

单词 调味酱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOT〕While the oven is heating up, prepare the sauce. 烤箱在加热的时候,准备好调味酱。朗文写作活用〔Thousand Island dressing〕A salad dressing made with mayonnaise, chili sauce, and seasonings.千岛调味酱:一种由蛋黄酱、干辣椒油和调味品组成的色拉调味酱美国传统〔a〕Use a good cheese to make the sauce.要用优质的奶酪来做调味酱。朗文当代〔blend〕Leave the sauce to allow the flavours to blend with each other.调味酱先放着,让各种味道调和起来。朗文当代〔boiling point〕Bring the sauce to boiling point, stirring frequently.把调味酱加热到沸腾,并不时加以搅拌。麦克米伦高阶〔béchamel sauce〕A white sauce of butter, flour, and milk or cream.贝夏美调味酱:用黄油、面粉和牛奶或奶油做的一种白色调味酱美国传统〔cheesy〕The sauce was too runny and not cheesy enough.这份调味酱太稀, 奶酪味不足。外研社新世纪〔coat〕Coat the fish in the sauce.把鱼裹上一层调味酱。牛津搭配〔counterpoint〕The dressing is a refreshing counterpoint to the spicy chicken.调味酱与辣鸡配在一起,别有一番滋味。韦氏高阶〔empty〕David opened the jar and emptied the sauce into a bowl.戴维打开罐子,把调味酱倒入一个碗里。麦克米伦高阶〔guacamole〕A thick paste of mashed avocado, often seasoned with tomato, peppers, or other condiments and usually served as a dip or in salads.鳄梨调味酱:捣碎的鳄梨酱,常与番茄、辣椒或其它调味品混和在一起,用来做蘸酱或拌制沙拉美国传统〔house (salad) dressing〕The house dressing is a creamy vinaigrette.普通沙拉调味酱是奶油醋沙司。韦氏高阶〔mix〕Mix the remaining cream in with the sauce.把剩下的奶油掺到调味酱里。牛津高阶〔mole〕A spicy sauce of Mexican origin, made with unsweetened chocolate and a variety of chilies and spices and usually served with meat or poultry.墨西哥巧克力辣沙司:一种源自墨西哥的辛辣调味酱,是由未加甜味的巧克力和各种干辣椒及调味品制成,通常给肉或家禽等菜肴调味美国传统〔mousseline〕A hollandaise sauce to which whipped cream has been added.淋丝调味酱:一种加入了鲜奶油的荷兰式调味酱美国传统〔picante〕Prepared in such a way as to be spicy; having a sauce typically containing tomatoes, onions, peppers, vinegar, and other condiments.调味酱:加有香料的;一般含有番茄、洋葱、辣椒、醋和其他佐料的调味汁美国传统〔reach〕Bertie made a reach for the salt and upset the gravy boat.伯蒂伸手去拿盐, 把调味酱盘打翻了。外研社新世纪〔relish〕I like to eat hot dogs with mustard and relish.我喜欢吃带芥末和调味酱的热狗。韦氏高阶〔rich〕The sauce was too rich.这种调味酱太油腻了。外研社新世纪〔rijsttaffel〕A dish originating in Indonesia in which a wide variety of foods and sauces are served with rice.印尼餐:起源于印度尼西亚的一道菜,其中有和米饭一起吃的各种各样的食物和调味酱美国传统〔slightly〕The sauce has a slightly bitter taste.这种调味酱味道有点苦。韦氏高阶〔wonderfully〕This sauce goes wonderfully well with asparagus or new potatoes.这种调味酱配芦笋或是新土豆都非常棒。剑桥高阶This sauce tastes of tomato. 这调味酱有番茄味。译典通This sauce uses mushroom as its seasoning. 这调味酱用蘑菇作调料。译典通




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