

单词 还击
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕He has promised to take tough measures to retaliate against extremists. 他承诺要采取严厉措施,对极端分子予以还击。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕I fully accept that it was wrong of the guards to retaliate with blows and kicks. 我完全同意,警卫拳打脚踢进行还击是不对的。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕The government wants peace, but will not hesitate to retaliate if attacked. 政府希望和平,但人若犯我,我必还击。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕The Prime Minister answered his critics in a televised speech. 首相在电视讲话中还击了他的批评者。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕The US says any further attacks will be met with the full force of the US military. 美国政府表示如遇进一步袭击,美国军方将全力还击。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕The demonstrators attacked and burned buildings and cars; the soldiers responded by opening fire. 示威者冲击并焚烧建筑物和汽车,士兵开枪还击。朗文写作活用〔back〕He hit his brother and his brother hit him right back.他打了他的弟弟,他弟弟立刻还击了。韦氏高阶〔cleft stick〕UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.联合国军队进退两难:为了平民不得不采取行动,可是还击势必会引发全面战争。剑桥高阶〔counter〕After the government bombed their camp, the rebels countered with an attack on the capital. 政府轰炸了叛军的营地之后,叛军袭击首都作为还击。剑桥高阶〔counter〕He countered my blow.他对我的强击进行还击。21世纪英汉〔counter〕He countered with a punch to the other fighter's head.他进行了还击,一拳打在对方拳击手的头上。韦氏高阶〔counter〕I hit him and he quickly countered.我击中他,他马上进行还击。21世纪英汉〔counter〕Sports A boxing blow given while receiving or parrying another.【体育运动】 还击:拳击时在受到或避开一击时所进行的还击美国传统〔counter〕To meet or return (a blow) by another blow.反击,还击美国传统〔cover〕Shoppers took cover behind cars as police marksmen returned fire.警方的神枪手还击, 购物者纷纷躲到了小汽车后面。外研社新世纪〔defend〕They couldn't fight back, could only defend.他们无力还击,只能防守。英汉大词典〔ensuing〕The guards returned fire, and the ensuing gunfight lasted all day.卫兵们开枪还击,接下来发生的枪战持续了一整天。麦克米伦高阶〔fight back〕If he hit you, why didn't you fight back?如果他打了你,你为什么不还击?21世纪英汉〔fighting〕The teenage attackers fled when the two men fought back.当那两名男子还击时,袭击他们的少年逃之夭夭。柯林斯高阶〔fight〕Don't let them bully you. Fight back! 别让他们欺侮你。要还击!牛津高阶〔fight〕Instead of retaliating, he walks away, leaving his team-mates to fight it out.他没有还击, 而是离开了, 留下他的队友们去决一胜负。外研社新世纪〔fight〕The rebels are fighting back.叛军正在还击。朗文当代〔fight〕United fought back and scored a last-minute goal.联队奋起还击,最后一分钟破门得分。朗文当代〔fire〕The gunmen fired, and police fired back.还击麦克米伦高阶〔hit back〕If you hit me, I'll hit back.你要是攻击我,我就还击。韦氏高阶〔hit back〕The team hit back with a touchdown of their own.这支球队以一个达阵得分来还击对方。韦氏高阶〔meet〕He met my blow with another.他还击了我的攻击。外研社新世纪〔mortar〕The army responded by firing mortars.军队用迫击炮还击。麦克米伦高阶〔mortar〕They returned fire with mortars and machine guns.他们以迫击砲和机关枪还击敌火。文馨英汉〔offensively〕The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them.西非部队对袭击者展开全力还击。柯林斯高阶〔offensive〕The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them.西非部队对袭击者展开全力还击。外研社新世纪〔one-two〕He countered each question with a stunning one-two.他用使人张口结舌的连珠炮式反驳来还击每一个问题。英汉大词典〔outnumber〕Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely.尽管数量上处于劣势,他们仍英勇地进行还击。麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕He paid for the insult with a blow.他挥拳对遭到的侮辱给以还击。外研社新世纪〔reply〕The big guns replied.重炮还击了美国传统〔restraint〕The security forces exercised (= used) great restraint by not responding to hostile attacks and threats.面对充满敌意的攻击和威胁,安全部队没有进行还击,表现出极大的克制。剑桥高阶〔retaliate〕Militant students hurled firebombs and riot police retaliated with tear gas.好斗的学生向防暴警察投掷火焰弹,警察则用催泪瓦斯予以还击。麦克米伦高阶〔retaliate〕The bombed troops retaliated upon the enemy with a surprise attack.遭受轰炸的部队以奇袭还击敌军。英汉大词典〔return〕As soon as we started shooting, the enemy returned our fire.还击某人麦克米伦高阶〔return〕The terrorists started shooting and the police returned fire (= started shooting back).恐怖分子开了火,警方便开枪还击。剑桥高阶〔ridicule〕I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.她能听任他们嘲笑却从不还击,这让我更加敬佩她。柯林斯高阶〔riposte〕Sports A quick thrust given after parrying an opponent's lunge in fencing.【体育运动】 还击:在击剑中,在回避对手的弓箭步刺之后所刺出的迅捷的一刺美国传统〔riposte〕The operation is being seen as a swift riposte to the killing of a senior army commander.这次军事行动被看作是对一名高级军事指挥官被杀所作出的迅速还击。柯林斯高阶〔riposte〕The operation is being seen as a swift riposte to the killing of a senior army commander.这次军事行动被看成对一名高级军事指挥官被杀所作出的迅速还击。外研社新世纪〔riposte〕To make a return thrust.还击:作回报的一刺美国传统〔rouse〕He roused the crowd to stand up and fight back.他激励众人站起来进行还击。麦克米伦高阶〔shoot〕The soldiers shot back at invading planes with rifles.士兵们用步枪向入侵的飞机还击。牛津搭配〔strike-back〕It was clear that we would soon have a sufficiently invulnerable strike-back nuclear capacity.很清楚,我们不久将拥有足够坚强的核还击能力。英汉大词典〔warn〕The Secretary of State cautioned that terrorism would be countered by retaliatory action.国务卿警告说,恐怖主义将要受到报复性还击。美国传统He retorted the invectives on her. 他用恶言还击她。译典通I wouldn't lower myself (= behave in a way that is not honourable) to respond to his insults if I were you.如果我是你,我不会自降身份去还击他的侮辱。剑桥国际If he hits me, I'll hit him back.如果他打我,我就还击他。剑桥国际Police claimed they were forced to fire after coming under unprovoked attack.警察宣称他们在受到无缘无故的袭击后被迫开枪还击。剑桥国际The bishop's speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties.主教的发言激起了两大政党的愤怒还击。剑桥国际The prime minister's speech produced an angry response from the opposition.首相的发言招致了反对派愤怒的还击。剑桥国际




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