

单词 购买股票
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECORD〕More than 4.3 million people registered for shares. 四百三十多万人登记购买股票。朗文写作活用〔caution〕The newspaper cautioned its readers against buying shares without getting good advice first.报纸告诫读者事先没有获得好的建议,不要购买股票。剑桥高阶〔investment〕When buying shares, it's wise to spread your investment over several companies.购买股票时,分散投资若干家公司是明智之举。牛津搭配〔invest〕He invested his savings in stocks and bonds.他用存款购买股票及公债。英汉大词典〔plunge〕If you have been thinking about buying shares, now could be the time to take the plunge.如果你一直在考虑购买股票,现在或许是采取行动的最好时机。柯林斯高阶〔self-fulfilling prophecy〕The prediction of a rise in the stock market became a self-fulfilling prophecy when investors heard the report and began buying stock.当投资者听见股市上涨的报道并开始购买股票的时候,这一预言就自我应验了。韦氏高阶Banks buy the stock directly and resell it to investors the next day.银行直接购买股票,第二天转卖给投资者。牛津商务Bondholders have been given warrants to buy the stock.债券持有人得到了购买股票的权证。牛津商务Insider buying of shares is a positive sign of a company's future.内部人购买股票是公司未来的积极象征。牛津商务Investors should keep buying stocks.投资者应当继续购买股票。牛津商务One should not rush headlong into buying stocks. 不应轻率购买股票。译典通Share prices rose as bargain hunters rushed back into the market.随着爱杀价购买股票的投机商涌回市场,股票价格上涨。牛津商务The 24-hour society may let people shop at midnight and buy shares on the Internet at dawn, but it could damage our health. 24 小时社会可让人们在子夜购物或在黎明时分在网上购买股票,但会危害健康。牛津商务The issuing house buys the shares from the issuing company and places them with investors.证券承销公司从发行公司处购买股票并转卖给投资者。牛津商务They were given options to buy shares at a specified price.他们有权以特定的价格购买股票。牛津商务When the price falls, the bank will buy shares cheaply to cover its short position.当价格下跌时,银行会低价购买股票以弥补其空头仓位。牛津商务




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