

单词 轻快
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕Make gentle sweeping movements across the hedge so that the blade can cut on both sides. 以轻快的动作挥过树篱,这样刀锋可以割到两边。朗文写作活用〔alacrity〕Speed or quickness; celerity.敏捷,轻快;迅速美国传统〔angularly〕The studio is light, pale and angularly modern.工作室色调明亮轻快, 巧用棱角, 富于现代感。外研社新世纪〔ballon〕Buoyancy or lightness in movement that allows a dancer to rise and fall smoothly.轻快优雅:动作的弹跳能力或敏捷轻盈,舞者可藉此平稳地跳跃和落下美国传统〔baton〕The majorette twirled the baton.军乐队女指挥轻快地舞动着指挥杖。韦氏高阶〔belles-lettres〕Light, stylish writings, usually on literary or intellectual subjects.美文学:通常关于文学或智力主题的轻快、时髦的文体美国传统〔bob〕To hit lightly and quickly; tap.轻拍:轻快地拍;轻叩美国传统〔bowl down〕It felt just like old times, to bowl down Knightsbridge.在奈茨布里奇大街上轻快地驱车而过, 感觉就像回到了过去。外研社新世纪〔bowl〕The car bowled along over the road.那部汽车在路上轻快地行驶。文馨英汉〔briskly〕Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.伊芙步履轻快地穿过走廊来到儿子的房间。柯林斯高阶〔briskly〕Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.伊芙沿着走廊轻快地走向儿子的房间。外研社新世纪〔briskly〕He walked briskly up the street.他轻快地走上街。文馨英汉〔brisk〕She brisked out of bed.她轻快地跳下床。21世纪英汉〔brisk〕They walked briskly.他们轻快地走着。朗文当代〔bubble with〕The play bubbled with songs and dances.这出戏里净是轻快的歌舞场面。21世纪英汉〔bubble〕The musical evening bubbled with songs and dances.音乐晚会上有许多轻快的歌舞表演。21世纪英汉〔buoyancy〕Lightness of spirit; cheerfulness.轻快,快乐;高兴美国传统〔caper〕The little girl then capered toward me.于是那个小女孩轻快地跳向我这里。文馨英汉〔clink〕A light, sharp ringing sound, as of glass or metal.叮当声:轻快、清脆的铃声,如玻璃或金属发出的声音美国传统〔clink〕To make or cause to make a light, sharp ringing sound.(使)叮当作响:发出或使发出轻快、清脆的铃声美国传统〔cobweb〕A brisk walk will soon blow the cobwebs away.轻快地散一散步马上就能使头脑清醒。朗文当代〔corky〕Informal Lively; buoyant.【非正式用语】 活泼的;轻快的美国传统〔dab〕A quick, light pat.轻拍,轻打:轻快的拍击美国传统〔disengage〕The two dancers moved together in a series of quick movements before disengaging and leaping apart.两位舞者先一起做了一组轻快的动作,然后跳跃分开。韦氏高阶〔distinguish〕We distinguish sounds into high and low, soft and harsh, lively and grave.我们把声音分成高与低、柔和与刺耳、轻快与低沉。英汉大词典〔drive along〕The wind drove them along pleasantly.风儿轻快地将它们吹向前方。外研社新世纪〔flirt〕The bird flirted its tail.鸟儿轻快地摆摆尾巴。英汉大词典〔flit through〕The small birds flitted through the branches.小鸟轻快地飞过树枝。21世纪英汉〔flit〕A humming-bird flitted by.一只蜂鸟轻快地飞过。21世纪英汉〔fluently〕He is light on his feet and moves fluently.他脚步轻快、移动顺畅。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕To fly by a quick, light flapping of the wings.翩然地飞:轻快拍翅地飞行美国传统〔gig〕A fast, light rowboat.轻快的划艇美国传统〔glide〕Fish were gliding about in the lake.鱼在湖里轻快地游动。21世纪英汉〔glide〕The snake glided smoothly through the long grass.蛇轻快地从高高的草丛中穿过。英汉大词典〔glide〕To move silently and furtively.悄悄的走:轻快无声的移动美国传统〔hop〕A light springy jump or leap, especially on one foot.单脚跳:(尤指单脚)轻快地一蹦或一跳美国传统〔invigorating〕A brisk walk along the shore is an invigorating experience.沿岸轻快地散散步会使人精力充沛。外研社新世纪〔jingle〕A piece of light singsong verse or rhyme.诗文:一首轻快且有节奏的简单的诗文或押韵诗美国传统〔jog〕He goes for a brisk jog before work each morning.他每天早晨上班前都进行轻快的慢跑锻炼。牛津搭配〔light-fingered〕Having quick and nimble fingers.手指灵敏和轻快的美国传统〔light-footed〕Treading with light and nimble ease.脚步轻快、轻盈的美国传统〔lightsome〕He walked with a lightsome step.他脚步轻快地行走。文馨英汉〔lightsome〕Light, nimble, or graceful in movement.轻盈的:行动轻快的、灵活的或优雅的美国传统〔light〕She's very agile and light on her feet.她行动敏捷,脚步轻快。朗文当代〔lilting〕The phrase is so musical and lilting.乐句如此悦耳又轻快。英汉大词典〔lilting〕The phrase is so musical and lilting.那乐句如此悦耳又轻快。文馨英汉〔lilt〕A cheerful or lively manner of speaking, in which the pitch of the voice varies pleasantly.有节奏地说:轻快地或可爱地说,声调抑有节奏美国传统〔lilt〕A light, happy tune or song.轻快活泼的歌曲或曲调美国传统〔lilt〕The girl lilted a popular song.女孩轻快地唱着一首流行歌曲。21世纪英汉〔lilt〕To move with lightness and buoyancy.轻快活泼地移动美国传统〔lively〕You'll need to step lively.你需要轻快地迈步。外研社新世纪〔lope〕He set off with a loping stride.他迈着轻快的步伐出发了。牛津高阶〔lope〕She ran with an easy lope.她步伐轻快地跑着。韦氏高阶〔merrily〕The ferry cut merrily through the water.渡船轻快地划过水面。柯林斯高阶〔orchestra〕The orchestra struck up a lively march.管弦乐队开始演奏一首轻快的进行曲。牛津搭配〔painterly〕The orchestra gave a supple, painterly account of a work by Mendelssohn.管弦乐队轻快流畅地演奏了门德尔松的作品, 带给人以美的享受。外研社新世纪〔pep〕She swiftly bounced back, full of vim and pep.她轻快地蹦回来, 精力充沛, 活力四射。外研社新世纪〔pick〕The music began to pick up.音乐开始变得轻快。英汉大词典〔pop on〕He popped his coat on.他轻快地穿上外套。21世纪英汉〔rigadoon〕A lively jumping quickstep for one couple.利戈顿舞:一种轻快跳跃的快步双人舞美国传统〔sashay〕Models sashayed down the aisle.模特儿轻快自信地走在通道上。朗文当代〔scamper〕A quick light run or movement.奔跑:轻快的跑或运动美国传统〔sing〕To give or have the effect of melody; lilt.产生轻快的旋律:产生或有一种乐曲的效果;唱轻快的调子美国传统〔skitter〕Something skittered across the alley.有个东西轻快地跑过小巷。朗文当代〔skittish〕Moving quickly and lightly; lively.轻快的:快速地并轻轻地移动的;活泼的美国传统〔smart〕We set off at a smart pace.我们轻快地出发了。英汉大词典〔spray〕The fountain's cool water sprayed upwards with a pleasant hiss.喷泉清凉的水带着轻快的嘶嘶声向上喷射着。麦克米伦高阶〔spring〕She had a spring in her step.她的步伐轻快有力。韦氏高阶〔start〕He started off for the station at a brisk pace.他迈着轻快的步伐向火车站走去。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕Gianni's usual bouncy step 詹尼一贯轻快的步态朗文当代〔step〕He stepped briskly along the road.他一路上轻快地走去。英汉大词典〔step〕I had a spring in my step when I walked into that office for the last time.我最后一次走进那间办公室时,步子迈得特别轻快。牛津搭配〔step〕There was a real spring in her step.她的步子非常轻快。柯林斯高阶〔strathspey〕A Scottish dance, slower than a reel, for two dancers.斯特拉斯贝舞:苏格兰双人舞,比轻快的里尔舞节奏慢美国传统〔swan〕We watched the swans glide by.我们看到天鹅轻快地飞过。剑桥高阶〔swing〕He walked briskly along swinging his rolled-up umbrella.他摇着收起的伞步履轻快地走在路上。剑桥高阶〔take〕Afoot and lighthearted, I take to the open road.我迈着轻快的步子走上大路。英汉大词典〔take〕The horse took the fence easily.马轻快地跃过栅栏。英汉大词典〔take〕The horse took the first fence well.那匹马轻快地跃过了第一道栅栏。牛津高阶〔trip along〕They tripped along with not a care in the world.他们轻快地走着, 无忧无虑。外研社新世纪〔tripping〕Moving quickly and lightly; nimble.快速而轻盈地移动的;轻快的,灵敏的美国传统〔trip〕To move nimbly with light, rapid steps; skip.轻快地走:轻捷地走,跳,以轻快的步子敏捷地移动美国传统〔trot〕As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot.当他们又重新骑上马时,马突然轻快地小跑起来。柯林斯高阶〔trot〕He climbed onto his horse and headed off at a relaxed trot.他骑上马,轻快地小跑着出发了。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The advantage — the buoyancy and liveliness of their lightly loaded craft — abruptly turned against them.他们轻载的小船轻快灵便,这个有利条件却一下子成了他们的不利条件。英汉大词典〔twinkle〕A rapid to-and-fro movement.轻快移动:快速的来回移动美国传统〔waft〕The escalator wafts one gently up.自动扶梯能轻快地把人送上楼。英汉大词典〔whisk〕A quick light sweeping motion.掸、轻抹:迅速轻快的扫拂动作美国传统Angela danced with great briskness at the ball. 在舞会上安琪拉非常轻快地跳舞。译典通He is a brisk walker. 他是个走路轻快的人。译典通Karen's spry footwork helped her win the match against a slow opponent.卡伦轻快的步伐帮她战胜了缓慢的对手,赢得了比赛。剑桥国际My mother goes for a brisk walk every day.我母亲每天都轻快地散会儿步。剑桥国际She is light of foot. 她脚步轻快。译典通She sailed into the room, waving her exam results triumphantly.她轻快地跑进教室,喜气洋洋地挥舞着考试成绩单。剑桥国际She twinkled her straight toes. 她轻快地跳著脚尖舞。译典通She walked along at a smart pace. 她轻快地向前走著。译典通She walked out of the office with a spring in her step (= in a way that showed she was happy).她轻快地走出办公室。剑桥国际The band played an airy tune. 乐队演奏了一首轻快的曲子。译典通The snake glided smoothly towards its prey. 那条蛇轻快地向猎物游去。译典通The young hostess romped downstairs. 年轻的女主人轻快地走下楼来。译典通




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