

单词 长到
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔escape〕a non-native species often planted in gardens and escaping into hedges花园里常种植的、疯长到树篱中的外来品种外研社新世纪〔grow〕tree trunks that had grown together. 长到一起的树干美国传统〔hip-length〕a hip-length jacket 长到臀部的上衣英汉大词典〔ingrowing〕an ingrowing nail 长到肉里去的指甲英汉大词典〔ingrown〕an ingrown toenail 长到肉里的脚指甲英汉大词典〔ingrown〕an ingrown toenail. 长到肉内的脚指甲美国传统〔length〕a length of 1 metre/2 feet etc Some fish can grow to a length of four feet. 有些鱼可以长到 4 英尺长。朗文当代〔nape〕the way that his hair grew at the nape of his neck他头发长到脖颈的样子外研社新世纪〔produce〕to produce the line AD to B把线段AD 延长到 B21世纪英汉〔reflate〕reflate demand up to the level that a country's internal counter-inflationary successes allow 以通货再膨胀刺激需求增长到一国国内反通货膨胀成效所能容许的程度英汉大词典〔stretch〕stretch the journey to as much as 18 hours 使旅程延长到18小时英汉大词典




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