而收集的。麦克米伦高阶〔comparison〕These figures are provided for comparison with the results of previous studies.提供这些数据是用来和先前的研究进行比较。朗文当代〔confidence〕I have complete confidence in these statistics.我对这些数据有绝对的把握。麦克米伦高阶〔conservation〕Such data can be helpful in evaluating the conservation status of plants.这些数据有助于评估植物的保护状况。牛津搭配〔context〕The figures have to be seen in context.这些数据要放在上下文里看。外研社新世纪〔cursory〕Even a cursory glance at the figures will tell you that sales are down.只要粗略地看一下这些数据就知道销售下滑了。朗文当代〔cycle〕The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle.这些数据显示了目前经济周期的最低点。柯林斯高阶〔data〕Are these data reliable? 这些数据可靠吗?韦氏高阶〔data〕Many of these data are incorrect.这些数据中很多都不正确。韦氏高阶〔data〕Now the data is/are being transferred from magnetic tape to hard disk.现在这些数据正从磁带转存到硬盘。剑桥高阶〔data〕To cope with these data, hospitals bought large mainframe computers.为处理这些数据,医院购入了一些大型主机。柯林斯高阶〔data〕To cope with these data, hospitals installed computers.为了处理这些数据, 医院安装了一些电脑。外研社新世纪〔disprove〕These figures disproved Smith's argument.这些数据证明史密斯的论点是错误的。朗文当代〔disprove〕These statistics disprove his hypothesis.这些数据证明他的假说不成立。外研社新世纪〔distorted〕These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.这些数据会使人误解其对地方经济的重要性。柯林斯高阶〔doubtful〕He was doubtful about the accuracy of the results.他怀疑这些数据的精确性。麦克米伦高阶〔downright〕These figures are downright lies.这些数据是一派谎言。外研社新世纪〔dubious〕Those figures alone are a dubious basis for such a conclusion.仅凭这些数据为基础得出这个结论不足为信。外研社新世纪〔evidence〕The figures provide concrete evidence of the bank's claim.这些数据可作为银行方面所给说法的确凿证据。牛津搭配〔exaggerate〕These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness.这些数据凸显了竞争力的下降。外研社新世纪〔examination〕These figures warrant closer examination.这些数据须进行更加仔细的检查。牛津搭配〔flatter〕I suspect these statistics flatter to deceive.我怀疑这些数据是掩人耳目的。剑桥高阶〔format〕The data was improperly formatted.这些数据的格式不对。韦氏高阶〔glean〕These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies.这些数据是通过多次研究收集得来的。牛津高阶〔graphically〕This data is shown graphically on the opposite page.对页以图表显示这些数据。牛津高阶〔guideline〕The figures are a useful guideline when buying a house.买房时这些数据很有参考价值。牛津高阶〔guide〕The figures are only a rough guide .这些数据只是一个大致的标准。朗文当代〔highlight〕These figures clearly highlight the difference in world living standards.这些数据凸显出世界各地生活水平的差异。牛津搭配〔however〕We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.我们原以为这些数据正确,不过我们现在发现了一些错误。牛津高阶〔hypothesis〕She used this data to test her hypothesis.她用这些数据验证她的假设。牛津搭配〔interpret〕We'll need some help to interpret all this data.我们将需要些帮助来解读这些数据。麦克米伦高阶〔invaluable〕Such data will prove invaluable to/for researchers.这些数据对于研究者来说将是非常宝贵的。剑桥高阶〔isolation〕To make sense, these figures should not be looked at in isolation.这些数据不应孤立起来看,否则就没有意义。牛津高阶〔key〕The data will need to be keyed immediately.这些数据需要马上输入。麦克米伦高阶〔kill〕These figures kill off any hope that the economy is poised for recovery.这些数据彻底粉碎了经济将要复苏的希望。朗文当代〔largely〕The figures are largely correct.这些数据多半是正确的。外研社新世纪〔let〕If they value these data, let them pay for them.他们要是看重这些数据,就让他们出钱买。柯林斯高阶〔lie〕These figures give the lie to the notion that people are spending less.这些数据表明认为人们现在消费减少的观点并不属实。麦克米伦高阶〔massage〕Their governments have no reason to 'massage' the statistics.他们的政府没有理由“窜改”这些数据。柯林斯高阶〔memory〕The data are stored in the computer's memory.这些数据存储在该计算机的内存中。外研社新世纪〔misleadingly〕The data had been presented misleadingly.这些数据的呈现容易使人产生误解。外研社新世纪〔misleadingly〕The data had been presented misleadingly.这些数据的提出容易使人产生误解。柯林斯高阶〔misleading〕These figures are highly misleading.这些数据具有很大的误导性。朗文当代〔nothing〕There's nothing wrong with the data.这些数据没什么差错。朗文当代〔prediction〕The data can be used to make useful economic predictions .这些数据可用于进行有用的经济预测。朗文当代〔prediction〕The figures and statistics are used for the prediction of future economic trends.这些数据和统计被用于预测未来经济走势。韦氏高阶〔privileged〕The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.这些数据是保密的,并不向大众公开。柯林斯高阶〔privileged〕The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.这些数据是特许保密信息, 不对公众公开。外研社新世纪〔profile〕The data will enable us to construct a profile of the company's customers.这些数据能使我们构建该公司客户的情况图表。牛津搭配〔purpose〕We delete the data once it has served its purpose.这些数据一旦用过我们就把它删除。朗文当代〔relate to〕Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.其他建议与具体如何储存这些数据有关。外研社新世纪〔reliability〕Many experts question the reliability of these figures.许多专家质疑这些数据的可靠性。牛津搭配〔represent〕The data can be represented graphically in a line diagram.这些数据可以用单线图表现出来。牛津搭配〔retain〕This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory.这些数据不再保留在计算机的主存贮器中。牛津高阶〔showing〕These figures show an increase of over one million in unemployment.这些数据表明失业人数增加了 100 多万。柯林斯高阶〔show〕These figures show an increase in unemployment.这些数据表明失业人数上升了。外研社新世纪〔shut out〕The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.这些数据表明人类经受了如此深重的苦难,对此人们都不愿想起。柯林斯高阶〔simplify〕These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this.这些数据是简化过的,实际情况要比这复杂得多。朗文当代〔slice and dice〕You can slice and dice the data any way you want.你可以随意分解这些数据。韦氏高阶〔slip up〕These figures don't make sense - have we slipped up somewhere? 这些数据不对——我们哪里出错了吗?剑桥高阶〔spreadsheet〕I entered the data into a spreadsheet on my laptop.我把这些数据存入了我手提电脑的电子表格里。牛津搭配〔spuriously〕These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.这些数据通常是通过选取特定的有利样本组而虚算得来的。外研社新世纪〔standard〕These figures clearly show the difference in world living standards .这些数据清晰地显示了世界上生活水平的差异。朗文当代〔sure〕Are you sure these figures are right? 你确信这些数据是正确的吗?麦克米伦高阶〔technical〕Technical experts analyzed the data.技术专家分析了这些数据。韦氏高阶〔through〕Her application went through our office. Run the figures through the computer.她的申请送交我们办公室审议。用计算机处理这些数据美国传统〔track〕The figures show we are on the right track.这些数据表明我们是对的。麦克米伦高阶〔trust〕Can we trust these statistics? 我们可以相信这些数据吗?朗文当代〔trust〕You'll just have to take these figures on trust.你只要相信这些数据就行了。麦克米伦高阶〔underscore〕The figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.这些数据进一步印证了经济复苏状况的不稳定。外研社新世纪〔usable〕How can we display this data in a usable form? 我们如何把这些数据以实用形式展示出来呢?牛津高阶〔useful〕It may be useful to consider the data separately.分别研究这些数据可能会有帮助。朗文当代〔validate〕This validation process ensures that the data conforms to acceptable formats.这一确认过程可以保证这些数据符合认可的格式。柯林斯高阶〔variable〕The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating and marital status were ignored altogether.对这些数据按照所在街区进行了分析,但像信用等级、婚姻状况等其他关键变量则一概忽略不计。剑桥高阶An econometric analysis of the data reveals some startling conclusions.对这些数据作的计量经济学分析显示了令人吃惊的结论。剑桥国际Please check up the data. 请核对一下这些数据。译典通Such data will prove invaluable to researchers studying fish populations.这些数据对于研究鱼类数量的人将证明是很宝贵的。剑桥国际The data has helped us with the reporting of figures for non-payment.这些数据有助于我们报告未付款的数字。牛津商务The data is used to measure economic growth.这些数据用于衡量经济增长。牛津商务The figures are preliminary results and will be confirmed by the company on 17 March.这些数据只是初步结果,将在 3 月 17 日由公司确认。牛津商务The new system means that it is more difficult to conceal these figures from the taxman.这种新的体制意味着对收税员隐瞒这些数据变得更加困难。剑桥国际These figures mean that almost 7% of the working population is unemployed.这些数据显示7%的工人处于失业状态。剑桥国际These figures need elucidation.这些数据需要解释。剑桥国际These figures provide tangible proof that the economy is recovering.这些数据有力地证明了经济正在复苏。牛津商务These figures support my argument.这些数据证明我的论点是对的。剑桥国际We cannot deduce very much from these figures.我们无法从这些数据中作出多少推论。剑桥国际Who gave the authorization to release the data? 是谁授权发表这些数据的?牛津商务You can quickly reimport this data into any database.你可以快速地将这些数据重新导入任何一个数据库。牛津商务




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