

单词 追溯
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TIME〕archaeological remains dating from the late Roman era 追溯到古罗马后期的考古遗迹朗文写作活用〔affiliate〕affiliate Shakespeare's “Hamlet” to earlier plays 把莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》追溯到早些时候的古剧英汉大词典〔affiliate〕to affiliate a language追溯一种语言的来源21世纪英汉〔ascend〕ascend to the prehistorical period 追溯到史前时期英汉大词典〔ascend〕to ascend the history of the family追溯这家族的历史21世纪英汉〔ascend〕to ascend to the period of the First World War追溯到第一次世界大战期间21世纪英汉〔backdate〕an increase in salary backdated to the beginning of the year 加薪追溯至年初起算韦氏高阶〔beginning〕a custom that traces its beginnings to the 15th century 起源可追溯到 15 世纪的一种风俗牛津搭配〔beyond recall〕events that are now beyond recall 如今已无法追溯的事件韦氏高阶〔circa〕manuscripts dating from circa 1100 可追溯到大约 1100 年前的手稿朗文当代〔collection〕major collections dating from the 11th to the 19th century 可追溯到 11 世纪至 19 世纪的主要藏品牛津搭配〔date〕a large collection of records dating back to the 1950s 可追溯到20世纪50年代的一大批唱片收藏品麦克米伦高阶〔deduce〕deduce sb.'s lineage 追溯某人的家系英汉大词典〔deduce〕to deduce the development of a culture from archaeological remains根据古迹追溯一种文化的发展过程[亦作deduct]21世纪英汉〔derive〕to derive a word from a Latin root将一个词的起源追溯到拉丁词根21世纪英汉〔descent〕a paper tracing the descent of the novel from old picaresque tales. 追溯古老的传奇故事演化到小说的论文美国传统〔distaff〕trace sb.'s descent by distaff 由母系追溯某人的祖先英汉大词典〔document〕documents dating back to the 1920s 可追溯至 20 世纪 20 年代的文件牛津搭配〔dynasty〕carvings dating back to the Ming dynasty. 可以追溯到明朝的雕刻柯林斯高阶〔line of descent〕an ancient family who trace their line of descent back more than a thousand years血统可追溯到一千多年前的古老家族外研社新世纪〔mankind〕objects dating back to the dawn of mankind 追溯到人类起源时的物品牛津搭配〔remote〕a tradition that dates back to remote antiquity 可追溯到远古的传统韦氏高阶〔retrace〕retrace one's family line 追溯本族世系 英汉大词典〔retrace〕retrace the progress of civilization 追溯人类文明发展的轨迹英汉大词典〔retrace〕retraced their steps. 追溯他们的足迹美国传统〔retroactive〕a retroactive law [statute] 追溯法文馨英汉〔retroactive〕a retroactive pay increase 应追溯补发的增薪朗文当代〔retroactive〕a retroactive pay increase. 应追溯补发的增加工资美国传统〔retroactive〕a retroactive wage increase 应追溯补发的增加工资 英汉大词典〔retroactive〕the first British law to have retroactive effect 第一部有追溯效力的英国法律剑桥高阶〔retrospectively〕a decree which retrospectively changes the electoral law under which last year's national elections were held. 一条具有追溯效力的法令改变了选举法,而去年的全国大选就是依据这一选举法举行的柯林斯高阶〔retrospective〕retrospective legislation 有追溯效力的法律牛津高阶〔retrospective〕retrospective legislation 有追溯效力的立法朗文当代〔retrospective〕retrospective pay awards 有追溯效力的加薪牛津高阶〔trace〕linguistic features that trace to West Africa. 可追溯到西非的语言特征美国传统〔trace〕trace a river to its source 追溯河流的源头英汉大词典〔trace〕trace the history of China 追溯中国历史英汉大词典〔trace〕tracing the life cycle of an insect; trace the history of a family. 探索一昆虫的生命周期;追溯一家族的历史美国传统retrospective legislation 有追溯效力的立法牛津商务retrospective pay awards 有追溯效力的加薪牛津商务




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