

单词 选择权
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anti-choice〕Opposed to the right of women to choose or reject abortion.反选择权的:反对妇女享有堕胎或抵制堕胎的权力的美国传统〔choice〕Everyone in a democracy has the right to exercise choice.在民主政体中,每个人都可行使选择权。牛津搭配〔choice〕The power, right, or liberty to choose; option.选择权:进行选择的能力、权力或自由;选择权美国传统〔choice〕This government is committed to extending parental choice in education.本届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。牛津高阶〔effort〕Districts have not made a good-faith effort to implement public school choice.各区并没有诚心去努力行使公立学校选择权。牛津搭配〔exercise〕We've decided to exercise the option (= use the part of a legal agreement) to buy the house we now lease.我们已经决定行使合同赋予的买卖选择权,买下我们现在租住的房子。剑桥高阶〔go on〕Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces.政府不断地宣扬选择权和市场的力量,人们的期望值也因此提高了。柯林斯高阶〔independent living〕A social movement asserting that people with disabilities should have the same civil rights and life choices as people without disabilities.残障者独立生活运动:主张无行为能力者应与一般行为能力健全者拥有相同民权及生活选择权的社会运动美国传统〔open〕I want to keep my options open, so I'm not committing myself yet.我想保留我的选择权,所以暂且不作决定。剑桥高阶〔opt-out〕More freedom and choice will be given to parents, and the school opt-outs will be stepped up.家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权, 选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。外研社新世纪〔opt-out〕More freedom and choice will be given to parents, and the school opt-outs will be stepped up.家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。柯林斯高阶〔option〕Connor now owns 302,000 shares and options.康纳现在拥有 302,000 份股份和认股选择权。朗文当代〔option〕Every voter should exercise his option.每个投票人应履行自己的选择权。英汉大词典〔option〕I am keeping my options open. I have not made a decision on either matter.我保留选择权, 这两样我还没决定选哪一个。外研社新世纪〔option〕I am keeping my options open. I have not made a decision on either matter.我保留选择权,这两件事我都还没有作出决定。柯林斯高阶〔option〕I've got no option.我没有选择权。外研社新世纪〔option〕The government has agreed to buy 20 planes, with an option on a further 10.政府已同意购买 20 架飞机,并拥有再买 10 架的选择权。朗文当代〔option〕The option must be exercised within five years.买卖选择权必须在五年之内行使。韦氏高阶〔option〕The right of the holder of an insurance policy to specify the manner in which payments are to be made or credited to the policyholder.被保险人对赔款方式的选择权:保险单持有者指明以何种方式向其履行或支付赔款的权利美国传统〔option〕You had the option of staying or leaving.待下来或离开,你有选择权。牛津同义词〔practice〕This theoretical freedom of choice is not in practice available to the majority of the population.这种理论上的自由选择权事实上是大多数人无法获得的。外研社新世纪〔privilege〕An option to buy or sell a stock, including put, call, spread, and straddle.优先购买权:买卖股票的选择权,包括投资、交货、买卖差额和买空卖空美国传统〔pro-choice〕Most of the electorate is pro-choice.大多数选民支持妇女堕胎选择权。外研社新世纪〔remind〕I simply remind them that the choice is theirs.我只是提醒他们,选择权在他们自己手上。牛津搭配〔so.〕Seller's option.卖主选择权美国传统〔straddle〕The option to buy or sell a specific asset, such as a block of stock, at a predetermined price before a certain date.买卖选择权:在一定日期前以预定订立的价格买卖一定的物品(如,一定的股份)的权利美国传统〔strike price〕The fixed price at which the owner of an option can purchase, in the case of a call, or sell, in the case of a put, the underlying security or commodity.协议价:拥有选择权者以固定价格在(若有购买权时)购买或(若有出售权时)出售优先证券或商品美国传统〔swaption〕An option giving the buyer the right to enter into a swap agreement by a specified date.交易选择权:提供给买主的选择权,其可选择在指定日期同意进行交易美国传统〔theocratic〕It is a movement that threatens the choice of the people and threatens to install a theocratic state.它是一个威胁到人民的选择权、有可能建立神权统治的运动。外研社新世纪〔theocratic〕It is a movement that threatens the choice of the people and threatens to install a theocratic state.这是场威胁到人民选择权的运动,是场有可能建立神权政体的运动。柯林斯高阶〔weigh〕We're still weighing up the pros and cons (=the advantages and disadvantages) of the two options.我们仍在对两个选择权衡利弊。朗文当代I want to keep my options open and not make a decision yet.我想要继续保留我的选择权,暂且不做出决定。剑桥国际




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