

单词 调变
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Esperanto〕An artificial international language with a vocabulary based on word roots common to many European languages and a regularized system of inflection.世界语:一种人造的国际辅助语,其单词是建立在许多欧洲语言基础上,具有规定统一的音调变化系统美国传统〔harshen〕Her voice harshened when she talked about the man who tried to rape her.谈到企图强暴她的那个男人,她的语调变得冷峻起来。21世纪英汉〔inflection〕She spoke with no inflection.她讲话没有语调变化。韦氏高阶〔inflect〕Pride inflected his voice.自豪感使他说话的声调变了。英汉大词典〔key〕The key changes from C major to A minor.音调从 C 大调变为 A 小调。牛津搭配〔key〕The symphony changes key from G major to E minor.交响乐从G大调变到E小调。韦氏高阶〔modulate〕Here we modulate from G major to A minor.这儿我们从G大调变成A小调。剑桥高阶〔slide〕A slight portamento used in violin playing, passing quickly from one note to another.滑音:小提琴演奏中使用的一种滑音,能迅速地从一个音调变到另一个音调美国传统〔sugar〕Then his voice was sugared.后来,他的语调变得温和了。21世纪英汉〔tonal〕There is little tonal variety in his voice.他说话几乎没有声调变化。外研社新世纪〔tonal〕There is little tonal variety in his voice.他说话几乎没有声调变化。柯林斯高阶〔tone〕He uses humour / humor to lighten the tone of the novel.他用幽默使小说的基调变得轻松。牛津搭配〔wow〕Slow variation in the pitch of a sound reproduction resulting from variations in the speed of the recording or reproducing equipment.音符失真,声音走音:由于录音或放声装置中速度的变化而引起的,在放声中出现的较慢的音调变化美国传统His gentle introductory tone modulates into a football coach's pre-game pep talk.他温和的引导语调变成了足球教练在开场前激励性讲话的语调。剑桥国际




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