

单词 诡秘
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕A sly look crossed his face when Patsy mentioned the money. 帕齐提到这笔钱的时候,一丝诡秘的神色从他脸上掠过。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕The two girls exchanged furtive glances across the dinner table and tried hard not to giggle. 这两个女孩隔着餐桌诡秘地交换眼色,拼命地忍住不笑出来。朗文写作活用〔conspiratorial〕His voice had sunk to a conspiratorial whisper.他的声音压低成了诡秘的耳语。外研社新世纪〔conspiratorial〕The officer leaned forward conspiratorially and said: 'I shouldn't worry about it, mate.' 警官诡秘地俯身上前说:“老兄,我不用担心这个。”柯林斯高阶〔furtive〕The thief was furtive in his movements.那小偷行状诡秘。英汉大词典〔invest ... with〕The sudden death of the young man invested the house with an air of mystery.这位年轻人的突然死亡使这座房屋有一种诡秘的气氛。21世纪英汉〔meaningful〕He gave me a sly, meaningful look.他诡秘地看了我一眼, 似乎别有深意。外研社新世纪〔mysteriously〕She smiled mysteriously.她诡秘地笑了。韦氏高阶〔mysterious〕He was being very mysterious about where he was going.他十分诡秘,闭口不谈他要去的地方。牛津高阶〔mysterious〕He's being very mysterious about what his work is.对于他从事的工作,他态度十分诡秘。英汉大词典〔secret〕Jessica caught a secret smile flitting between the two of them.杰西卡看见他们俩诡秘地相视一笑。牛津高阶〔secret〕They're being very secret about it.他们对此非常诡秘。朗文当代〔shroud〕The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.这个组织笼罩着一种诡秘的气氛。牛津高阶〔slyly〕He winked slyly.他诡秘地眨了眨眼。韦氏高阶〔sly〕He glanced at her slyly.他诡秘地朝她瞥了一眼。牛津高阶〔sly〕He leaned forward with a sly smile.他俯身向前诡秘地一笑。朗文当代〔sneak〕An instance of sneaking; a quiet, stealthy movement.潜行:偷偷摸摸行动的例子;安静,诡秘的行动美国传统〔subtle〕Crafty or sly; devious.欺骗的,诡秘的,迂回的:狡诈的或诡秘的;不光明正大的美国传统〔subtle〕Operating in a hidden, usually injurious way; insidious.诡秘的,狡猾的:隐蔽进行的,通常以诽谤方式;阴险的美国传统〔wink〕He gave me a conspiratorial wink as they left the room.他们离开房间的时候,他冲我诡秘地眨了眨眼。剑桥高阶A slow sly smile was creeping around the corners of his mouth. 他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡秘的微笑。译典通He is being very mysterious about his future plans. 对自己未来的打算,他显得十分诡秘。译典通He's a sly one! He kept his inheritance secret for ten years.他是个诡秘的家伙!他将遗产的秘密隐藏了十年。剑桥国际She glanced slyly at Madeleine. 她诡秘地向马德琳瞥了一眼。译典通




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