

单词 追猎
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Lakeland terrier〕Any of a breed of small, straight-legged, slender dogs, originally bred in England for hunting foxes.湖区矮犬:任一种体形较小的直腿细长狗,最初饲养于英格兰,用来追猎狐狸美国传统〔bay〕In full bay the hounds followed the trail.那群猎犬大声吠叫着循迹追猎。英汉大词典〔bell〕The bellowing or baying cry of certain animals, such as a deer in rut or a beagle on the hunt.吼叫声:某些动物的吼叫或吠声,如发情期的鹿或正在追猎中的小猎兔犬美国传统〔chase〕Exhausted and hungry, the hunters finally gave up the chase.猎人们又累又饿,最后放弃了追猎。牛津搭配〔chivvy〕A hunting cry.追猎时发出的叫喊声美国传统〔courser〕A dog trained for coursing.猎犬:驯来追猎的狗美国传统〔coursing〕Hunting with dogs trained to chase game by sight instead of scent.追踪狩猎:带着追猎犬打猎,靠的不是气味而是眼力美国传统〔cry〕In hot pursuit, as hounds hunting.拼命追击:全力追击中,如猎犬追猎美国传统〔cry〕The baying of hounds during the chase.吠声:猎犬追猎时发出的吠声美国传统〔field trial〕A test for young, untried hunting dogs to determine their competence in pointing and retrieving. Often used in the plural.猎狗的现场追猎试验:对小而无经验的猎狗所作的一种测试,测定它们瞄准和找回猎物的能力。通常用复数美国传统〔flesh〕To encourage (a falcon, for example) to participate in the chase by feeding it flesh from a kill.喂食猎肉以刺激:用猎物的肉喂(如猎鹰)以促使其参与追猎美国传统〔hunting〕The activity or sport of pursuing game.追猎:追逐猎物的行动或运动美国传统〔hunt〕The wolf was hunting its prey.那头狼正在追猎猎物。韦氏高阶〔hunt〕To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game.在追猎猎物时使用(猎狗)美国传统〔picture〕He pictured himself hunting kangaroo.他想象自己在追猎袋鼠。英汉大词典〔round on sb/sth〕The fox rounded on its pursuers.那只狐狸突然转身向追猎它的人扑来。剑桥高阶〔scent〕Dogs scent after rabbits.狗循臭味追猎野兔。英汉大词典〔scent〕To hunt prey by means of the sense of smell. Used of hounds.循嗅迹追猎:通过嗅觉追踪猎物。用于猎狗美国传统〔trail〕They were trailing a deer.他们在追猎一头鹿。21世纪英汉Asked why he went fox-hunting so much, he replied that he loved the thrill of the chase.当别人问他为什么如此频繁地去猎狐时,他回答说他喜欢追猎的刺激。剑桥国际Dogs scented after foxes. 狗循气味追猎狐狸。译典通The Romans, Saxons and Normans pursued hare, deer and wild boar for enjoyment.罗马人、萨克森人和诺曼底人以追猎野兔、野鹿和野猪为乐。剑桥国际The chase escaped the hunter. 被追猎的动物逃过了猎人的猎杀。译典通The dog set off across the field in pursuit of the rabbit.狗开始穿过田野追猎兔子。剑桥国际




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