

单词 capacity to
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔apply〕the capacity to develop and apply computer technology开发和应用计算机技术的能力外研社新世纪〔capacity〕a capacity to learn (或for learning, of learning) languages 学语言的能力英汉大词典〔capacity〕a capacity to think in an original way 创造性的思维能力朗文当代〔capacity〕the capacity to conclude treaties (to pay) 缔约(支付)能力英汉大词典〔capacity〕the capacity to make an arrest 执行逮捕的权力英汉大词典〔capacity〕the capacity to make an arrest.执行逮捕的权力美国传统〔capacity〕your capacity to enjoy life 你那享受生活乐趣的能力牛津高阶〔catnap〕the fisherman's capacity to catnap standing up 渔夫站着打盹儿的本事英汉大词典〔flexible〕thin, resilient copper); it also suggests a buoyant capacity to revive, as from depression ( 细而有韧性的铜丝); 它还表示从消沉恢复到心情愉快的能力( 美国传统〔plumb〕man's capacity to plumb the truth 人类探索真理的能力英汉大词典〔shade〕the capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning.能表达意思上的各种微妙差别的能力柯林斯高阶〔track〕the greatly increased capacity to track and identify aircraft 大大提高了的追踪和识别飞机的能力英汉大词典〔unbounded〕an unbounded capacity to imitate and adopt the new.仿效和接受新事物的无限能力柯林斯高阶




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