

单词 诡计
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕They are playing some little Byzantine game.他们在搞某种拜占庭式的阴谋诡计。英汉大词典〔Machiavellian〕Suggestive of or characterized by expediency, deceit, and cunning.显示出或以诡计、欺骗和狡诈为特征的美国传统〔Machiavellian〕You're getting quite Machiavellian.你真是越来越诡计多端了。英汉大词典〔PLAN〕The world of politics is a world of deception and intrigue. 政界是一个尔虞我诈、充满阴谋诡计的世界。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Ann quickly saw through his lies and deceptions. 安很快就识破了他的谎言和诡计。朗文写作活用〔angler〕A scheming person.诡计多端者美国传统〔angle〕Slang A devious method; a scheme.【俚语】 迂回的方法;诡计美国传统〔appetite〕He sated her appetite for adventure and intrigue.他满足了她喜欢冒险和耍诡计的欲望。牛津搭配〔artifice〕Amazingly for Hollywood, she seems almost entirely without artifice.尽管身处好莱坞,可她好像从不耍什么阴谋诡计,真是让人惊诧。剑桥高阶〔artifice〕He spoke without artifice or pretense.他的话里既无诡计,也无假象。韦氏高阶〔art〕Artful contrivance; cunning.阴谋:狡猾的计谋;诡计美国传统〔beyond〕Guile was beyond her.她不会施诡计。英汉大词典〔boomerang〕The trick boomeranged.这个诡计让始作俑者自食其果。外研社新世纪〔calculating〕Northbridge is a cool, calculating and clever criminal who could strike again.诺思布里奇是个头脑冷静、诡计多端、阴险狡诈的罪犯,他可能还会犯案。柯林斯高阶〔calculating〕Shrewd; crafty.精明的:机敏的;诡计多端的美国传统〔capture〕To take captive, as by force or craft; seize.俘虏:俘虏,如通过武力或诡计;捕获美国传统〔chicanery〕Deception by trickery or sophistry.圈套:通过诡计或诡辩进行的欺骗美国传统〔chicanery〕He wasn't above using chicanery to win votes.他为赢得选票还是用了诡计。韦氏高阶〔chicane〕Chicanery.诡计,圈套美国传统〔chicane〕To resort to tricks or subterfuges; use chicanery.对…施用诡计或玩花招;用圈套美国传统〔chicane〕To trick; deceive.对…施诡计;欺骗美国传统〔cozen〕To mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive.通过小诡计或欺骗来进行诱导;欺骗美国传统〔craft〕He wins by craft rather than by honest effort.他总是凭诡计而不是用正当的手段获得胜利。牛津同义词〔cunningly〕Mr Blair's cunning plan.布莱尔先生的诡计柯林斯高阶〔cunning〕Skill in deception; guile.诡计:骗人的技巧;狡诈美国传统〔deceit〕A stratagem; a trick.欺骗手段:诡计;骗人的伎俩美国传统〔deception〕A ruse; a trick.诈术;诡计美国传统〔deception〕You must forgive my little deception.你一定要原谅我小小的诡计。外研社新世纪〔descend〕Surely he wouldn't descend to such a mean trick? 他决不可能下贱到使用这种卑劣的诡计吧?朗文当代〔designing〕She is so designing that you cannot help questioning her motives.她如此诡计多端,以致你不能不怀疑她的动机。英汉大词典〔devil〕Scheming little devil, aren't you?你是个诡计多端的小淘气, 承认不?外研社新世纪〔dingbat〕Slang An unspecified gadget or other small article, especially one whose name is unknown or forgotten.【俚语】 未指明的人:一种未指明的诡计或其它的小家伙,尤其指不知道或忘记其名字的人美国传统〔diplomacy〕What they could not take by political intrigue they took by gunboat diplomacy (= threatening military action).耍政治上的阴谋诡计不成他们就使用“炮舰外交”强取。牛津搭配〔directly〕I told her directly what I thought of her, the scheming little minx.我直白地跟这个诡计多端的小妖精说了我对她的看法。外研社新世纪〔easy〕He fell an easy prey to her wiles.他很容易地中了她的诡计。英汉大词典〔engineer〕To plan, manage, and put through by skillful acts or contrivance; maneuver.策划,管理:通过技巧的行动或诡计而计划、管理或完成;策划美国传统〔fall for〕Don't fell for his tricks.不要信他的诡计。21世纪英汉〔fall〕I'm surprised you fell for that trick.我感到惊奇,你竟中了那个诡计。牛津高阶〔fetch〕A stratagem or trick.诡计或计谋美国传统〔fiddle〕He fiddled his way into a position of trust.他用诡计谋得了要职。外研社新世纪〔fiddle〕They fiddled into this job.他们用诡计骗得了这项工作。英汉大词典〔finesse〕To handle with a deceptive or evasive strategy.耍诡计:利用欺骗的或逃避的策略处理美国传统〔fox〕He's a wily old fox.他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。牛津高阶〔frame-up〕A contest or deliberation the outcome of which is fraudulently prearranged.阴谋诡计:一次比赛或讨论,其结果已欺骗性地被事先安排了美国传统〔fraud〕A piece of trickery; a trick.骗局:一个圈套;一个诡计美国传统〔get up to〕Whatever will the opponents get up to next?对手们下一步会搞什么诡计呢?21世纪英汉〔get wise to〕I've got wise to his tricks, he can't cheat me any more.我已经识破了他的诡计,他再也骗不了我了。21世纪英汉〔gimmick〕A significant feature that is obscured, misrepresented, or not readily evident; a catch.诡计,诈欺:不很明显的、误传的或模糊的重要特征;诡计美国传统〔guile〕He is a simple man, totally lacking in guile.他很单纯,完全不会耍什么诡计。剑桥高阶〔guile〕To beguile; deceive.诡计或策略:蒙蔽;欺骗美国传统〔guile〕Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit.狡诈,诡计美国传统〔help〕I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes.我不免觉得这可能只是她的又一个诡计。柯林斯高阶〔hocus-pocus〕Foolishness or empty pretense used especially to disguise deception or chicanery.故弄玄虚的言词:为掩饰欺骗或诡计而使用的愚蠢空洞的假象美国传统〔intrigue〕He was intrigued out of power.他被人施诡计搞下了台。21世纪英汉〔jiggery-pokery〕It seems astonishing that Bond got away with so much jiggery-pokery for as long as he did.虽然邦德遭遇的诡计层出不穷,但最后却总能脱离险境,令人惊叹。柯林斯高阶〔jig〕A joke or trick.玩笑,诡计美国传统〔juggler〕One that uses tricks, deception, or fraud.骗子:使用花招、骗术、或诡计的人美国传统〔juggle〕Trickery for a dishonest end.花招,骗局:为达到不正当目的的诡计花招美国传统〔lure〕To attract by wiles or temptation; entice.吸引:以诡计或诱惑来吸引;诱惑美国传统〔mint〕One may guess the mint of these plots and intrigues.人们能够猜到这些阴谋诡计的策划者是谁。英汉大词典〔mountebank〕To ensnare or prevail over with trickery.诈骗:用诡计使相信或说服美国传统〔none〕None [I'll have none] of your rudeness [tricks]! 不要粗野[别耍诡计]!文馨英汉〔on〕You'll never deceive us again; we're on to you.你再也骗不了我们了;我们已识破了你的诡计美国传统〔politic〕Crafty; cunning.诡计多端的;机巧的美国传统〔pox〕A pox on your schemes! 让你的阴谋诡计见鬼去!英汉大词典〔practice〕A trick, a scheme, or an intrigue.密谋:诡计、计策或图谋美国传统〔ruse〕It is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them.现在已清楚这是一个离间他们的诡计。柯林斯高阶〔ruse〕The attack may merely be a ruse by the enemy to distract our forces.这次进攻可能只是敌人用来分散我军力量的一个诡计罢了。牛津搭配〔setup〕A deceptive scheme, such as a fraud or hoax.骗局:欺骗伎俩,如诡计或哄骗美国传统〔share〕He took no share in the trick.他没有参与那项诡计。文馨英汉〔shenanigan〕A deceitful trick; an underhand act.诡计:一个欺骗的把戏;阴险的行为美国传统〔shift〕A stratagem; a trick.计策;诡计美国传统〔simplicity〕Lack of sophistication or subtlety; naiveté.天真:不世故或不施诡计;天真美国传统〔skullduggery〕Crafty deception or trickery or an instance of it.欺诈,诡计:机智的欺骗、诈骗,或这样一个事例美国传统〔sleight〕A clever or skillful trick or deception; an artifice or a stratagem.诡计,狡计:聪明的或熟练的诡计或欺骗;诡计或计谋美国传统〔subterfuge〕Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge.塞雷妮被人施诡计引诱到了莫斯科。朗文当代〔trepan〕A trick or snare.诡计或圈套美国传统〔trickish〕Characterized by or tending to use tricks or trickery.诡计多端的:爱耍花招的;有诡计或花招的特征的美国传统〔tricky〕He's a tricky one.他是一个诡计多端的人。剑桥高阶〔trick〕It was a trick to persuade her to give him money.这是说服她给他钱的一个诡计。韦氏高阶〔wangle〕To manipulate or juggle, especially fraudulently.使用诡计:操纵或耍把戏,尤指欺骗性地美国传统〔wile〕To influence or lead by means of wiles; entice.引诱,诱骗:通过使用诡计来影响或怂恿;诱使美国传统〔wirepuller〕Slang One who uses subterfuge, private influence, or underhand means to reach a goal.【俚语】 背后操纵者:用诡计、私下影响或卑鄙手段达到目的的人美国传统〔wise up〕I finally wised up to his tricks.我最后识破了他的诡计。21世纪英汉〔wriggle out of〕She tried to wriggle out of the contract.她试图耍诡计避开合同。韦氏高阶Although he was quite prepared to resort to dubious tricks himself, he was righteously incensed if one was used against him.虽然他自己随时会用暧昧的诡计,但若是有诡计用在他身上时,他就会感到义愤。剑桥国际Are you sure you can trust him --he's such a cunning / sly / wily old fox.你肯定能信任他吗----他是个狡诈的/阴险的/诡计多端的老狐狸。剑桥国际Be careful if you do business with him -- he's a tricky (= deceiving) fellow.如果和他做生意要小心了----他是个诡计多端的家伙。剑桥国际His ruse to get an extra week's pay failed completely.他想多得一个星期报酬的诡计被识穿了。剑桥国际I'm afraid our little tax dodge has been rumbled.恐怕我们的逃税小诡计被识破了。剑桥国际It is said that he is a master of intrigue. 据说他是搞阴谋诡计的老手。译典通It was clear that they must have obtained the information by subterfuge.很明显他们是靠诡计才获得这些资料的。剑桥国际She is a woman full of craft. 她是一个诡计多端的女人。译典通She managed to fiddle a free trip to America.她得以用诡计骗到了一个去美国的免费旅行。剑桥国际That was a pretty putrid trick to play on someone! 那是一个戏弄人的相当卑劣的诡计。剑桥国际The main character in the novel is Alexa, a scheming Jezebel who is involved in corrupt business deals.小说的主角是亚历克萨----一个涉嫌多起肮脏交易的诡计多端的女骗子。剑桥国际The president is a secretive and scheming politician.总统是一个行事隐秘、诡计多端的政客。剑桥国际They got involved with a dodgy businessman and lost all of their money.他们遇上了一个诡计多端的商人,损失了所有的钱。剑桥国际They've devised a scheme to defraud the government of millions of dollars.他们设想出一个从政府那儿骗取数百万元的诡计。剑桥国际This enabled us to see through their subtle scheme. 这使我们得以识破他们的诡计。译典通




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